
Fresh Grad Lands Job as Real Estate Agent With Help from Professional Writers

People go to websites to get the information they desperately need.  They could be looking for an answer to a nagging question.  They might be looking for help in completing an important task.  For recent graduates, they might be looking for ways on how to prepare a comprehensive resume that can capture the attention of the hiring manager

Manush is a recent graduate from a prestigious university in California who is looking for a job opportunity as a real estate agent.  While he already has samples provided by his friends, he still feels something lacking in his resume.  Specifically, the he believes that his professional objective statement lacks focus and clarity. 

Thus, he sought our assistance in improving editing and proofreading his resume. 

In revising his resume, iwritegigs highlighted his soft skills such as his communication skills, ability to negotiate, patience and tactfulness.  In the professional experience part, our team added some skills that are aligned with the position he is applying for.

When he was chosen for the real estate agent position, he sent us this thank you note:

“Kudos to the team for a job well done.  I am sincerely appreciative of the time and effort you gave on my resume.  You did not only help me land the job I had always been dreaming of but you also made me realize how important adding those specific keywords to my resume!  Cheers!

Manush’s story shows the importance of using powerful keywords to his resume in landing the job he wanted.

Lecture Exam 2 (Ch 5, 6, 7, 8)

Navigation   » List of Schools  »  East Los Angeles College  »  Microbiology  »  Microbiology 020 – General Microbiology  »  Winter 2022  »  Lecture Exam 2 (Ch 5, 6, 7, 8)

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Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:

Question #1
A  Restriction enzymes are used to purify DNA.
B  Restrictionenzymes are used to sequence long stretches of DNA.
C  Restrictionenzymes are used to cut DNA at specific locations.
D  Restriction enzymesare used to join different segments of DNA.
E  Restrictionenzymes are used to replicate specific sequences of DNA.
Question #4
A  two phosphates, one nitrogenous base, and two sugars
B  one phosphate, one nitrogenous base, and two sugars
C  one phosphate, two nitrogenous bases, and one sugar
D  two phosphates, one nitrogenous base, and one sugar
E  one phosphate, one nitrogenous base, and one sugar
Question #5
A  genome
B  phenotype
C  proteotype
D  genotype
E  proteome
Question #11
A  Gelelectrophoresis identifies specific segments of DNA.
B  Gelelectrophoresis separates DNA fragments based on size.
C  Gelelectrophoresis joins different segments of DNA.
D  Gelelectrophoresis is able to cut DNA in very specific locations.
E  Gelelectrophoresis enables the amplification of specific DNA sequences.
Question #13
A  elongated, not circular, chromosomes
B  chromosomes in a nucleus
C  histone proteins
D  All of the choices are correct
E  several to many chromosomes
Question #15
A  oil and gas prices will increase as a result of the decreased demand for fossil fuels
B  medical insurance costs will likely skyrocket
C  mutations in manufactured cells will cause problems for existing organisms
D  the ability to create life from scratch raises a multitude of issues
Question #17
A  synthesize chemicals in cells that are missing due to a genetic anomaly
B  make new organisms using only chemicals as the starting materials
C  design alternative forms of energy production
D  construct complex molecules in situ that will target cancerous cells in tissues
E  All of the choices are possibilities from synthetic biology
Question #18
A  primary; secondary
B  leading; lagging
C  original; primary
D  lagging; leading
Question #19
A  Carbon dioxide
B  Carbon
C  Hydrogen ion (proton)
E  Glucose
Question #20
A  Krebs cycle
B  Glycolysis
C  Processing of pyruvic acid for the Krebs cycle
D  All phasesproduce the same number of ATP molecules.
E  Electron transport
Question #21
A  aerobic respiration
B  denitrification
C  fermentation
D  deamination
E  nitrification
Question #22
A  gluconeogenesis
B  amination
D  phosphorylation
E  beta oxidation
F  deamination
Question #23
A  metabolism
B  catabolism
C  anabolism
D  amphibolism
E  biosynthesis
Question #24
A  they can be used over and over
B  their active site is specific to the substrate
C  they may or may not require cofactors
D  they increase the initial energy required for a reaction to start
E  All of the choices are true of enzymes.
Question #25
A  24 ATP
B  3 ATP
C  38 ATP
D  36 ATP
E  2 ATP
Question #26
A  aminotransferases
B  oxidoreductases
C  peptidases
D  ligases
E  phosphotransferases
Question #28
A  Pyruvic acid accepts electrons from NADH
B  Coenzyme A attaches to an acetyl group
C  NADH is formed
D  CO2 is released
Question #29
A  Generates some ATP
B  Involves glycolysis
C  Utilizes an electron transport system
D  Uses the same final electron acceptor as aerobic respiration
Question #31
A  the enzymes would be denatured
B  the genes coding for the hydrolytic enzymes would be repressed
C  the genes coding for the hydrolytic enzymes would be induced
D  the genes coding for the hydrolytic enzymes would be constitutive
Question #33
A  occur when ADP binds to inorganic phosphate to form ATP
B  include synthesis of large carbohydrates
C  release energy
D  do not occur in anaerobic cellular respiration
E  only occur in heterotrophs
Question #34
A  hydrogen andelectron
B  electron
C  None of the choices are correct.
E  hydrogen
Question #35
A  high temperature
B  All of the choices are correct.
C  low temperature
D  high pH
E  low pH
Question #36
A  aerotolerant anaerobe
B  microaerophile
C  facultative anaerobe
D  obligate aerobe
E  obligate anaerobe
Question #37
A  minerals
B  water
C  organic compounds
D  inorganic compounds
E  salts
Question #38
A  photosynthesis
B  photoautotrophy
C  methanoheterophy
D  photoheterotrophy
E  chemoheterotrophy
Question #40
A  psychrophiles
B  facultative anaerobes
C  mesophiles
D  capnophiles
E  anaerobes
Question #41
A  CO 2
B  NH 3
C  CH 4
D  Glucose
E  H 2O
Question #42
A  the ability to exist in a wide range of conditions
B  using oxygen for metabolism
C  using chemicals for energy production
D  using light for energy production
E  existing in a very narrow niche
Question #43
A  superoxide dismutase and oxidase
B  catalase and hydrogen peroxidases
C  superoxide dismutase and hydrogen peroxidases
D  catalase and oxidase
E  superoxide dismutase and catalase
Question #44
A  facilitated diffusion
B  osmosis
C  active transport
D  endocytosis
E  diffusion
Question #45
A  psychrophiles
B  halophiles
C  thermophiles
D  mesophiles
E  acidophiles
Question #46
A  osmotic pressure
B  size of the pores in the membrane
C  substrate concentration
D  carrier proteins in the membrane
E  the size of the cell
Question #47
A  Simple diffusion and Bulk transport (phagocytosis, pinocytosis)
B  Carrier-mediated active transport and Bulk transport (phagocytosis, pinocytosis)
C  Facilitated diffusion and Carrier-mediated active transport
D  Facilitated diffusion and Simple diffusion
Question #49
A  cell membrane
B  proteins in the periplasmic space
C  cell wall
D  peptidoglycan layer
E  nuclear membrane
Question #50
A  Hydrogen
B  Copper
C  Nitrogen
D  Carbon
E  Oxygen
Question #51
A  Blood agar
B  Sodium chloride
C  Thioglycollate
D  Sulfite polymyxin sulfadiazine
E  None of the choices are correct.
Question #52
A  pinocytosis
B  facilitated transport
C  facilitated diffusion
D  exocytosis
E  phagocytosis
Question #53
A  virion exiting host cell
B  latent state of herpes infections
C  altering the host range of a virus
D  None of the choices are correct
E  viral genome inserting into bacterial host chromosome
Question #54
A  Single-stranded DNA
B  Double-stranded DNA
C  Double-stranded RNA
D  All of the choices are correct
E  Single-stranded RNA
Question #55
A  oncoviruses
B  cytopathic
C  syncytia
D  chronic latent viruses
E  inclusion bodies
Question #56
A  size of the host cell
B  type of nucleic acid in the virus
C  age of the host cell
D  All of the choices are correct
E  type of host cell receptors on cell membrane
Question #57
A  Formed when viral DNA enters the bacterial chromosome
B  Present when the virus is in lysogeny
C  Replicated with host DNA and passed on to progeny
D  Cause lysis of host cells
E  Occur when temperate phages enter host cells
Question #58
A  oncogenic viruses
B  prions
C  phages
D  spikes
E  viroids
Question #59
A  satellite viruses
B  All of thechoices infect bacteria.
C  viroids
D  prions
E  bacteriophages
Question #60
A  uncoating
B  tropisms
C  virions
D  receptacles
E  ranges
Question #62
A  is a special form of tRNA used by viruses
B  must synthesize a negative RNA copy of its genome
C  is ready for immediate translation
D  always codes for RNA polymerase
E  must synthesize a positive RNA copy of its genome
Question #63
A  Tetrahedral
B  Icosahedron
C  Helical
D  Complex
E  All of thechoices are capsid shapes.
Question #64
A  synthesis
B  adsorption
C  assembly
D  uncoating
E  penetration
Question #65
A  envelope
B  capsid
C  monolayer
D  spike
E  capsomere
Question #66
A  Use of animalinoculation
Use of enriched broth media
Use of enrichedagar media
B  Use of enriched broth media
Use of cellculture techniques
Use of enrichedagar media
C  Inoculation ofembryonated eggs,
Use of animalinoculation,
Use of cellculture techniques
D  Use of enriched broth media,
Use of enrichedagar media,
Inoculation ofembryonated eggs
Question #67
A  host nucleus
B  host cell membrane
C  host DNA
D  host cytoplasm
E  host nucleolus
Question #68
A  To produce virusfor bioweapons use
To prepare viruses for vaccines
To produce chemicals such as alcohol and acetone
B  To isolate viruses from clinical specimens
To research the biology of viruses
To prepare viruses for vaccines
C  To produce virusfor bioweapons use
To produce chemicals such as alcohol and acetone
To isolate viruses from clinical specimens
D  To research the biology of viruses
To produce virusfor bioweapons use
To produce chemicals such as alcohol and acetone
Question #69
A  does not contain spikes
B  None of the choices are correct
C  is only composed of host endomembrane
D  is identical to the host plasma membrane
E  is obtained by viral budding or exocytosis
Question #70
A  cytopathic
B  oncoviruses
C  syncytia
D  chronic latent viruses
E  inclusion bodies
Question #71
A  Embryonated bird eggs
B  Continuous cell cultures
C  All of thechoices will support viral cultivation.
D  Primary cell cultures
E  Live lab animals