Navigation » List of Schools » University of California, Irvine » Psychology and Social Behavior » Psy Beh 192B – The Science and Practice of Compassion » Winter 2022 » Week 2 Quiz
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A Shared understanding during communication
B Shifts in timing, tone of voice, and pitch that accompany words during speech
C Metaphor
D Double meanings of words
Question #2
A That compassion is seen in 2 year olds
B That compassion-like behavior is seen in our primate relatives
C That compassion is seen in digital forms of communication in every culture
D That compassion is found in the writings of all the great religious and ethical scholars
Question #3
A We can reliably identify more compassionate people to enter into mutually beneficial relationships
B We can reliably identify our own feelings of compassion
C It is impossible to reliably identify a single definition of compassion
D Compassionate people have certain genes that make them more kind
Question #4
A Altruistic actions lead to being respected and to enjoy elevated status
B Competition leads to suffering, which leads to more altruism
C In really competitive contexts, altruism is more likely
D Religion leads to increased altruism toward one’s own kind
Question #5
A Thinking of someone we love
B Giving money to charity
C Hearing supportive words from a friend
D Counting the money in your wallet
Question #6
A Americans on average give more money away to charity than spend on themselves
B People live longer if they give a lot of money away
C People report greater happiness at the end of the day when they have spent money on themselves than given it away
D People report greater happiness at the end of the day when they have given some money away than if they spent it on themselves
Question #7
A Score higher on tests of empathy
B Be more likely to be women
C Be more likely to vote for Democrats
D Feel more sadness on a daily basis
Question #8
A When seeing someone in physical pain, you feel the same pain
B When reading the word “compassion,” you feel compassion
C When feeling compassionate, people are more altruistic
D When seeing a coworker give to charity, one feels compassion and is more likely to give to charity
Question #9
A Vocal cord
B Jaw
C Larynx
D Epiglottis
Question #10
A weep
B soothe
C meek
D sleep
Question #11
A coos
B moos
C boos
D woos
Question #12
A Compassion
B Disgust
C Awe
D Fear
Question #13
A That it prompts other people to be alert
B That it signals dominance
C That it soothes during stress
D That it provides social reward
Question #14
A A laugh
B A sigh
C A shriek
Question #15
A Brief sounds that are the building blocks of words
B Tonal qualities of certain languages, such as Mandarin
C Brief sounds that don’t include words that convey emotion
D Brief words we shout when joyful
Question #16
A The amygdala
B The hippocampus
C The periaqueductal gray
D The prefrontal cortex
Question #17
A The trait relates to a universal problem humans face in surviving
B The trait makes people happy
C The trait (e.g., compassion) provides an efficient solution to a problem of survival or reproduction
D The trait appears designed
Question #18
A Regions of the human brain respond to a baby’s distress cries within 40 milliseconds
B Humans form collaborative childcare networks to assist one another in the care of young children
C Humans form intense attachments with their offspring
D Fathers are not likely to provide care to human offspring
Question #19
A Compassion is a cultural construction
B Compassion has been shaped by natural selection
C Compassion was built into human by God
Question #20
A Compassion was built into human by God
B Compassion is a cultural construction
C Compassion has been shaped by natural selection
Question #21
A Compassion is a cultural construction
B Compassion has been shaped by natural selection
C Compassion was built into human by God