Navigation » List of Schools » West Los Angeles College » Anthropology » Anthropology 101 – Human Biological Evolution » Fall 2020 » Evolution and Genetics Quiz
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A mutation and recombination
B genetic drift and the founder effect
C homologous traits and interspecific variation
D natural selection and genetic drift
Question #2
A by the principles of Mendelian inheritance and variation hidden as recessive alleles
B individuals behave in ways that benefit other individuals in the group
C through the mechanism of blending inheritance
D the mechanism of natural selection
Question #3
A a single gene has only a small effect on the phenotype.
B can be greatly impacted by the environment.
C are affected by genes at many loci.
D All of these statements are correct
Question #4
A Mendelian
B polygenic
C dominant
D recessive
Question #5
A blending
B codominance
C dominance
D recessiveness
Question #6
A 2
B 4
C 3
D 6
Question #7
A equilibrium of population genetics
B founders effect
C enhancement of adaptation
D stabilization of gene flow
Question #8
A the opposite of founder effect
B the change in allele frequencies produced by random factors
C not evolutionary change
D the change in allele frequencies produced by nonrandom factors
Question #9
A chance loss of alleles in a population
B differential reproductive success of individuals
C exchange of genes between populations
D production of new alleles
Question #10
A the exchange of genes between populations
B a chance loss of alleles in a population
C differential reproductive success of individuals
D the production of new alleles
Question #11
A production of new alleles
B differential reproductive success of individuals
C exchange of genes between populations
D chance loss of alleles in a population
Question #12
A False; migration cannot change gene frequencies
B Individuals from two different populations produce offspring
C Speciation occurs
D Individuals move from one population to another
Question #13
A Speciation occurs
B False; gene flow cannot change gene frequencies
C Individuals from two different populations produce offspring
D Individuals move from one population to another
Question #14
A Devolution occurs
B The mutation changes the gene itself and the gene spreads through the population
C When X-Men threaten the world
D False; mutations cannot change gene frequencies
Question #15
A exchange of genes between populations
B production of new alleles
C chance loss of alleles in a population
D differential reproductive success of individuals
Question #16
A mutation, gene flow, genetic drift, and natural selection.
B genetic variation, phenotypic variation, adaptation, and exaptation.
C stabilizing selection, directional selection, and disruptive selection.
D natural selection, directional selection, and stabilizing selection.
Question #17
A genetic shift
B migration
C genetic drift
D natural selection
Question #18
A Mutation
B Migration
C Devolution
D Natural selection
Question #19
A evolutionary or modern synthesis.
B revisionist evolutionary theory.
C punctuated equilibrium theory.
D fitness fusion.
Question #20
A A change in gene frequencies from generation to generation
B Descent with modification
C Scientists have still not defined evolution
D Survival of the fittest