Navigation » List of Schools » Prince George Community College » Political Science » Political Science 1010 – American National Government » Spring 2021 » Final Examination Part II
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A network
B sports
C local
D national
Question #2
A He worked with the Senate to draft treaties with foreign countries.
B He refused to run again afters serving two terms.
C He submitted his neutrality proclamation to the Senate for approval.
D He appointed the heads of various federal departments as his own advisors.
Question #3
A the power to put the president on trial for high crimes
B the power to override a presidential veto
C the power to regulate the sale of tobacco in the states
D the power to increase taxes on the wealthiest one percent
Question #4
A majoritarian voting
B plurality voting
C proportional representation
D first-past-the-post
Question #5
A Whig Party
B Green Party
C Progressive Party
D Dixiecrats
Question #6
A There is more professional lobbying and many interests lobby both the national government and the states.
B A fragmentation of interests has taken place.
C There is more professional lobbying, many interests lobby both the national government and the states, and a fragmentation of interests has taken place.
D Many interests lobby both the national government and the states.
Question #7
A owns all television news stations in a states
B owns many televisions and newspapers
C owns many radio stations
D owns many businesses and media networks
Question #8
A less money than House races
B narrow discussion of specific policy issues
C less media coverage than House races
D broad discussion of policy issues
Question #9
A state and federal courts
B district and circuit courts
C state and local courts
D civil and common courts
Question #10
A Great Depression; charts and tables
B Vietnam Way; charts and tables
C WWI; images and maps
D WWII; images and maps
Question #11
A national
B state
C county
D precinct
Question #12
A dissenting opinion
B concurring opinion
C brief
D majority opinion
Question #13
A premier position to pressure through public appeal
B authority to use force, especially military force
C ability to use technology to enhance the voice of the president
D constitutional power to veto legislation
Question #14
A they worried about subjecting the commander-in-chief to public scrutiny
B they were worried about giving the legislature too much power
C they knew the weaknesses of an electoral college
D they feared the opportunities created for corruption
Question #15
A help lawmakers find work after they leave office
B prevent lawmakers from utilizing their legislative relationship by becoming lobbyists immediately after leaving office, help lawmakers find work after they leave office, and restrict lobbyists from running for political office
C prevent lawmakers from utilizing their legislative relationship by becoming lobbyists immediately after leaving office
D restrict lobbyists from running for political office and help lawmakers find work after they leave office
Question #16
A changes in key issues
B demographic shifts
C changes in party strategies
D third parties
Question #17
A most unnecessary
B most political
C least dangerous
D strongest
Question #18
A Lobbying is prohibited immediately after leaving office.
B Certain activities are prohibited.
C Contributions must be disclosed.
D all of the above.
Question #19
A brings in advertising revenue for the media corporation
B decides which issues deserve public attention
C reports on corruption in government
D covers presidential campaigns equally
Question #20
A is given to it in the constitution
B enables it to declare acts of other branches unconstitutional
C allows it to hear cases
D established the three-tiered court system
Question #21
A arguments over presidential policy
B impeachment trials
C struggles for power between the president and Congress
D unconstitutional presidential power grabbing
Question #22
A a symbiotic relationship among Congressional committees, executive agencies, and interest groupd
B three interest groups that have formed a coalition
C fluid participation among interests
D a great deal of competition for access to decision-makers
Question #23
A print party propoganda
B give fake news and sensationalize stories
C unite the colonists and provide information about the British
D attack colonial politicians
Question #24
A requiring annual evaluations by the president
B empowering Congress
C forcing agencies to hold public meetings
D opening government records to citizen scrutiny
Question #25
A specialized education
B merit
C background
D party loyalty