Navigation » List of Schools » Prince George Community College » Political Science » Political Science 1010 – American National Government » Spring 2021 » Module V
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A The president issues recommendations to the Department of Justice on what the meaning of a new criminal statute is.
B The president changes a regulation on undocumented immigrant status without congressional approval.
C The president signs legally binding nuclear arms terms with Iran without seeking congressional approval.
D The president negotiates an agreement with China and submits it to the Senate for ratification.
Question #2
A forcing agencies to hold public meetings
B requiring annual evaluations by the president
C empowering Congress
D opening government records to citizen scrutiny
Question #3
A the CIA
C the State Department
D Amtrak
Question #4
A an organization that competes with other bureaucracies for funding
B a wasteful, poorly organized agency
C an apolitical, hierarchically organized agency
D an agency that shows clear electoral responsiveness
Question #5
A Lloyd-LaFollette Act of 1912
B Pendleton Act of 1883
C Political Activities Act of 1939
D Hatch Act of 1939
Question #6
A specialized education
B merit
C background
D party loyalty
Question #7
A brief
B majority opinion
C concurring opinion
D dissenting opinion
Question #8
A elected by citizens
B confirmed by the president
C chosen by Congress
D nominated by the president and confirmed by the Senate
Question #9
A laissez-faire
B amicus curie
C judicial activism
D stare decisis
Question #10
A state and federal courts
B civil and common courts
C district and circuit courts
D state and local courts
Question #11
A by the US Supreme Court
B at the state level
C by the US district courts
D by the circuit courts
Question #12
A most political
B least dangerous
C strongest
D most unnecessary
Question #13
A an appeals court
B a court of original jurisdication
C a district court
D a trial court
Question #14
A is given to it in the constitution
B established the three-tiered court system
C enables it to declare acts of other branches unconstitutional
D allows it to hear cases
Question #15
A impeachment trials
B struggles for power between the president and Congress
C arguments over presidential policy
D unconstitutional presidential power grabbing
Question #16
A premier position to pressure through public appeal
B authority to use force, especially military force
C ability to use technology to enhance the voice of the president
D constitutional power to veto legislation
Question #17
A Campaigns have become shorter and more expensive.
B Sometimes candidates unpopular with the party leadership reach the top.
C The conventions have become more powerful than the voters.
D Often incumbent presidents will fail to be renominated by the party.
Question #18
A Jackson’s supporters decided to create a device for challenging the Electoral College.
B The election convinced many that the parties must adopt the king caucus as the primary method for selecting presidents.
C The selection of the candidate with fewer electoral votes triggered the rise of party control over nominations.
D Following this election, presidents were directly elected.
Question #19
A He refused to run again afters serving two terms.
B He appointed the heads of various federal departments as his own advisors.
C He submitted his neutrality proclamation to the Senate for approval.
D He worked with the Senate to draft treaties with foreign countries.
Question #20
A they knew the weaknesses of an electoral college
B they were worried about giving the legislature too much power
C they feared the opportunities created for corruption
D they worried about subjecting the commander-in-chief to public scrutiny
Question #21
A according to the state’s population
B based on the state’s economic size
C based on each state’s need
D according to the state’s geographic size
Question #22
A neglected
B vetoed
C amended
D tabled
Question #23
A a majority of senators agree on a bill
B the speaker steps away from the podium
C the chamber votes for cloture
D the Speaker or majority leader intervenes
Question #24
A narrow discussion of specific policy issues
B broad discussion of policy issues
C less media coverage than House races
D less money than House races
Question #25
A the power to regulate the sale of tobacco in the states
B the power to increase taxes on the wealthiest one percent
C the power to put the president on trial for high crimes
D the power to override a presidential veto
Question #26
A districts must include urban and rural areas
B states have been known to create more districts than they have been apportioned
C districts are often drawn to benefit partisan groups
D states can gain but never lose districts