Navigation » List of Schools » Los Angeles Valley College » Anthropology » Anthropology 101 – Human Biological Evolution » Fall 2021 » Exam 2
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A Selam’s fossil contained her entire skull and spinal cord
B She was an infant, and infant fossils are less common in the fossil record
C An endocast allowed us to learn about the maturation rate of Australopithecus afarensis
D Selam was an elderly fossil, which showed us how early Australopithecines started aging
Question #2
A She had large, thick molars and sexually dimorphic canines
B Her brain size was roughly 440 cubic centimeters
C She was not capable of bipedalism
D Her legs were longer than her arms, but her arms were still long enough to brachiate
Question #3
A Flared zygomatics, Sagittal keel and delicate mandible
B Flared zygomatics, Sagittal crest and Huge molars
C Sagittal keel and delicate mandible
D Flared zygomatics, Sagittal keel and Huge molars
Question #4
A Sagittal keel and Nuchal torus
B Sagittal crest, Flared zygomatics and Nuchal torus
C Sagittal crest, Flared zygomatics and Huge molars
D Sagittal crest, Sagittal keel and Nuchal torus
Question #5
A Ability to learn English words and communicate them verbally
B Grieving and mourning among mother chimpanzees
C Political strategies by male chimpanzees
D Collective problem solving strategies among apes
Question #6
A canine, incisors, premolars, molars
B canines, incisors, premolars
C Incisors, canines, premolars, molars
D incisors, premolars, canines, molars
Question #7
A Whether the primates are nocturnal
B If the male’s participation in child rearing increases the likelihood the child will survive.
C Whether a male can protect all the females and children in the group single handedly
D Whether the climate is conducive to mating
Question #8
A Produce milk for their young
B Endothermic
C Exothermic
D Have live young
Question #9
A dental formula
B dental attrition
C dental enamel
D dental arcade
Question #10
A show that rhesus monkeys do not get attached to their infants like other mammals.
B to show that the benefits of motherhood do not outweigh the costs.
C imply that there is a biological component to the behavior of motherhood.
D Suggest that motherhood is learned
Question #11
A Fossil bones
B Atylatl
C bows and arrows
D wooden spears
Question #12
A Bodo cranium
B Kabwe cranium
C Turkana boy
D Herto cranium
Question #13
A Leather working instruments that showed Neanderthals were manipulating animals pelts in order to making clothing and shoes
B Advanced use of hunting and trapping materials that showed Neanderthals exploited small game resources as well as oceanic resources
C Burials where Neanderthal bodies were placed in the fetal position and covered in flowers, reflecting a potential for spirituality
D A Levallois tool making technique that allowed Neanderthals to control the size and shape of their stone tools
Question #14
A Neanderthals had short and stocky bodies that allowed them to reduce heat in a sub-tropical environment
B Neanderthals had bodies of equal size to Homo sapiens, which allowed them to effectively compete for resources in a mild climate
C Neanderthals had short and stocky bodies that allowed them to retain heat in an arctic environment
D Neanderthals had bodies that were lighter and leaner than Homo sapiens, which allowed them to retain more heat in an arctic environment
Question #15
A Projected mid face
B Swept back cheeks
C Double arched brow
D Relatively small brain size compared to Homo sapiens
Question #16
A Omomyoids
B Plesiadapiforms
C Procunsul
D Adapoids
Question #17
A Oldowan
B acheulean
C Magdelanian
D Mousterian
Question #18
A The Dmanisi were found in Georgia outside of Africa and date back to 1.8 mya, which pushes the date of migration by Homo erectus back nearly 1 million years.
B The Dmanisi were still using Oldowan tools, but anthropologists believed Homo erectus needed to use more advanced tools in order to meet their energy budget.
C The Dmanisi were very small in stature and lacked the features we originally believed Homo erectus needed in order to travel long distances outside of Africa.
D The Dmanisi were found to be advanced hunters, which negated the theory that Homo erectus migrated because they were following animals they scavenged from.
Question #19
A 950 cc average brain size
B Thinner browridge that ancestors
C Sagittal keel
D Long, low braincase
Question #20
A Australopithecus afarensis
B Homo erectus
C Homo sapiens
D Sahelenthropus tchadensis
Question #21
A Longer toes
B Barrel shaped rib cage
C Longer legs
D Stabilized foot arch