Navigation » List of Schools » Prince George Community College » Psychology » Psychology 2080 – Abnormal Psychology » Spring 2021 » Quiz 4
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A during the Iraqi War
B during the Vietnam War
C during World War I
D after World War II
Question #2
A not far at all because protectors usually emerge even before the disorder is diagnosed
B moderately far because a protector usually emerges before subpersonality integration
C very far because a protector usually emerges after subpersonality integration, and before fusion
D all the way because a protector usually emerges only after successful therapy is over
Question #3
A lability.
B mutual cognizance.
C switching.
D host transfer.
Question #4
A Personality characteristics are related to both the development of stress disorders and recovery from them.
B Personality characteristics are related to neither the development of nor recovery from stress disorders.
C Certain personality characteristics are related to recovery from stress disorders, but not to their development.
D Certain personality characteristics are related to the development of stress disorders, but not to recovery from these disorders.
Question #5
A mutually cognizant pattern.
B one-way amnesic relationship.
C mutually amnesic relationship.
D coconscious relationship.
Question #6
A The hypothalamus stimulates the pituitary to produce corticosteroids that cause the adrenal gland to release adrenocorticotropic hormone.
B The hypothalamus stimulates the pituitary to produce a stress hormone that causes the adrenal gland to release hypothalamic hormone in a feedback loop.
C The hypothalamus stimulates the pituitary to produce a stress hormone that causes the adrenal gland to release corticosteroids.
D The hypothalamus produces corticosteroids, which stimulate the pituitary to produce a stress hormone that causes the adrenal gland to release adrenocorticotropic hormone.
Question #7
A establish a contract with the subpersonalities to prevent self-harm.
B bond with the primary personality.
C provide a forum for the subpersonalities to communicate with one another.
D integrate the subpersonalities into a unity.
Question #8
A mood disorders.
B sexual disorders.
C anxiety disorders.
D personality disorders.
Question #9
A The drugs are effective for only about 25 percent of the people who take them.
B The drugs must be taken “as needed” rather than on a regular schedule.
C It appears that all antidepressant drugs that restore norepinephrine help prevent or reduce panic symptoms.
D Antianxiety drugs are preferred over antidepressants.
Question #10
A fear hierarchical flooding
B covert
C in vivo
D modeling
Question #11
A selective.
B continuous.
C circumscribed.
D organic.
Question #12
A the awareness that something has been forgotten
B the inability to forget
C the ability to escape threatening events
D the awareness to know why you forget
Question #13
A different subpersonalities have shown different brain response patterns.
B people with dissociative identity disorder did not show different brain response patterns for subpersonalities.
C control subjects who were asked to pretend they had different personalities were able to create different brain response patterns for each subpersonality.
D no differences were found in brain activity between controls and individuals with dissociative identity disorder.
Question #14
A being treated for a combat-related stress disorder
B seeing friends seriously wounded or killed
C seeing dead or gravely wounded civilians
D being injured or hospitalized themselves
Question #15
A existential anxiety.
B moral anxiety.
C neurotic anxiety.
D realistic anxiety.
Question #16
A poverty and had parents who divorced when the people were younger than 10 years old.
B well-to-do families and had parents who divorced when the people were younger than 10 years old.
C poverty and had parents who divorced when the people were in their teens.
D well-to-do families and had parents who divorced when the people were in their teens.
Question #17
A Those with dissociative amnesia often develop amnesia without experiencing an upsetting event.
B Those with dissociative amnesia experience a loss of semantic, rather than episodic, knowledge.
C Those with dissociative fugue change where they live.
D Those with dissociative fugue experience a loss of semantic, rather than episodic knowledge.
Question #18
A panic disorder.
B agoraphobia.
C agoraphobia and panic disorder.
D panic attacks.
Question #19
A experienced a significant, and long-term, setback.
B merged the final two or more subpersonalities.
C merged the first two or more subpersonalities.
D experienced a significant, but short-term, setback.
Question #20
A 20 percent
B 50 percent
C 30 percent
D 40 percent