Navigation » List of Schools » Glendale Community College » History » History 118 – U.S. History 1865 to Present » Summer 2021 » Unit Test 4
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
Question #2
A coined the term “Black Power” in 1966.
B alarmed whites by wearing military garb when he spoke at gatherings.
C insisted that blacks work alongside whites to achieve civil and political rights.
D spoke out against the possibility of interracial cooperation after a trip to Mecca, Saudi Arabia in 1964.
E was a sharp critic of the ideas of integration and nonviolence.
Question #3
Question #4
A describes Americans as “other-directed” basically conformists who can’t live truly independent lives because they lack the inner resources.
B is a brilliant protest against materialism and conformism and written while he was under the influence of hallucinogenic drugs.
C documents how corporate bureaucracies had transformed employees into “organization men” who can’t think for themselves.
D examines rebellious youth better known as juvenile delinquents.
E invites readers to scream out against corporate leaders, politicians, and military men who dominate government and society and deny Americans the ability to formulate available choices.
Question #5
A placed importance on respect for basic liberties.
B dismantled Europe’s post-World War II boundaries.
C froze each countries arsenal of intercontinental missiles.
D was an example of how President Ford dismissed Nixon’s policy of Detente.
Question #6
Question #7
A His visit to China in 1972 leads to Beijing taking up China’s seat at the United Nations.
B By improving relations with the Soviets he believed they would influence North Vietnam to end the war.
C He became the first American President to visit the Soviet Union.
D He and his Secretary of State Henry Kissinger were more interested in power than ideology.
E He sent troops into neutral Cambodia hoping to cut off North Vietnam’s supply line.
Question #8
A embracing personal freedom through public smoking and drinking.
B a society that deemed marriage and motherhood as inadequate.
C how to achieve the suburban dream.
D the lack of opportunities for educated women.
E the emptiness of consumer culture.
Question #9
A supported strongly the notion of unregulated capitalism.
B believed that individual autonomy was the cornerstone of any free society.
C understood freedom as first and foremost a moral condition.
D were opposed to a strong national government as a bitter reaction against the New Deal.
Question #10
A The National Defense Education Act offered direct federal funding to higher education.
B Core New Deal programs are kept in place.
C President Eisenhower presides over the largest public-works enterprise, the interstate highway system.
D Eisenhower wants to distance the Republican Party from its identification with the Great Depression.
E Eisenhower supported increased government spending to greatly expand the military.
Question #11
A Martin Luther King Jr. delivers his famous speech “I have a dream” to a gathering of 250,000 black and white Americans.
B Kennedy reads “Letters from a Birmingham Jail” an eloquent plea for racial justice written by MLK while serving a nine day prison term in Birmingham.
C Medgar Evers, field secretary of the NAACP is killed by sniper fire.
D A bomb exploding at a black Baptist church in Birmingham, killing four young girls.
E The images, broadcast on television, of schoolchildren being assaulted by police.
Question #12
A The 1950s appeared as the last decade of industrial strength in the United States.
B The West became the home of numerous military bases and government-funded shipyards.
C The poverty rate increased by 1959.
D The South benefited from government contracts for air craft, guided missiles, and radar systems.
E By 1956, blue-collar workers outnumbered white-collar workers.