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Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A The ultimate key is to build a massive coastal wall.
B Both A and B
C The ultimate key is to restore the wetlands.
D The ultimate key is to drain the Mississippi River.
E The ultimate key is to build more levees.
Question #2
A A ½ degree of temperature equals one thousand atomic bombs.
B A ½ degree of temperature equals one atomic bomb.
C A ½ degree of temperature equals one hundred atomic bombs.
D A ½ degree of temperature equals one million atomic bombs.
E A ½ degree of temperature equals one billion atomic bombs.
Question #3
A They have tripled
B They have remained the same
C They have declined
D They have doubled
Question #4
A The Aztec alphabet
B The Russian alphabet
C The Indonesian alphabet
D The Greek alphabet
E The Persian alphabet
Question #5
A The levee dissolved when sewer water hit it.
B The water flowed over the top of the levee wall.
C The levee was blown up in an effort to spare other parts of the city.
D The London and 17th Street canal failed because it had a pressure burst and the whole canal just pushed back.
Question #6
A It took days to drain the city.
B It took over a week to drain the city.
C It took four months to drain the city.
D It took over a month to drain the city.
Question #9
A 28 feet tall
B 52 feet tall
C 12 feet tall
D 4 feet tall
E 19 feet tall
F 46 feet tall
Question #10
A The projected track of Hurricane Katrina was incorrect.
B The projected track of Hurricane Katrina was correct, only about 70 miles off.
C The projected track of Hurricane Katrina was correct, only about 20 miles off.
D The projected track of Hurricane Katrina was correct, only about 120 miles off.
E The projected track of Hurricane Katrina was exact, less than ½ mile off.
Question #11
A Louisiana loses an area the size of a city bus every hour.
B Louisiana loses 10 square miles every hour.
C Louisiana loses an area the size of a kitchen table every hour.
D Louisiana loses an area the size of a posted note every hour.
E Louisiana loses an area the size of a football field every hour.
Question #12
A The defense was an illusion that never worked to begin with.
B Starved of new soils because of the levees that were put in, the defense disappeared with the wetlands.
C The defense was expanded when the wetlands were expanded.
Question #13
A New Orleans held its first hurricane drill
B The first bridge was built across the Mississippi River
C The Great Flood happened on the Mississippi River
D Six hurricanes hit the Louisiana shoreline
Question #14
A An accurate way to forecast storms like hurricanes
B Pumps and drainage canals to drain the city
C Levees to stop all floods
D An ability to measure wind speed
Question #15
A New Orleans is below sea level in somewhat of a bowl shape.
B New Orleans continues to sink, dropping the city further below sea level.
C When they drained the water out they lost nutrients, which caused soils to compact or to shrink.
D None of the above
E All of the above
Question #16
A Car accidents
B Heart attacks
C Drowning
D Injuries from flying debris
E Lightning strikes
Question #17
A Lightning
B Bulges of water called the storm surge
C Funnels of static air
D Lowering of sea level
Question #18
A 110 MPH
B 130 MPH
C 95 MPH
D 145 MPH
E 155 MPH
Question #19
A 1/5 of the population evacuated
B 1/3 of the population evacuated
C 99% of the population evacuated
D 1/10 of the population evacuated
E 3/4 of the population evacuated
Question #20
A The amount of sunlight that hits the clouds
B The Earth’s rotation
C The amount of moisture in the storm
D Wind speed
Question #21
A Hurricane Pam was a hurricane simulator that showed what would happen to New Orleans in case a huge hurricane coming through the town. It showed that the city was well prepared for a storm like this.
B Hurricane Pam was a hurricane that hit Texas. It showed the damage a storm like this would do to New Orleans.
C Hurricane Pam was a hurricane that hit Miami. It showed the damage a storm like this would do to New Orleans.
D Hurricane Pam was a hurricane simulator that showed what would happen to New Orleans in case a huge hurricane coming through the town. It showed devastation for New Orleans with 61000 people dead, half a million homeless, and multiple injured people as well.
Question #22
A Hurricanologists monitor hurricanes
B No one
C Meteorologists monitor hurricanes
D The ATF monitors hurricanes