Navigation » List of Schools » West Los Angeles College » Political Science » Political Science 001 – The Government of the United States » Winter 2022 » Quiz 3 Chapters 9 and 10
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A Economic conservatism is associated with higher incomes.
B Social conservatism is more common among lower income groups.
C Cultural conservatives view themselves as embattled “ordinary Americans” under threat from liberal, cosmopolitan elites.
D The election of President Obama and a Democratic Congress magnified conservatives fear, resulting in the Tea Party movement.
E All the statements are true.
Question #2
A social welfare programs.
B the working class.
C racial and ethnic minorities.
D liberal political ideas.
E pro-business.
Question #3
A the economic elite.
B social spending.
C conservative political ideas.
D “pro-life” (or anti-abortion) concerns.
E states’ rights.
Question #4
A African Americans largely remained in the Republican Party even after Barry Goldwater in the 1964 Presidential Election announced he was running on an anti-Civil Rights campaign. . By the 1970’s many Southern (white) Democrats began to shift their allegiance to the Republican Party, whose pro-business wing shared their view of a national government encroaching into state affairs.
B African Americans became an increasingly important part of the Democratic coalition in the 1940’s through the 1960’s, as the party took steps to support civil rights . By the 1970’s many Southern (white) Democrats began to shift their allegiance to the Republican Party, whose pro-business wing shared their view of a national government encroaching into state affairs.
C The Great Depression shattered the working-class belief in Democratic economic competence and increased confidence in the Republican Party.
D African Americans largely remained in the Republican Party even after Barry Goldwater in the 1964 Presidential Election announced he was running on an anti-Civil Rights campaign.
E The Great Depression shattered the working-class belief in Democratic economic competence and increased confidence in the Republican Party. By the 1970’s many Southern (white) Democrats began to shift their allegiance to the Republican Party, whose pro-business wing shared their view of a national government encroaching into state affairs.
Question #5
A limited to the Democratic Party.
B a belief that honest, impartial government could effectively curb the growing power of large corporations.
C a belief that the conditions faced by African Americans needed improvement.
E a continuation of traditional Democratic Party positions.
F limited to the Republican Party.
Question #6
A it favored opportunity for the “common man.”
B it came into existence when the Republican Party split in two.
C it favored an active national government that would intrude into state sovereignty.
D it was uniformly hostile toward African Americans.
E it was organized to support Andrew Jackson.
Question #7
A the Whigs and the Republicans.
B the Whigs and the Tories.
C the Democrats and the Republicans.
D the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists.
E the Whigs and the Democrats.
Question #8
A representative democracy.
B bifurcated government.
C a bicameral system.
D a bipartisan government.
E a two-party system.
Question #9
A expected to file “opposition briefs” against policies supported by the majority.
B expected to support the party “in power” despite their disagreements.
C required to support domestic and foreign policies which promote “the American way.”
D expected to present another side to the issues but not in a forceful or disrespectful manner.
E expected to force debate on policy alternatives.
Question #10
A have been elected to office and have obtained positions of power.
B accept the decisions of the party’s leaders.
C pay monthly dues to an ideological organization.
D agree on all policy issues.
E organize to win elections and operate the government.
Question #11
A To be a member of a political party one must be a card-carrying member.
B One must pay dues to be a member of a political party.
C An oath of allegiance is required by most political parties from its members.
D People may call themselves Republicans or Democrats without being registered as a member of the party.
Question #12
A political machines.
B political action committees.
C third parties or minor parties.
D interest groups in disguise.
E none of the above.
Question #13
A manufacturing.
B consumer issues.
C free speech rights.
D foreign relations.
E labor-management negotiations.
Question #14
A they feel that they could not make a difference and that government did not care about their views.
B they donated more money to private-interest groups.
C they successfully won public office at a local level.
D they feel that they could make a difference and that government cares about their views.
E they declared less deductions on their W-4.
Question #15
A many people who are classified as poor do not have the ability to find out which group might represent them.
B most efforts on behalf of the poor come from a policy network of groups.
C the poor depend largely on indirect representations.
D representation is difficult because the poor often cannot afford the time or money needed to join groups.
E their representation comes largely from elite business groups.
Question #16
A only benefited Democrats.
B was banned at the federal level by the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 and was a way in which interests could spend money on behalf of candidates without being restricted by federal law
C was banned at the federal level by the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 and only benefited Democrats.
D was banned at the federal level by the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 and only benefited Republicans.
E only benefited Republicans.
Question #17
A McDonald v. City of Chicago
B Shaw v. Reno
C Bakke v. UC Regents
D Obergefell v. Hodges
E Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission
Question #18
A a member of Congress who challenges the majority position.
B any association of individuals.
C inevitably affiliated with one of the two major political parties.
D a member of the congressional leadership who is in a position to shape the legislative agenda in a way that benefits powerful interest groups.
E an individual or organization who attempts to influence governmental legislation and administrative decisions.
Question #19
A Economic and agricultural groups
B “Public interest” groups
C “Single issue” interest groups
D Foreign governments
E All are interest groups
Question #20
A because they have been pressured to do so.
B for ethical beliefs or ideological reasons.
C for a sense of belonging to the group.
D as free riders.
E to improve their economic opportunities.
Question #21
A to improve their economic opportunities or gain economic benefits.
B because they have been pressured to do so.
C to institute change for political, economic, or social impact on the whole society.
D for ethical beliefs or ideological reasons.
E for a sense of belonging to the group.
Question #22
A for a sense of belonging to a group that they feel an affinity towards.
B to obtain political, economic, or social change.
C for ethical beliefs or ideological reasons.
D as free riders.
E to improve their economic opportunities.
Question #23
A a participant in a social movement.
B someone who benefits from the actions of a group without joining it or bearing its costs.
C an interest group member.
D someone granted free passage to Washington to lobby or demonstrate.
E a civil rights activist.
Question #24
A function with the disadvantage that our government operates with so few points at which pressure can be applied to influence the decisions of government.
B are viewed by the pluralist theory as largely irrelevant in explaining the actions of American government and politics.
C are the only entities that have the constitutional right to bring a suit against the federal government when policies are pursued that are unpopular with the American people.
D allow individuals’ opinions to appear more powerful as they join with other like-minded individuals and attempt to influence the course of governmental policy.
E would greatly increase in numbers if the Supreme Court would reverse its position and allow the First Amendment to be interpreted to protect their activities.
Question #25
A a group of people who want to gain control of the government.
B an organization set up to support a specific candidate for public office.
C an organization that actively attempts to influence government decision-making and/or the making of public policy.
D any organization that requires members to pay dues.
E any association of individuals.