Navigation » List of Schools » West Los Angeles College » Political Science » Political Science 001 – The Government of the United States » Winter 2022 » Quiz on Chapters 1 and 2
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A a two-thirds vote in favor of it by both houses of Congress.
B the popular vote of the people.
C state legislatures or conventions in three-fourths of the states.
D a national convention.
E a proposal by the president.
Question #2
A the Presidential Election Commission.
B the Association of State Legislatures.
C the Electoral College.
D the Electorate at Large.
E the Congressional Election Forum.
Question #3
A disputes over power between Congress and the president.
B disputes between the federal and state governments.
C tyranny emerging in government either from a majority or a minority.
D the imposition of export taxes.
E a major dispute over power between the House and the Senate.
Question #4
A give African Americans representation that was equal to what free whites received.
B partially apportion the House of Representatives and the Electoral College on the basis of the property.
C give more voting power to southern slave owners.
D fail to address the slave trade directly.
E illustrate the power of the southern states at the convention.
Question #5
A proposed a unicameral legislature in which each state would have one vote.
B was presented too late to be considered.
C was advanced by the delegates from Georgia.
D proposed a bicameral legislature with equal representation in the Senate.
E was proposed by Texas.
Question #6
A end of the Revolutionary War.
B publication of the Declaration of Independence.
C tyranny of the British king.
D request of President Washington.
E failure of the Articles of Confederation.
Question #7
A a syndicate.
B a social contract.
C a constitution.
D natural law.
E a confederation.
Question #8
A Thomas Jefferson.
B Benjamin Franklin.
C John Locke.
D George Washington.
E John Adams.
Question #9
A was ignored by the British.
B called for the abdication of King George III.
C was only attended by delegates from six colonies.
D was called by the colonies to seek independence from Britain.
E developed a declaration of rights and grievances against the British monarchy.
Question #10
A purchase Canada (Quebec) from the French.
B pay for the establishment of more colonies.
C pay for the coronation of King George III.
D pay the costs of Britain’s defense of the colonies during the French and Indian War.
E none of the above.
Question #11
A improve the welfare of individuals.
B civil rights.
C tolerance for political and social change.
D a limited role for the government in helping individuals.
E government regulation of the economy.
Question #12
A raising taxes.
B patriotism.
C a limited role for the national government in helping individuals.
D the belief that the individual is responsible for his or her own well-being.
E government action to support traditional values.
Question #13
A an economic system marked by the private ownership of wealth-creating assets, free markets, and freedom of contract.
B named for the centralization of economic power in the capitol city.
C a political theory developed by Karl Marx.
D unpopular in the United States.
E incompatible with property rights in wealth-creating assets.
Question #14
A universal suffrage.
B majority rule and protection of minority rights.
C limited government.
D limiting the right to vote.
E free, competitive elections.
Question #15
A a constitutional monarchy.
B a direct democracy.
C a confederation.
D an anarchy.
E a representative democracy.
Question #16
A France, the United Kingdom, and Germany.
B United States and Canada.
C Cuba, China, and the Russian Federation.
D Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates.
E none of the above.
Question #17
A the complexity of most issues that come before Congress.
B the insufficient level of information the public has on most issues.
C low voter turnout in most elections.
D the immense size and complexity of society.
E all of the above.
Question #18
A plutocracy.
B representative democracy.
C direct democracy.
D monarchy.
E republic.
Question #19
A a limited republic where people elect officials to make decisions for them for a specific period of time.
B the ultimate political authority is vested in the people.
C that the government controls all aspects of the political, social, and economic life of a nation.
D a unified government.
E the condition of having no government and no laws.
Question #20
A is a particular type of economic system and is a form of government where political power rests in the hands of the people.
B is a form of government where political power rests in the hands of the people.
C is a form of government where political power rests in the hands of the people and promotes the idea that people can act and make decisions for themselves independently of government.
D promotes the idea that people can act and make decisions for themselves independently of government.
E none of the above
Question #21
A to actively prevent others from speaking that they personally disagree with.
B to not pay their taxes.
C to freely express themselves just so long as what they say (or do) does not interfere with the ability of others to exercise their own rights.
D to express their opinions without any restraint.
E to have an attorney represent them in court.
Question #22
A John Adams.
B Rene Descartes
C Thomas Paine.
D John Locke.
E Adam Smith.
Question #23
A an institution of minor importance for running society.
B the same in most countries.
C any club that sets up a platform.
D the means by which a society organizes itself and allocates authority in order to accomplish its collective goals.
E none of the above.
Question #24
A that true political influence emerges with groups that possess fewer resources.
B that the wealthy use their power to control the nation’s economy in such a way that those below them cannot easily advance economically or politically.
C that wealth is inconsequential to wielding political power.
D that people only with science degrees run society.
E none of the above.
Question #25
A a process that determines which policies government will pursue.
B a struggle over issues that deal strictly with cultural concerns.
C a type of anti-social behavior by individuals.
D a process that decides how resources will be allocated and a process that determines which policies government will pursue
E a process that decides how resources will be allocated.