Navigation » List of Schools » Glendale Community College » History » History 118 – U.S. History 1865 to Present » Summer 2021 » Final Exam
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A The south invades the north wanting to reunite Korea under communist control.
B The majority of the war was fought in the winter months because it never snows in Korea.
C General MacArthur endorses Truman’s decision not to use nuclear weapons.
D It successfully united all of Korea under a pro-American government.
E It demonstrates that the war which began in Europe was now a global conflict.
Question #2
A Reagan proposes a space-based system to intercept and destroy enemy missiles.
B The Reagan administration presides over the largest military build up in American history.
C Reagan embraced the human rights initiatives of the Carter administration’s foreign policy.
D President Reagan sent troops to Grenada to oust a pro-Cuban government.
E Reagan adopted a policy of “peace through strength” and calls the Soviet Union an “evil empire.”
Question #3
B It led to the resignation of President Nixon and a presidential pardon from President Ford.
C It demonstrated an abuse of power by high-ranking government officials.
D It undermined confidence in the Democratic Party.
E It brought to the public’s awareness how easy it was to infiltrate the Democratic National Committee’s headquarters.
F It demonstrated the stalwart dedication of two Washington Post journalists who broke an important national story.
Question #4
A The Federal Electricity Act (FEA)
B The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
C The Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
D The Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)
E The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
Question #5
A Expand affirmative action programs.
B Cut back on taxes.
C Overhaul the welfare system.
D Eliminate economic and environmental regulations.
Question #6
Question #7
A was their inability to work out contracts with major growers prompting the UFW to engage in nonviolent protests and a national boycott of California grapes.
B was low wages and oppressive working conditions.
C was overcoming obstacles that kept the organization from achieving any success.
D was for Mexican-Americans to abandon their Mexican past and the new Chicano culture.
E was getting the support of local growers to agree to labor contracts.
Question #8
A that the United States needed to contribute billions of dollars to finance the economic recovery of Europe.
B that communist ideology will drive the Soviet Union to expand their power throughout the world, and only the United States had the ability to stop them.
C that the Soviet Union was on the verge of replacing communism with consumer capitalism and “free market” principles.
D that an “iron curtain” had descended across Europe, partitioning the free West from the communist East.
Question #9
A Suburbia had the effect of creating racial uniformity.
B Urban renewal was a program that provided federal funds to renovate poor neighborhoods for the benefit of non-whites.
C Suburbanization softened the racial lines of division in American life.
D As late as the 1990s, nearly 50 percent of suburban whites lived in communities with non-whites.
E Urban renewal was a government program that halted the practice of banks and real estate developers from engaging in housing discrimination.
Question #10
A Bush was elected after winning a tiny margin of the popular vote.
B The decision in Bush v. Gore allowed the counting of Florida ballots.
C It caused Americans to disengage from the public sphere.
D More people watched the Bush/Gore debates than the Kennedy/Nixon debates.
Question #11
Question #12
A A reaction to the My Lai Massacre in which he committed more American troops to combat.
B A gradual withdrawal of American troops with South Vietnamese soldiers continuing the war.
C A strategy to blame Ho Chi Minh for the conflict in Vietnam and take the blame away from the United States.
D A brilliant policy that limited the war and quieted the antiwar movement.
E A directive to key military advisors and officers to implement a plan that would assimilate U. S. soldiers to life in Vietnam.
Question #13
Question #14
A Food Stamps.
B Legal services for the poor.
C Peace Corps.
D Head Start.
E Job training.
Question #15
Question #16
A Topeka, Kansas.
B Birmingham, Alabama.
C Tulsa, Oklahoma.
D Little Rock, Arkansas.
E Oxford, Mississippi.
Question #17
A Julius and Ethel Rosenberg.
B Alger Hiss.
C Professor Dunlap
Question #18
A Retail businesses
B Hotels and restaurants
C Government agencies
D Automobile manufactures
E Health care industry
Question #19
A The Emergency Banking Act.
B The Glass-Steagall Act.
C The Wagner Act.
D The Social Insurance Act.
E The Social Security Act.
Question #20
A Consensus and conformity.
B Stability and authority.
C Social media and “selfies.”
D Liberty and freedom.
Question #21
A “supply-side economics”
B “trickle-down economics”
Question #22
A The Misery Index.
B Stagflation.
Question #23
A Reverend Billy Graham
B Father Charles E. Coughlin
C Virginia minister Jerry Falwell
D Bishop Fulton J. Sheen
Question #24
A The Public Works Administration built stadiums, swimming pools, and sewage treatment plants.
B The Works Progress Administration set unemployed young men to work on projects like forest preservation, flood control, and the improvement of national parks and wildlife preserves.
C The Civilian Conservation Corps built dams to prevent foods and deforestation along the Tennessee River.
D The Civil Works Administration constructed highways, tunnels, courthouses, and airports.
E The Tennessee Valley Authority authorized the government to raise farm prices and set production quotas for major crops.
Question #25
A Most professions in the 1920s were trending toward retailing, finance, and education.
B Forty percent of the population lived in poverty during the 1920s.
C Germany defaulted on its reparations payments to France and Britain.
D Industrial workers wages rose disproportionately to corporate profits.
E A handful of firms dominated numerous sectors of the economy.
Question #26
A Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee.
B Young Americans for Freedom.
C Students for a Democratic Society.
D Congress of Racial Equality.
E Southern Christian Leadership Conference.
Question #27
A There were more Africans coming to the United States during the Atlantic slave trade than the late 20th century.
B Africans were the largest percentage of immigrants coming to the Unites States in the late 20th century.
C African countries complained of losing so many of their physician, teachers, and other skilled workers.
D The influx of Africans coming to the United States changed the racial landscape.
Question #28
A It banned discrimination on the grounds of sex.
B It was embraced by female and liberal members of congress.
C It outlawed poll taxes and literacy tests that discriminated against African American voters.
D It was endorsed by Johnson and presented to Congress less than a week after John Kennedy’s assassination.
E It prohibited racial discrimination in public institutions and privately-owned public accommodations such as restaurants, hotels, and theaters.
Question #29
A Thurmond (State’s Rights Democratic Party) , Dewey (Progressive Party), Truman (Democrat), Wallace (Republican).
B Wallace (Progressive Party), Truman (Democrat), Thurmond (State’s Rights Democratic Party), Dewey (Republican).
C Truman (Republican), Dewey (Democrat), Thurmond (Progressive Party), Wallace (State’s Rights Democratic Party).
D Dewey (Republican), Truman (Progressive Party), Wallace (State’s Rights Democratic Party), Thurmond (Democrat).
Question #30
A International Labor Defense.
B National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).
C Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP)
D The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).
E Anti-Defamation League.
Question #31
A The United States along with Britain and France introduced a separate currency in their zones.
B American troops invaded the Soviet-controlled zone of Berlin and destroyed military outposts.
C Truman signed an executive order that would dissolve the Soviet Zone and divide its territory equally among France, Britain, and the United States.
D The United States conducted an eleven-month airlift with Western planes supplying fuel and food to their zones.
E The Soviets were unable to cut off road and rail traffic from the American, British, and French zones of occupied Germany to Berlin.
Question #32
A Only a small percentage of American homes had television by the end of the 1950s.
B It provided Americans of all regions and backgrounds with a common cultural experience.
C Television provided news programing, but newspapers were the most common source of information about public events.
D Television programs were controversial and often projected the harsh reality of suburban America.
E In the 1950s, movie theater attendance replaced TV watching as the nation’s leading leisure activity.
Question #33
A Congress of Racial Equality.
B Young Americans for Freedom.
C Students for a Democratic Society.
D Southern Christian Leadership Conference.
E Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee.
Question #34
A Block grants.
B Minimum Wage Act (MWA)
C Family Assistance Plan.
D Affirmative action.
E Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC).
Question #35
A Ethnic cleansing
B Apartheid
C Genocide
Question #36
A The idea that the federal government would always be there to rescue the big banks.
B Big banks and corporate lawyers collecting fees for pushing certain companies stocks.
C Discount and online firms that charged lower fees than traditional brokers.
D The repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act in 1999.
E The free trade and deregulation polices supported by a Republican Congress and president Clinton.
Question #37
A Tax reform.
B Racial inequality.
C Abortion rights.
D Equal Rights Amendment.
Question #38
Question #39
A A peace conference in Geneva divided Vietnam temporarily into northern and southern districts with elections scheduled for 1956 to unify the country.
B With U.S. backing, the anticommunist leader Ngo Dinh Diem moved quickly to hold elections believing it would result in a victory for his party.
C The Eisenhower administration funneled billions of dollars in aid to bolster Japanese efforts to preserve its Asian empire in Vietnam.
D Vietnam exemplifies how American leaders seemed more comfortable with dealing with democratic governments than military regimes.
E Eisenhower sent American troops to Vietnam to avert French defeat in 1954.
Question #40
A ushered in a Congress that endorsed Truman’s civil rights agenda.
B ushered in a Congress that was pro labor.
C ensured a conservative coalition of lawmakers along with southern Democrats.
D returned both houses of Congress to the Democrats since the 1920s.
E ushered in a Congress that endorsed Truman’s Fair Deal.
Question #41
A Black activists.
B Some elected officials.
C Southern New Dealers.
D Labor leaders.
E Anti-Communists.
Question #42
A those in the black community who were disadvantaged by segregation.
B those in the black community who rejected black stereotypes and a searched for black values.
C those in the black community who visited Harlem’s dance halls, jazz clubs, and speakeasies in search of exotic adventure.
D those in the black community who were advantaged by higher-wage jobs and affordable housing in Harlem.
E those in the black urban community of Harlem who moved to the rural south for greater economic opportunities.
Question #43
Question #44
A The Environmental Protection Agency.
B The Occupational Health and Safety Administration.
C The National Endowments for the Humanities and for the Arts.
D Block Grants.
E The National Transportation Safety Board.
Question #45
A Miranda v. Arizona.
B Roe v. Wade.
C Griswold v. Connecticut.
D New York Times v. Sullivan
E Loving v. Virginia.
Question #46
Question #47
A It was established immediately after the Soviets formalized their own eastern European alliance.
B It pledged mutual defense against any future Soviet attack.
C It was established by the United States, Canada, and ten western European nations.
D It came about as a response to the Soviet Union testing its first atomic bomb in 1949.
E West Germany became a crucial part of NATO.
Question #48
A Civil Works Administration.
B Public Works Administration.
C The Agricultural Adjustment Act.
D Works Progress Administration.
E Civilian Conservation Corp.
Question #49
A The federal government forced employers to provide private pensions and medical insurance to employees.
B Corporations paid more attention to the human factor in employment.
C The blacklisting of union organizers to prevent or defeat strikes.
D Unions agreed to demands by employers.