
Fresh Grad Lands Job as Real Estate Agent With Help from Professional Writers

People go to websites to get the information they desperately need.  They could be looking for an answer to a nagging question.  They might be looking for help in completing an important task.  For recent graduates, they might be looking for ways on how to prepare a comprehensive resume that can capture the attention of the hiring manager

Manush is a recent graduate from a prestigious university in California who is looking for a job opportunity as a real estate agent.  While he already has samples provided by his friends, he still feels something lacking in his resume.  Specifically, the he believes that his professional objective statement lacks focus and clarity. 

Thus, he sought our assistance in improving editing and proofreading his resume. 

In revising his resume, iwritegigs highlighted his soft skills such as his communication skills, ability to negotiate, patience and tactfulness.  In the professional experience part, our team added some skills that are aligned with the position he is applying for.

When he was chosen for the real estate agent position, he sent us this thank you note:

“Kudos to the team for a job well done.  I am sincerely appreciative of the time and effort you gave on my resume.  You did not only help me land the job I had always been dreaming of but you also made me realize how important adding those specific keywords to my resume!  Cheers!

Manush’s story shows the importance of using powerful keywords to his resume in landing the job he wanted.

Lecture Exam 1 _Ch 1, 2, 3, 4

Navigation   » List of Schools  »  East Los Angeles College  »  Microbiology  »  Microbiology 020 – General Microbiology  »  Winter 2022  »  Lecture Exam 1 _Ch 1, 2, 3, 4

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Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:

Question #1
A  Heterotrophic nutrition
B  Have cell walls
C  Can use a wide variety of nutrients
D  Photosynthetic
E  Include single-celled and filamentous forms
Question #2
A  heterotrophic nutrition
B  ectoplasm and endoplasm
C  formation of a cyst stage
D  motility
E  cell wall
Question #3
A  trophozoite
B  cyst
C  oocyst
D  sporozoite
E  food vacuole
Question #4
A  molds
B  mycelium
C  septa
D  pseudohyphae
E  dimorphic
Question #5
A  Naegleria—amoeba that causes brain infection
B  Giardia— causes intestinal distress; transmitted by feces in drinking water
C  Plasmodium—protozoan that causes Chagas disease
D  Histoplasma—fungus that causes Ohio Valley fever
E  Trichomonas—sexually transmitted vaginal infection
Question #6
A  enzymes found in lysosomes
B  found in polyribosomes
C  proteins associated with DNA in the nucleus
D  on the surface of rough endoplasmic reticulum
E  proteins of the cytoskeleton
Question #7
A  Protozoa and Animals
B  Algae, Protozoa and Animals
C  Algae, Plants, and Fungi
D  Fungi, Protozoa and Animals
Question #8
A  parasites
B  spores
C  saprobes
D  pseudohyphae
E  dimorphic
Question #9
A  dimorphic
B  substrates
C  nonseptate
D  saprobes
E  parasites
Question #10
A  nucleus
B  lysosome
C  nucleolus
D  ribosome
E  Golgi apparatus
Question #11
A  Bacteria, Viruses and Archaea
B  Protozoa, Bacteria, Viruses and Archaea
C  Algae, Protozoa, Helminths, and Fungi
D  Protozoa, Bacteria, Viruses and Fungi
Question #12
A  facilitate chemotaxis
B  are long, whiplike structures
C  facilitate phototaxis
D  are used for cell motility
E  contain microtubules
Question #13
A  Golgi apparatus
B  mitochondria
C  chloroplast
D  lysosome
E  endoplasmic reticulum
Question #14
A  seed
B  endospore
C  sporozoa
D  trophozoite
E  cyst
Question #15
A  anchors organelles
B  provides support
C  functions in movements of the cytoplasm
D  helps maintain cell shape
E  All of the choices are correct.
Question #16
A  filaments
B  cilia
C  None of the choices are correct.
D  flagella
E  microtubules
Question #18
A  Transport systems, Selectively permeable barrier, and Sterols
B  Sterols, Selectively permeable barrier, and Embedded proteins
C  Phospholipid bilayer, Transport systems, Selectively permeable barrier, and Embedded proteins
D  Sterols, Transport systems and Phospholipid bilayer
Question #20
A  Tetrad
B  Rod
C  Vibrio
D  Coccus
E  Spirochete
Question #21
A  sex pili
B  periplasmic flagella (axial filaments)
C  cilia
D  fimbriae
E  flagella
Question #22
A  Slime layer
B  Capsule
C  Cell membrane
D  All of the choices are correct.
E  Fimbriae
Question #23
A  cannot be passed on to progeny
B  cannot be passed between organisms
C  are often the site of pathogenic genes
D  are essential for growth and metabolism
E  are found in all bacteria
Question #24
A  fimbriae
B  slime layer
C  inclusions
D  capsule
Question #25
A  amphitrichous
B  atrichous
C  monotrichous
D  peritrichous
E  lophotrichous
Question #26
A  Clostridium
B  Staphylococcus
C  Bacillus
D  Sporosarcina
E  All of thechoices are correct.
Question #28
A  cilia
B  fimbriae
C  flagella
D  sex pili
E  periplasmic flagella (axial filaments)
Question #29
A  a spheroplast
B  found in archaea
C  gram-negative
D  gram-positive
E  acid fast
Question #30
A  None of thechoices is correct.
C  All of thechoices are correct.
Question #31
A  gram-positive
B  gram-negative
D  both gram-positive and -negative
Question #32
A  archaea
B  gram-negative organisms
C  gram-positive organisms
D  mycoplasmas
E  cyanobacteria
Question #34
A  resistant to heat and chemical destruction
B  All of the choices are correct.
C  living structures
D  metabolically inactive
E  resistant to destruction by radiation
Question #35
A  inclusions
B  slime layers
C  cell membranes
D  capsules
E  cell walls
Question #36
A  Gram-positivebacteria have an outer membrane.
B  The lipid portionof the lipopolysaccharide layer is an endotoxin.
C  The porinproteins create channels through the outer membrane.
D  The uppermost layer is made of lipopolysaccharides.
E  The innermost layer is a phospholipid bilayer.
Question #37
A  basal body
B  filament
C  hook
D  sheath
E  outer membrane
Question #38
A  aerobic
B  anaerobic
C  microaerophilic
D  fastidious
E  autotrophic
Question #39
A  Nosepiece
B  Condenser
C  Objective lens
D  Ocular lens
E  Body
Question #40
A  Loop
B  Needle
C  Petri dish
D  Pipette
E  Swab
Question #41
A  it uses electrons to produce a specimen image
B  it requires an ultraviolet radiation source
C  it requires the use of dyes like acridine and fluorescein
D  it is a type of compound microscope
E  it is commonly used to diagnose certain infections
Question #42
A  MacConkey medium
B  trypticase soy agar
C  blood agar
D  mannitol salt agar
E  a reducing medium
Question #44
A  All of thechoices are correct.
B  None of the choices are correct.
C  Resolving power
D  Refraction
E  Magnification
Question #45
A  Gram stain, Loop dilution, Bright-field microscopy, Use of selective media,
B  Loop dilution, Spread plate, Use of selective media, Quadrant streak plate
C  Gram stain, Loop dilution, Spread plate, Use of selective media,
D  Gram stain, Bright-field microscopy, Spread plate, Use of selective media,
Question #46
A  negative staining
B  capsule staining
C  using the acid-fast stain
D  using an acidic dye
E  simple staining
Question #47
A  Transmission electron
B  Scanning electron
C  Phase contrast
D  Differential interference contrast
E  Fluorescence
Question #48
A  flagellar stain
B  fixed stained smear
C  hanging drop
D  Gram stain
E  negative stain
Question #49
A  Themicrobiologist used too much inoculum.
B  The culturemedium must be differential.
C  The culturemedium must be selective.
D  The incubationtemperature was incorrect.
E  The culture iscontaminated.
Question #50
A  Is solid at room temperature
B  Holds moisture
C  Is digested by most microbes
D  Can be inoculated and poured at a temperature that is not harmful
E  Has flexibility
Question #51
A  enriched
B  complex
C  synthetic
D  reducing
E  minimal
Question #52
A  Fluorescence
B  Phase contrast
C  Bright field
D  Dark field
E  Electron
Question #54
A  algae
B  green plant
C  euglena
D  fungus
E  mold
Question #55
A  phase contrast
B  bright field
C  electron
D  fluorescence
E  dark field
Question #56
A  Ability to observe cells in the living state, Adequate magnification, Specimen holder
B  Ability to observe cells in the living state, Use of wavelengths other than the visible spectrum, Specimen holder
C  Adequate magnification, Contrast, Resolution
D  Ability to observe cells in the living state, Contrast, Specimen holder
Question #58
A  determining evolutionary relatedness
B  determining if that species is the cause of a new disease
C  nomenclature
D  bioremediation
E  recombinant DNA
Question #59
A  infectious particles
B  molds
C  bacteria
D  protozoa
E  parasitic worms
Question #60
A  phosphorous
B  hydrogen
C  nitrogen
D  oxygen
E  carbon
Question #62
Question #63
A  Bacteria are larger than viruses
B  Eukaryotic microorganisms are smaller than viruses
C  Archaea are larger than eukaryotic microorganisms but smaller than bacteria
D  Bacteria are larger than eukaryotic microorganisms
Question #64
A  common name
B  classification
C  taxa
D  identification
E  nomenclature
Question #65
A  AIDS-related diseases
B  respiratory diseases
C  diarrheal diseases
D  malaria diseases
E  measles
Question #66
A  genus, species,family
B  class, phylum,order
C  kingdom, domain,phylum
D  family, genus,species
E  family, order,class
Question #67
A  Fungi
B  Bacteria
C  Viruses
D  Helminths
E  Parasites
Question #69
A  prokaryotes
B  eukaryotes
C  decomposers
D  fermenters
E  pathogens
Question #70
A  epidemiology
B  taxonomy
C  genetic engineering
D  bioremediation
E  immunology
Question #71
A  decomposers
B  eukaryotes
C  prokaryotes
D  pathogens
E  fermenters
Question #72
A  a specific microbe is the cause of a specific disease
B  microbes are found on dust particles
C  a specific microbe should be classified in a specific kingdom
D  microbes can be used to clean up toxic spills
E  life forms can only arise from preexisting life forms
Question #73
A  cause human disease
B  are infectious particles
C  can only be found growing in laboratories
D  are too small to be seen with the unaided eye
E  lack a cell nucleus
Question #74
A  starch
B  phospholipid
C  triglyceride
D  wax
E  cholesterol
Question #75
A  Francesco Redi
B  Robert Koch
C  Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
D  Louis Pasteur
E  Joseph Lister