Navigation » List of Schools » El Camino College » History » History 101 – United States History to 1877 » 2019 » Chapter 13 Quiz
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A Know-Nothing Party.
B Constitutional Union Party.
C Whig Party.
D Republican Party.
E Democratic Party.
Question #2
A slaves were property unless they moved to a free state.
B Scott must be freed under federal law.
C the freedom of a slave could not be purchased by a black person.
D the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional.
E states were not allowed to abolish slavery within their borders.
Question #3
A an argument for black male suffrage.
B the argument that slavery was tremendously harmful to American blacks.
C opposition to the expansion of slavery.
D a call to end slavery in the United States as soon as possible.
E the use of military force to suppress slavery.
Question #4
A intensified the debate over slavery.
B None of these answers is correct.
C was readily accepted by northerners in the spirit of compromise.
D upset southerners as much as northerners.
E upset southerners as much as northerners, but was readily accepted by northerners in the spirit of compromise.
Question #5
A found themselves banned from working in the mines.
B usually came with their families.
C had aspirations similar to those of American participants.
D more often worked as merchants than miners.
E typically planned to remain permanently in the state.
Question #6
A overturned the Missouri Compromise.
B passed in the House and was signed into law.
C banned all slavery west of the Mississippi River.
D prohibited slavery in any land acquired from Mexico.
E was an appropriation to pay for peace with Mexico.
Question #7
A gave up rights to California (for a time) in exchange for New Mexico and Texas.
B established an American protectorate over Mexico.
C agreed to pay millions to Mexico.
D officially acquired only Texas.
E established an open border with Mexico.
Question #8
A victory came more easily than President Polk had anticipated.
B President Polk considered Zachary Taylor to be his closest ally in Mexico.
C President Polk tried to placate Whigs by minimizing military offensives.
D American settlers in California staged a revolt with the help of the United States navy.
E the actual fighting was confined to Texas and Mexico.
Question #9
A Texas citizens attacking Mexican forces.
B Mexico provoking the United States to fight.
C Mexican forces attacking Americans in California.
D Texas citizens staging an attack by Mexican forces.
E the United States provoking Mexico to fight.
Question #10
A the United States should create a vast new “empire of liberty.”
B U.S. expansion was acceptable so long as it stayed out of Mexico and Canada.
C None of these answers is correct, as all of these were beliefs encompassed by the ideology of Manifest Destiny.
D the growth of the United States should ultimately include much of the rest of the world.
E the United States was destined by God and history to expand in size.