Navigation » List of Schools » California State University, Northridge » Family and Consumer Sciences » FCS 340 – Marriage and Family Relations 2 » Spring 2019 » Chapter 9 Exam
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A Asian Americans have lower marriage rates than their Latino counterparts.
B A higher percentage of Asian Americans are divorced than their Latino counterparts.
C A higher percentage of Asian Americans are never married as compared to their Latino counterparts.
D Asian Americans have lower singlehood rates than their Latino counterparts.
Question #2
A Lily cannot claim the insurance money as they are not legally married.
B Lily and her son can claim the insurance money stating their cohabitation relationship.
C Lily can claim the insurance money only if she has lived with Mark for more than 2 years.
D Lily cannot claim the money since her relationship is only considered a common-law marriage.
Question #3
A sex ratio
B demographic slide
C marriage quotient
D marriage opportunity index
Question #4
A the decline in education among women
B the failure of the feminist movement in America
C the failure of the feminist movement in America
D the postponement of marriage
Question #5
A 40 states have legalized same-sex marriages.
B Same-sex marriage rates are highest among black communities.
C A majority of Americans support same-sex marriage.
D The breakup rates among same-sex couples is lower than different-sex couples.
Question #6
A Latino women are generally less likely than African American women to experience a shortage of marriageable partners.
B The Latino population is on average a much older population compared to their African American counterparts.
C Latinos are more likely to be never married than their African American counterparts.
D Latinos have lower marriage rates than their African American counterparts.
Question #7
A Men’s median age at first marriage is more than that of women.
B More men than women choose to live alone.
C From a historical perspective, the present tendency to delay marriage has been the norm for women when compared to men.
D Women’s median age at first marriage since 1960 has decreased when compared to men.
Question #8
A selection disposition
B sex ratio
C marriage squeeze
D marriage opportunity index
Question #9
A Asian American
B African American
C white
D Latino
Question #10
A voluntary stable single
B voluntary temporary single
C involuntary temporary single
D involuntary stable single
Question #11
A The assimilation of American behaviors has contributed to rising marriage rates and falling divorce rates.
B The Latino population is on average a younger population compared to non-Latino
C The concept of “familism” ensures that most people do not consider divorce as an option even under extreme circumstances.
D Since most Hispanic workers are undocumented, most people cannot apply for legal divorces, and hence “breakups” remain under the radar.
Question #12
A Japanese Americans are less likely to face a marriage squeeze.
B Chinese Americans have the highest divorce rates in the general population.
C Chinese Americans are more likely to marry outside their racial communities.
D American born Koreans have a lower divorce rate than their immigrant counterparts.
Question #13
A trial marriage cohabitation
B substitute marriage cohabitation
C accommodation
D dating cohabitation
Question #14
A the reliance on peers and urban clusters for company and support
B the thinning out of the marriage market
C the rise of cohabitation and the acceptance of parenthood outside marriage
D the growing economic instability
Question #15
A inability to find a suitable husband
B inability to commit to the future
C the prospect of losing their independence
D financial insecurity
Question #16
A substitute marriage
B dating cohabitation
C premarital cohabitation
D trail marriage
Question #17
A Men their age are looking for much younger women.
B Men in their middle years typically prefer to remain single.
C They are looking for much younger men to marry.
D They are only interested in men who already married.
Question #18
A People do not have to worry about widowhood or divorce.
B People do not have to save extra money for retirement.
C Older singles do not have to worry about sex.
D Older singles are not expected to socialize.
Question #19
A selection effect
B inertia effect
C dissolution effect
D cohabitation effect
Question #20
A accommodation
B serial cohabitation
C dating cohabitation
D trial marriage cohabitation