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Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A males and females don’t like each other very much and so prefer not to mate.
B when interbreeding between two different species results in less successful hybrid offspring.
C because there is over-population and species survival depends on a new species evolving.
D when there is extensive gene flow within a single species.
Question #2
A one possible explanation of speciation accepted by biologists today.
B one possible explanation of speciation accepted by biologists today, is not the only pattern of speciation observed in the natural world and is called the theory of phyletic gradualism.
C is not the only pattern of speciation observed in the natural world.
D is called the theory of phyletic gradualism.
Question #3
A gradualism.
B parallel evolution.
C microevolution.
D punctuated equilibrium.
Question #4
A gene flow between individuals within the population keeps them similar to each other.
B new mutations are usually maladaptive.
C environments change slowly.
D natural selection is a powerful process.
Question #5
A they way natural selection favors particular traits suited to a specific ecological niche.
B gene flow among members of the same species.
C genetic drift within populations.
D sexual selection between two different species
Question #6
A generalization.
B parallel evolution.
C homology.
D adaptive radiation.
Question #7
A allopatric speciation.
B extinction
C sympatric speciation.
D migration
Question #8
A the relationship between humans and other animals in their ecological niche
B large scale evolutionary change such as speciation
C how the evolution of one species affects the evolution of another species
D small scale evolutionary changes within a single generation
Question #9
A the extinction of a species.
B evolutionary change within a species.
C the death of individuals in a group.
D the formation of new species.
Question #10
A the change from one species to another in one generation
B the appearance of new species
C the change in allele frequencies from one generation to the next
D any type of genetic mutation
Question #11
A All of these forces may disrupt equilibrium.
B genetic drift
C gene flow
D mutation
Question #12
A the differential reproductive success of individuals
B the chance loss of alleles in a population
C the production of new genetic material
D the exchange of genes between populations
Question #13
A maladaptive changes in gene frequencies.
B changes in gene frequencies that are random with respect to adaptation.
C equilibrium in genetic frequencies.
D adaptive changes in gene frequencies.
Question #14
A large populations.
B populations out of equilibrium.
C small populations.
D medium-sized populations.
Question #15
A genetic drift
B recombination
C migration
D mutation
Question #16
A all of these are important in shaping continuously varying traits
B are shaped by many genes, each with only a small effect on the phenotype.
C are affected by genes at many loci.
D can be greatly impacted by the environment during an individual’s growth and development.
Question #17
A genetic drift
B migration
C natural selection
D mutation
Question #18
A New variation is slowly added by mutation.
B There is no blending during sexual reproduction.
C Mutations can be hidden in the heterozygous genotype.
D All of these are ways that genetic variation remains within a population.
Question #19
A the somatic cells of the body.
B the sex cells or eggs and sperm.
C were discovered by Darwin.
D do not differ between male and female animals.
Question #20
A allele
B mutation
C gene
D genetic drift
Question #21
A One chromosome from each homologous pair is passed on to gametic cells during meiosis.
B Chromosomes come in pairs.
C These are all true about choromsomes
D Hereditary material is contained in the chromosomes.
Question #22
A polygenic trait
B mendelian trait
C dominant trait
D non-genetic trait
Question #23
A the survivors of the drought had a larger average beak size
B beak size is inherited so the next generation had a larger average beak size
C The Grants found all these things as part of their study.
D a large number of the birds had died as a result of the drought
Question #24
A changed over time because of environmental change
B never changed because of high juvenile mortality
C never changed because of stasis
D changed because equilibrium existed in the population
Question #25
A averaging selection
B stabilizing selection
C disruptive selection
D directional selection
Question #26
A allow organisms to evolve more rapidly.
B almost always occur by chance alone.
C cannot be passed from parent to offspring.
D are components of organisms that enable them to survive and reproduce.
Question #27
A there is no competition.
B there are no differences in the traits to be favored and affect survival and reproducation.
C evolutionary change would proceed in a nonadaptive direction.
D traits are not inherited by offspring.
Question #28
A the inheritance of variation.
B the struggle for existance.
C variation in fitness.
D Natural selection is based on all three of these answers.
Question #29
A while organisms within a population reproduce rapidly, resources are limited.
B individuals within a population vary.
C individuals with useful adaptations will be more likely to survive and reproduce.
D all of these are essential elements of natural selection.