Navigation » List of Schools » California State University, Northridge » Sociology » Soc 202 – Sociological Analysis » Spring 2019 » Midterm 2
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A Rampant Social Inequality
B Bureaucracies
C A lack of morals.
D High Suicide Rates
Question #2
A Moral rules which stipulate how to treat fellow humans are what make social life possible
B People who live together in societies cannot work together cooperatively unless they have guiding principles.
C Societies are made up of cooperative units of people behaving in an organized fashion.
D Every answer to this question is correct.
Question #3
A Mathematics
B It’s incredibly high fees.
C A mass shooting that occurred there in 2002.
D English and Writing
Question #4
A Hard Work!!!
B A person’s cultural background.
C A person’s social class background.
D Having a extremely high IQ
Question #5
A Marx believed that people living in capitalist societies were likely to commit egoistic suicide.
B Marx believed that a powerful charismatic leader would prevent people from becoming brainwashed by the bourgeoisie.
C Marx believed that most people living in capitalist societies were alienated from the products they produced.
D Marx was very pessimistic about the future and thought the world would come to an end in the very near future.
Question #6
A Societies with very rigid moral rules have very low suicide rates.
B Societies with very rigid moral rules always run smoothly.
C Societies with very rigid moral rules have very low crime rates because people are especially fearful of being punished for committing crimes.
D Over-regulation drives people to despair and subsequently induces some of them to commit fatalistic suicide.
Question #7
A Every answer to this question is correct.
B A society’s most prominent ideologies are the ideologies of the ruling class. (
C A society’s most prominent ideologies are crafted by the lumpenproletariat.
D People who live in the Republic of Gilead have n prominent ideologies at all.
Question #8
A Their mathematical abilities are based on the cultural legacy of cultivating lotus flowers
B The cultural legacy of farming rice paddies prepared them for the exacting work that math requires
C Their mathematical abilities corresponds with the philosophy of Wabi Sabi
D Asian people have a genetic programmed to do well in math.
Question #9
A Egoistic.
B Anomic
C Fatalistic
D Altruistic
Question #10
A A society’s thieves are the group of people who are most likely to succumb to false consciousness.
B The mentally ill are the group of people who are mostly likely to succumb to false consciousness.
C The petty bourgeoisie will never revolt against the bourgeoisie because they tend to believe everything the bourgeoisie tells them.
D When people buy into the ideology put forth by the bourgeoisie, in an attempt to keep them from revolting, they are operating under a state of false consciousness.
Question #11
A People living in feudal societies had higher levels of self-esteem than did people living in hunting and gathering societies.
B A person develops a sense of self-esteem and self-confidence by attaining lots of material goods.
C A person develops a sense of self-esteem and self confidence by becoming proficient in some sort of activity e.g. art, music, carpentry, writing etcetera
D Individuals who live in societies that practice socialism have little to no self- esteem.
Question #12
A A charter school in the city of Los Angeles.
B An set of experimental Public Schools across the United States.
C A Catholic school in Boston
D A Jewish school in Israel.
Question #13
A When they listen to sermons put forth by members of the clergy.
B When a society’s thieves and beggars begin to commit violent crimes.
C Through praxis / talking with each other.
D When a charismatic leader convinces people that they need to revolt against their oppressive government.
Question #14
A Anomie is a term that refers to a society of people who are especially committed to the well being of their neighbors.
B Anomie is a term used to describe a social condition in which there is a lack of moral rules / social norms.
C People living in primitive societies tended to exist in a state of anomie.
D Anomie is a term used to describe a society that is functioning at an optimal level.
Question #15
A A social class system that consists of the bourgeoisie, the petty bourgeoisie, the proletariat, and the lumpenproletariat.
B A social class system where everyone is equal.
C A social class system that consists of the petty bourgeoisie and the lumpenproletariat
D A social class system that consists of proletariat and the bourgeoisie
Question #16
A Mormonism
B Catholicism
C Calvinism
D Judaism
Question #17
A Every answer to the question is correct because Marx believed that hoarding wealth was largely instinctual.
B Capitalist
C Socialist
D Feudal
Question #18
A Their parents can buy their children’s way into the best schools.
B Every answer to this question is correct.
C Their parents have the money to bribe their teachers into raising their grades.
D They’re advantaged by what they learn when they’re not in school, especially during summer vacations.
Question #19
A They have a longer school day than in traditional schools.
B The kids go to school on Saturdays
C They attend schools for three weeks in July.
D Every answer to this question is correct.
Question #20
A They have high power distance communications styles and were fearful of speaking disrespectfully to people they saw as their superiors (air traffic controllers) — even when something was drastically wrong. This prevented them from getting the help they needed when the plane was in trouble.
B They had lower power distance communication styles and didn’t listen to the air traffic controllers that could help them out of a bad situation.
C In certain countries, air traffic controllers aren’t trained very well, and they thus inadvertently induce pilots to crash their planes.
D In certain countries, pilots aren’t trained properly and thus go onto crash their planes.
Question #21
A Describes the causes and processes of social and historical changes that occur in societies.
B Shows how social forces affect human behavior.
C Tackles and suggests solutions to social problems.
D Every answer to this question is correct.
Question #22
A He believed that bureaucracies were stifling peoples’ creativity
B He believed that primitive societies were held together by mechanical solidarity.
C Every answer to this question is correct.
D He believed that most people living in modern day societies were brainwashed by crooked charismatic leaders.
Question #23
A People should have the right to commit suicide if they want to.
B A sociologist has a legal and moral duty to prevent people from committing suicide.
C Most people who commit suicide are suffering from severe emotional disorders.
D Social conditions can lead large numbers of people to commit suicide.
Question #24
A Hard working people who never take breaks are in grave danger of committing suicide.
B Cultural beliefs and practices can have a powerful affect on how people who live in those cultures behave.
C Success and failure is all about luck and cultural beliefs and practices have nothing to do with it
D People who take the summers off are some of the most successful people on the planet.
Question #25
A False Consciousness
B A comprehensive educational system.
C A charismatic leader.
D Conflict
Question #26
A The end period of the Roman empire.
B The fall of feudalism and the rise of capitalism
C The rise of the British monarchy.
D The fall of the Ottoman empire