Navigation » List of Schools » Prince George Community College » Political Science » Political Science 1010 – American National Government » Spring 2021 » Final Examination. Part 1
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A ideology
B intense preferences
C partisanship
D latent preferences
Question #2
A the Fourteenth Amendment
B affirmative action
C intermediate scrutiny
D strict scrutiny
Question #3
A a federal program to give funds to Native American tribes to help their members open small businesses that would employ tribal members
B a radical group of Native American activists who occupied the settlement of Wounded Knee on the Pine Ridge Reservation
C a federal program that returned control of Native American education to tribal governments
D an attempt to reduce the size of reservations
Question #4
A The government pleases environmental activists by preserving public lands but also pleases ranchers by allowing them to rent public lands for grazing purposes.
B The government pleases oil companies by allowing them to drill on lands set aside for conservation but allows environmental activist groups to protest the drilling operations.
C Groups that represent a variety of conflicting interests are all allowed to protest outside Congress and the White House.
D The government pleases environmental activists by reintroducing wolves to Yellowstone National Park but angers ranchers by placing their cattle in danger.
Question #5
A three-fourths
B one-half
C all
D two-thirds
Question #6
A does not protect people who rent or lease property
B applies only to searches of the home
C does not apply when there is a serious risk that evidence will be destroyed before a warrant can be issued
D applies only to the seizure of property as evidence
Question #7
A It could not coin money.
B It could not conduct foreign affairs.
C It could not declare war?
D It could not impose taxes.
Question #8
A the right to privacy
B the right to hunt
C the right to a free public education
D the right to polygamous marriage
Question #9
A Congress would be a unicameral legislature with each state receiving equal representation.
B Representation in the House of Representatives would be based on each state’s population and every state would have two senators.
C Each state would have equal representation in both the House of Representatives and the Senate.
D Representation in both the House of Representatives and the Senate would be based on a state’s popluation.
Question #10
A States’ involvement in immigration is partly due to their interest in preventing illegal immigrants from accessing public services such as education and welfare benefits.
B The Arizona v. United States decision struck down all Arizona’s most restrictive provisions on illegal immigration.
C Federal immigration laws trump state laws.
D Since the 1990s, states have increasingly moved into the policy domain of immigration.
Question #11
A substantial confrontation
B affirmative action
C the glass ceiling
D comparable worth
Question #12
A United States v. Windsor legalized same-sex marriage in the United States.
B More than half the states had legalized same-sex marriage by the time the Supreme Court made same-sex marriage legal nationwide in 2015.
C In the 1990s and 2000s, the number of state restrictions on same-sex marriage increased.
D The federal government became involved in this issue when it passed DOMA.
Question #13
A Shelley v. Kraemer
B Plessy v. Ferguson
C Loving v. Virginia
D Brown v. Board of Education
Question #14
A access to the professions for women
B greater property rights for women
C women’s right to an education
D suffrage for women
Question #15
A In a federal system, power is concentrated in the states; in a unitary system, it is concentrated in the national government.
B The United States and Japan have federal systems, while Great Britain and Canada have unitary systems.
C Today there are more countries with federal systems that with unitary systems.
D In a federal system, the Constitution allocates powers between the states and the federal government; in a unitary system, powers are lodged in th national government.
Question #16
A That man would have to pass a religious test before he could become president; thus, citizens could be sure that he was of good character.
B It was easier to control the actions of one man than the actions of a group
C One man could respond to crises more quickly than a group of men like Congress and It was easier to control the actions of one man than the actions of a group.
D One man could respond to crises more quickly than a group of men like Congress and that man would have to pass a religious test before he could become president; thus, citizens could be sure that he was of good character.
Question #17
A a bill of rights
B the social contract
C due process
D the divine right of kings
Question #18
A intermediate scrutiny
B rational basis test
C strict scrutiny
D equal protection
Question #19
A key states refused to ratify the Constitution unless it was added
B Alexander Hamilton believed it was necessay
C it was originally part of the Declaration of Independence
D it was part of the Articles of Confederation
Question #20
A reinforcing the right to keep and bear arms guaranteed by the Second Amendment
B ensuring the right to freedom of the press
C forming a part of a broader conception of privacy in the home that is also protected by the Second and Fourth Amendments
D strengthening the right to a jury trial in criminal cases
Question #21
A Asian immigrants were disliked by whites who feared competition for jobs, and several acts of Congress sought to restrict immigration and naturalization of Asians.
B Asian immigrants were welcomed to the United States and swiftly became financially successful.
C Whites feared Asian immigrants because Japanese and Chinese Americans were often disloyal to the US government.
D Asian immigrants got along well with whites but not with Mexican Americans or African Americans.
Question #22
A King James II
B James Madison
C John Locke
D Thomas Jefferson
Question #23
A the bracero program
B Operation Wetback
C the Mattachine Society
D the United Farm Workers union
Question #24
A monarchy
B direct democracy
C totalitarian
D oligarchy
Question #25
A Minors must gain the consent of a parent or judge before seeking an abortion.
B Women must be informed of the health consequences of having an abortion.
C Women must notify their spouses before having an abortion.
D Women must make more than one visit to an abortion clinic before the procedure can be performed.