Navigation » List of Schools » Oxnard College » Political Science » Political Science 100 – Introduction to Politics » Fall 2021 » Chapter 7 Parliamentary Dem
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A Committees are very powerful and can delay major legislation for years.
B Elections are highly proportional, leading to large, unwieldy coalitions.
C The prime minister holds dictatorial-level powers.
D The president can suspend the Knesset with little warning.
E Elections are often suspended due to violence.
Question #2
A They ended the protracted war between Iraq and Iran.
B They ended the first Intifada and reduced violence in Israel.
C They established peace between Egypt and Israel and affirmed the right of Israel to exist.
D They established peace between Iraq and Israel and affirmed the right of Israel to exist.
E They prevented Saudi Arabia from taking over the West Bank.
Question #3
A An end to anti-Semitism in western Europe
B To help displaced Jewish families return to their homes in eastern Europe
C The creation of the United Nations and the prevention of future world wars
D To establish and support a Jewish state of Israel
E The promotion of Jewish history in schools
Question #4
A Council of Revisions
C Lok Sabha
D House of Delegates
E House of Representatives
F Chamber of Deputies
Question #5
A The Free Democrats Party
B The Liberal Democratic Party
C The Social Democratic Party
D The New Democratic Party
E The Republican Party
Question #6
A The end of Japan’s presidential era, when a new parliament was created
B The end of Japan’s feudal era, when a new emperor and bureaucracy were established
C The beginning of Japan’s feudal era, when the emperor empowered a series of local aristocrats
D The beginning of Japan’s parliamentary era, when the emperor was abolished
E The end of Japan’s feudal era, when the United States wrote a new constitution based on their constitution
Question #7
A She encouraged the European Union to expel some of the member states responsible for the crisis.
B She pushed for big increases in government spending to stimulate the economy.
C She did not respond, believing it to be a purely national issue.
D She pushed for cuts to government spending and monetary and fiscal reforms.
E She encouraged significant increases in immigration to stimulate the economy.
Question #8
A As the result of long-term political advocacy by civil libertarians
B Because it was required to do so by the United States when Berlin was reunified
C In order to be compliant with European Union regulations
D Because it was required to do so by the European Court of Human Rights
E In response to the historical experiences of Nazi Germany
Question #9
A The Social democrats and the communists
B The Christian democrats and the Free Democrats
C The Social democrats and the Greens
D The Social democrats and the Christian democrats
E The Christian democrats and the Greens
Question #10
A House of Common
B The National Senate
C Bundestag
D Chamber of Delegates
E House of Burgesses
Question #11
A Minister for the economy
B President
C King or queen
D Prime minister
E Minority leader
Question #12
A To prevent the over-centralization of power
B To reflect the historical regionalism of Germany
C To decrease the risk of economic overregulation
D To increase potential access points for special interest groups
E To increase administrative efficiency
Question #13
A Khruschev
B Putin
C Gorbachev
D Lenin
E Stalin
Question #14
A A situation where the president lacks strong support among the public
B A situation where the prime minister and the president are of different parties or ideologies
C A situation where the president lacks strong support from his or her cabinet
D A situation where the prime minister lacks strong support among the public
E A situation where the prime minister lacks strong support from his or her parliamentary party
Question #15
A The House of Burgesses
B The House of Lords
C The National Assembly
D The Chamber of Delegates
E The House of Commons
Question #16
A The judicial branch was made stronger relative to the executive branch and the legislature.
B The legislature was made stronger relative to the executive branch.
C The executive branch was made stronger relative to the legislature.
D The legislature and the judicial branch were made stronger relative to the executive branch.
F The power of each part of the national government was reduced.
Question #17
A Far more ideologically extreme
B Highly stable
C Roughly equally stable
D Highly unstable
E Much less representative of the lower classes
Question #18
A The king or queen
B The Speaker of the House
C The prime minister
D The president
E The Archbishop of Canterbury
Question #19
A The parliamentary system, especially no-confidence votes
B The unitary system of government
C The calming influence of a hereditary monarch
D The absence of a president to unify the nation
E The presence of strong religious differences in voting
Question #20
A Only when the majority party fails a confidence vote
B At least every five years, unless the majority party fails a confidence vote
C At least every ten years, unless the majority party fails a confidence vote
D Every six years in November
E Every four years in November
Question #21
A The Chamber of Deputies
B The House of Burgesses
C The House of Commons
D The House of Lords
E The Senate
Question #22
A Because the system includes both a president and a prime minister
B Because the system is generally moderate in character
C Because the system lacks a single all-powerful leader
D Because the system has different chambers for the different social classes
E Because the system includes democratic and aristocratic elements
Question #23
A A system of government with two distinct chambers of the legislature
B A system of government led by a president, who is appointed by the parliament
C A system of government where parliament is led by a prime minister, who is the head of the government
D A system of government led by a president, who is considered to be more powerful than the parliament
E A system of government where the power is divided among three equal branches of government