Navigation » List of Schools » California State University, Northridge » Psychology » Psychology 150 – Introduction to Psychology » Fall 2021 » Week 12 Step 5 Recall Noba module 13
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A structure
B implicit
C bias
D idealization
E hierarchical
Question #2
A dishabituation
B operant
C extinction
D Pavlovian
E inhibitive
Question #3
A psychoanalytic
B psychodynamic
D cognitive behavioral
E humanistic
F client-centered
Question #4
A restructuring
B de-escalation
C adaptation
D development
E alteration
Question #5
A mindfulness
B biofeedback
C meditation
D hypnosis
E flow
Question #6
A PCT is based almost exclusively on a White, Western European, male-centric model of how therapy should be conducted.
B PCT is based on nonspecific treatment factors, without considering specific treatment factors to directly target a given mental problem.
C The research that has examined PCT has only looked at conditions where therapy clients had very low (or less severe) forms of psychopathology.
D Because the foundation of PCT is the use of 12-step anonymous programs, it is all but impossible to gather true data about the impact it has on its clients.
E PCT’s techniques can be applied by anyone, trained or untrained, and thus do not rise to the level of professional therapy.
Question #7
A Maladaptive actions are learned and can be unlearned and replaced with adaptive actions.
B Childhood conflicts and unconscious impulses exceed the capacity of defense mechanisms to keep them outside of consciousness.
C Thoughts, actions, and emotions interact and contribute to psychopathology.
D People experience distress and unhappiness when they refuse to face painful or difficult experiences or memories from their lives.
E There is a fundamental mismatch between a person’s real self and ideal self, which leads to inappropriate actions.
Question #8
A ethical decision making
B boundary setting
C unconditional positive regard
D recognition of transference
E mindfulness
Question #9
A It places the client in his/her social context.
B It focuses more on relieving distress than on changing a person.
C It places the client in his/her interpersonal context.
D It is a briefer form of psychotherapy.
E It focuses more on conscious and unconscious sexual drives.
Question #10
A Abraham Maslow
B Carl Rogers
C Karen Horney
D Joseph Wolpe
E Margaret Meade
Question #11
A dream analysis
B word association
C free association
D transference
E analysis of resistance
Question #12
A exemplars
B schemas
C prototypes
D scripts
E concepts
Question #13
A Famtah, who is suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder.
B Miles, who suffers from recurrent major depressive episodes.
C Yvette, who does not have a formal diagnosis of a psychological condition, but is having serious problems in her relationship with her husband.
D Yoni, who has been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder.
E Evelyn, who was diagnosed with body dysmorphic disorder.
Question #14
A restructuring
B social skills
C cognitive reappraisal
D exposure
E in-vivo
Question #15
A Lorenzo has a very bad day at work and ,when he gets home, explodes at his children when they make a very minor mistake.
B Qi yells at her therapist from time to time even though she is really angry at her own daughter.
C When she finds out that her insurance company will not pay for additional sessions, Carla calls her therapist and leaves a message saying that she will not be returning to the office.
D Dr. Lowe gets very frustrated with his client’s lack of effort on the same day that he argues with his grown son about not working toward a successful career.
E Erick decides that he has fallen in love with his therapist, despite the fact that he has been married for 7 years.
Question #16
A “What are the conscious, preconscious, and unconscious?”
B “What are repression, regression, and rationalization?”
C “What are the oral, anal, phallic, and genital stages?”
D “What are the personal unconscious and collective unconscious?”
E “What are the id, ego, and superego?”
Question #17
A Dialectical behavior therapy
B Psychodynamic reappraisal therapy
C Cognitive behavior therapy
D Person-centered restructuring
E Directive Gestalt therapy
Question #18
A Alfred Adler
B Carl Jung
C Sigmund Freud
D Fritz Perls
E Erik Erikson
Question #19
A The fact that the therapy can normally be conducted in 8 or fewer sessions.
B The ease with which this form of counseling can coexist with biomedical interventions.
C The emphasis on a warm, non-judgmental client-therapist relationship.
D The ability to uncover repressed unconscious conflicts that lead to psychopathology.
E The abundance of empirical support for its effectiveness.
Question #20
A Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
B Martin E.A. Seligman
C Aaron T. Beck
D Albert Ellis
E Francis Cecil Sumner