
Fresh Grad Lands Job as Real Estate Agent With Help from Professional Writers

People go to websites to get the information they desperately need.  They could be looking for an answer to a nagging question.  They might be looking for help in completing an important task.  For recent graduates, they might be looking for ways on how to prepare a comprehensive resume that can capture the attention of the hiring manager

Manush is a recent graduate from a prestigious university in California who is looking for a job opportunity as a real estate agent.  While he already has samples provided by his friends, he still feels something lacking in his resume.  Specifically, the he believes that his professional objective statement lacks focus and clarity. 

Thus, he sought our assistance in improving editing and proofreading his resume. 

In revising his resume, iwritegigs highlighted his soft skills such as his communication skills, ability to negotiate, patience and tactfulness.  In the professional experience part, our team added some skills that are aligned with the position he is applying for.

When he was chosen for the real estate agent position, he sent us this thank you note:

“Kudos to the team for a job well done.  I am sincerely appreciative of the time and effort you gave on my resume.  You did not only help me land the job I had always been dreaming of but you also made me realize how important adding those specific keywords to my resume!  Cheers!

Manush’s story shows the importance of using powerful keywords to his resume in landing the job he wanted.

Exam 1

Navigation   » List of Schools  »  Los Angeles City College  »  Family and Consumer Studies  »  Family and Consumer Studies 21- Marriage and Family Life  »  Summer 2020  »  Exam 1

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Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:

Question #1
A  ​lower the pH of chyme
B  ​reduce risk of vomiting
C  ​hydrolyze large peptides
D  ​raise the pH of chyme
E  ​increase peristalsis
Question #2
A  ​Fish
B  ​Natural sugars
C  Yogurt
D  ​Poultry
E  ​Iron-rich foods
Question #3
A  ​A food item that has passed through the small intestine into the colon
B  ​A portion of food swallowed at one time
C  ​An enzyme that hydrolyzes starch
D  ​A device used to analyze the contents of the stomach
E  A sphincter muscle separating the stomach from the small intestine
Question #4
A  ​hiccups
B  ​hemorrhoids
C  ​vomiting
D  ​reflux
E  ​peptic ulcers
Question #6
A  postbiotics
B  probiotics​
C  ​symbiotics
D  ​abiotics
E  ​prebiotics
Question #7
A  ​Mitochondria
B  ​Villi
C  Cilia
D  ​Vascular projectiles
E  ​Mesenteric vessels
Question #8
A  ​Goblet cells
B  ​Crypt
C  Macrovillus
D  ​Microvillus
E  ​Cecum
Question #9
A  reabsorb water and salts
B  ​Removes toxins from the blood
C  ​perform enzymatic digestion
D  ​store bile
E  ​produce bile
Question #10
A  ​emulsification
B  inhibition
C  ​condensation
D  ​enzymification
E  ​phosphorylation
Question #11
A  ​stabilize pancreatic enzymes
B  ​protect the stomach walls from digestion
C  ​help solubilize bile
D  ​facilitate peristalsis
E  enhance absorption of vitamin B12
Question #12
A  Rectum
B  ​Stomach
C  ​Colon
D  ​Ileum
E  ​Duodenum
Question #13
A  ​secrete digestive juices into the GI tract
B  ​grind large food particles
C  control peristalsis
D  ​control the passage of food through the GI tract
E  ​trigger hormone release
Question #14
A  ​Ileocecal valve
B  Gastric retainer
C  ​Lower sphincter
D  ​Rectal sphincter
E  ​Pylorus
Question #15
A  ​a semiliquid mass of partially digested food released by the stomach into the small intestine.
B  ​chewed food combined with saliva that has passed from the esophagus into the stomach.
C  the mixture of pancreatic juices containing enzymes for digestion of the macronutrients.​
D  ​a thick, viscous material synthesized by mucosal cells for protection against digestive juices.
E  the semisolid mass of undigested food that passes through the ileocecal valve.
Question #16
A  ​initiates peristalsis
B  ​prevents the contents of the small intestine from backing up into the stomach
C  ​secretes acid into the stomach
D  prevents the contents of the small intestine from emptying too quickly into the colon
E  ​secretes hormones into the stomach
Question #17
A  ​Mouth
B  ​Pyloric sphincter
C  ​Upper esophageal sphincter
D  ​Chyme
E  Epiglottis
Question #18
A  ​mastication
B  ​adsorption
C  ​digestion
D  ​absorption
E  excretion
Question #20
A  ​sugar, puffed wheat, dry milk powder, salt, red food coloring
B  ​red food coloring, salt, dry milk powder, puffed wheat, sugar
C  ​puffed wheat, sugar, dry milk powder, salt, red food coloring
D  ​sugar, salt, puffed wheat, dry milk powder, red food coloring
E  ​dry milk powder, puffed wheat, red food coloring, salt, sugar
Question #21
A  ​whole-wheat
B  ​multi-grain
C  ​stone-ground
D  ​100% wheat
E  high fiber
Question #22
A  ​enriched
B  ​whole grain
C  ​super-fine
D  ​white
E  ​refined
Question #23
A  ​chaff
B  bran
C  ​endosperm
D  ​husk
E  ​germ
Question #24
A  adulteration
B  ​mineralization
C  ​restoration
D  ​fortification
E  ​enrichment
Question #25
A  All foods are grouped according to their content of carbohydrate, protein, and fats.
B  Cheeses are grouped with milk and salt pork is grouped with other meats.
C  Foods are sorted by their vitamin and mineral content.
D  Foods are grouped according to their source.
E  Adequate intakes of minerals and vitamins are virtually guaranteed.
Question #26
A  ​cardiovascular disease
B  ​diabetes
C  ​cancer
D  life-threatening obesity
E  ​neurological impairments
Question #27
A  ​micronutrients
B  ​fat
C  ​carbohydrate
D  dairy
E  ​discretionary-calorie foods
Question #28
A  ​brussels sprouts
B  ​raw carrots
C  ​jam
D  ​green beans
E  watermelon
Question #29
A  ​oils
B  ​fruits
C  ​protein
D  dairy
E  ​grains
Question #30
A  ​safety
B  ​variety
C  ​moderation
D  ​conservatism
E  undernutrition
Question #31
A  ​carry the USDA nutrition labeling
B  provide more nutrients relative to kcalories
C  ​are higher in weight relative to volume
D  ​contain a mixture of carbohydrate, fat, and protein
E  ​give the most protein for the consumer’s food dollar
Question #32
A  ​abundance, adequacy, nutrient density, aerobics, and kcalorie control
B  ​abundance, B vitamins, kcalories, diet control, minerals, and variety
C  adequacy, balance, kcalorie control, nutrient density, moderation, and variety
D  ​abundance, balance, conservative, diversity, moderation, and vitamins
E  ​adequacy, bone development, correction, vitamin density, master, and variety
Question #33
A  nutrient density
B  ​adequacy
C  ​variety
D  ​kcalorie control
E  ​moderation
Question #34
A  ​The presence of a factor such as heredity can be modified to lower the risk of degenerative diseases.
B  ​The absence of a risk factor guarantees freedom from the disease.
C  All people with the risk factor will develop the disease.
D  ​The more risk factors for a disease, the greater the chance of developing that disease.
E  ​Risk factors tend to be short-lived, so their presence does not predict long-term risk of disease.
Question #35
A  ​treat people with diet-related disorders
B  ​assess adequacy of only vitamins and minerals
C  diagnose and treat simple malnutrition
D  ​plan and evaluate diets for healthy people
E  diagnose diet-related disorders​
Question #36
A  ​30-40%
B  70-80%​
C  ​15-25%
D  45-65%
E  ​5-10%
Question #37
A  ​The maximum amount from all sources that appears safe for most healthy people
B  A number calculated by taking twice the RDA or three times the AI
C  ​The maximum amount allowed for fortifying a food
D  ​The maximum allowable amount available in supplement form
E  The amount that can be absorbed from a typical diet.​
Question #38
A  ​The Estimated Energy Requirement, because it represents what will maintain energy balance and good health in a person of a given age, gender, weight, height, and level of physical activity
B  The Tolerable Upper Intake levels, because they are the maximum daily amount of a nutrient that appears safe for most healthy people
C  The Recommended Dietary Allowances, because they represent the average daily amount of a nutrient considered adequate to meet the known nutrient needs of practically all healthy people.​
D  ​The Estimated Average Requirements, because they reflect the average daily amount of a nutrient that will maintain a specific function in half of the healthy people of a population
E  ​The Dietary Reference Intakes, because they are a set of nutrient intake values for healthy people in the United States and Canada
Question #39
A  ​The possibility of a placebo effect is eliminated.
B  ​Chance variation is less likely to affect the results.
C  ​The control group will be similar to the experimental group.
D  The experiment will be double-blind.
E  ​Experimenter bias is less likely to have an effect.
Question #40
A  ​Neither subjects nor researchers know which subjects are in the control or experimental group
B  ​Both subject groups take turns getting each treatment.
C  Neither group of subjects knows whether they are in the control or experimental group, but the researchers do know.
D  ​Both subject groups know whether they are in the control or experimental group, but the researchers do not know.
E  ​Neither the subjects nor the persons having contact with the subjects know the true purpose of the experiment.
Question #41
A  ​interpretation
B  ​conclusion.
C  ​theory.
D  ​anecdote
E  hypothesis
Question #42
A  plant fats
B  ​animal proteins
C  ​animal carbohydrates
D  ​plant carbohydrates
E  ​plant proteins
Question #43
A  ​alcohols
B  ​carbohydrates
C  ​fats
D  ​proteins
E  vitamins and minerals​
Question #44
A  substances that contain water​
B  ​products grown without use of pesticides
C  ​foods having superior nutrient qualities
D  substances with carbon-carbon or carbon-hydrogen bonds
E  ​products sold at health food stores
Question #45
A  ​water
B  ​proteins
C  minerals
D  ​fat-soluble vitamins
E  ​water-soluble vitamins
Question #46
A  essential nutrient​
B  phytonutrient.
C  ​organic nutrient
D  nutraceutical.​
E  ​metabolic nutrient
Question #47
A  ​phytoactive chemicals
B  inorganic fibers
C  ​bioenhancements
D  ​phytochemicals
E  nonnutritive additives​
Question #48
A  ​ethnic heritage
B  ​comfort
C  ​body image
D  ​functional association
E  values
Question #49
A  ​habit
B  environmental concerns
C  ​body image
D  ​cultural values
E  ​availability
Question #50
A  ​habit
B  ​social interaction
C  comfort eating​
D  emotional turmoil
E  ​negative association