
Fresh Grad Lands Job as Real Estate Agent With Help from Professional Writers

People go to websites to get the information they desperately need.  They could be looking for an answer to a nagging question.  They might be looking for help in completing an important task.  For recent graduates, they might be looking for ways on how to prepare a comprehensive resume that can capture the attention of the hiring manager

Manush is a recent graduate from a prestigious university in California who is looking for a job opportunity as a real estate agent.  While he already has samples provided by his friends, he still feels something lacking in his resume.  Specifically, the he believes that his professional objective statement lacks focus and clarity. 

Thus, he sought our assistance in improving editing and proofreading his resume. 

In revising his resume, iwritegigs highlighted his soft skills such as his communication skills, ability to negotiate, patience and tactfulness.  In the professional experience part, our team added some skills that are aligned with the position he is applying for.

When he was chosen for the real estate agent position, he sent us this thank you note:

“Kudos to the team for a job well done.  I am sincerely appreciative of the time and effort you gave on my resume.  You did not only help me land the job I had always been dreaming of but you also made me realize how important adding those specific keywords to my resume!  Cheers!

Manush’s story shows the importance of using powerful keywords to his resume in landing the job he wanted.

Exam 2

Navigation   » List of Schools  »  California State University Dominguez Hills  »  Science, Mathematics and Technology  »  SMT 314 – Introduction to Cosmology  »  Fall 2020  »  Exam 2

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Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:

Question #1
A  Is caused by the motion of Venus along an epicycle whose center orbits the Sun
B  Is caused by the change in perspective as Venus catches up with, and passes, Earth while both planets orbit the Sun
C  Is caused by the “backward” rotation of Venus about its own axis
D  Is caused by the gravitational tug of other planets on Venus
E  Was used by Galileo to explain the complete set of phases of Venus that he observed through his telescope
Question #4
A  less than an Earth day
B  many Earth days
C  less than an hour
D  longer than an Earth day
Question #5
A  planets 1 AU from their star
B  none of these choices
C  all of these choices
D  planets with an oxygen atmosphere
E  planets with a rocky surface
F  planets that could have liquid water
Question #6
A  older than
B  the same age as
C  younger than
Question #9
A  Neptune and Uranus appear greenish blue because they are covered by a liquid water ocean
B  The giant planets consist mostly of hydrogen and helium,
C  Jupiter’s volume is roughly 10 times Earth’s volume
D  Saturn’s rings rotate as a solid body, like a bicycle wheel and its spokes; all particles have the same orbital period.
E  Of the four giant planets, only Saturn and Uranus have rings.
Question #11
A  Venus
B  Triton
C  Uranus
D  Io
Question #12
A  Venus
B  Mercury
C  Mars
D  Earth
Question #13
A  It doesn’t revolve about the Sun like planets.
B  If it was a distant planet, it would be a gas giant planet.
C  It fell into Neptune when their orbits crossed.
D  It’s orbit is not clear of other orbiting objects.
Question #14
A  tidally-disrupted icy rock debris between Mars and Jupiter.
B  between the Sun and Mars.
C  randomly distributed throughout the solar system.
D  among comets in the Oort cloud, beyond Neptune.
Question #15
A  the transit method
B  direct imaging
C  astrometric measurements
D  the Doppler-wobble method
E  gravitational microlensing
Question #16
A  Callisto
B  Europa
C  Titan
D  Io
Question #17
A  the Moon experiences frequent volcanic eruptions that cause craters.
B  the Moon has been around longer than the Earth and has been exposed to more periods of meteor bombardment.
C  the Moon is much more deficient in iron relative to the Earth, causing craters to form more easily.
D  the Moon is more distant than the Earth, causing incoming rocks to hit it first.
E  the Moon experiences almost no erosion compared to the Earth, causing craters to remain much longer.
Question #18
A  By observing the Moon long enough from Earth, night after night, we are able to draw a map of its entire surface.
B  High tide occurs on the side of the Earth nearest to the Moon, while low tide occurs on the opposite side of the Earth.
C  At any given location on Earth, there are two high tides each day – one caused by the gravitational pull of the Sun, and the other by the gravitational pull of the Moon.
D  The same half of the Moon’s surface is perpetually dark (craters on that side never see sunlight), leading us to call it the “dark side of the Moon.”
E  The orbital period of the Moon around the Earth and the rotation period of the Moon around its axis are equal.
Question #20
A  Formation of the protosun,Ignition of the Sun,Formation of the Jovian Planets,Formation of the Terrestrial Planets,Late Heavy Bombardment
B  Formation of the protosun,Formation of the Jovian Planets,Formation of the Terrestrial Planets,Ignition of the Sun,Late Heavy Bombardment
C  Ignition of the Sun,Formation of the protosun,Formation of the Jovian Planets,Formation of the Terrestrial Planets,Late Heavy Bombardment
D  Formation of the Jovian Planets,Formation of the Terrestrial Planets,Formation of the protosun,Ignition of the Sun,Late Heavy Bombardment
Question #21
A  Neptune,Saturn,Mercury,Venus,Earth,Mars,Jupiter,Uranus,Kuiper Belt,Asteroid Belt
B  Mercury,Venus,Earth,Mars,Asteroid Belt,Jupiter,Saturn,Uranus,Neptune,Kuiper Belt
C  Mercury,Asteroid Belt,Venus,Earth,Mars,Kuiper Belt,Jupiter,Saturn,Uranus,Neptune,
D  Kuiper Belt,Mercury,Earth,MarsVenus,Jupiter,Uranus,Neptune,Saturn,Asteroid Belt
Question #22
A  a captured comet
B  a collision with a rogue planet
C  a chunk broke off of the Earth
D  early solar system gas & dust
E  Sun ejecta
Question #24
A  methane
B  helium
C  ammonia
D  hydrogen
E  nitrogen
Question #25
A  Ariel
B  Luna
C  Phobos
D  Triton
E  Io
Question #28
A  They generally have the thickest atmospheres of all the planets in the Solar System
B  They are the largest of all planets in the Solar System, with diameters up to nearly 1/10 the diameter of the Sun.
C  Despite their size, they rotate about their axis very rapidly, in fewer than 24 hours.
D  They have many moons, probably due to their large gravitational fields.
E  They are the most massive of all the planets in the Solar System since they are mainly composed of heavy elements like iron.
Question #29
A  Objects smaller than comets; most between Mars and Jupiter.
B  Meteorites falling on a radiant from the Perseid star cluster.
C  Groupings of stars in the sky that are smaller than constellations.
D  Any astronomical object.
Question #30
A  Earth’s mantle consists of stacked rock plates
B  lava erupts at random
C  earthquake map
D  continents shifting over a convecting mantle
Question #31
A  Total lunar eclipses last longer than total solar eclipses
B  Lunar eclipses are predictable.
C  At a given time, a total lunar eclipse is visible only from a small part of the Earth’s surface.
D  The Moon is still visible during a total lunar eclipse because of light going through the Earth’s atmosphere.
E  Lunar eclipses don’t occur monthly, because the inclination of the Moon’s orbit around the Earth relative to the Earth’s orbit around the Sun.
Question #32
A  coma
B  nucleus
C  dust tail
D  ion tail
Question #34
A  there is too much material to have fit into the ball of each planet
B  Jovian planets rotate very rapidly, and some material near the equator of these planets was flung outward, forming the rings
C  tidal forces cause volcanic eruptions on some moons, and part of this material subsequently escaped the gravity of the moons, forming the rings.
D  tidal forces prevent the material in rings from forming into moons
E  their thick gaseous atmospheres would disintegrate any small rock that enter them
Question #35
A  Uranus
B  Triton
C  Venus
D  Io
Question #38
A  Venus’s atmosphere is much thicker than that of Earth – but some of Earth’s gases are trapped in rocks and oceans.
B  No greenhouse effect currently occurs on Earth, and this is a good thing for humans.
C  If we dump much more carbon dioxide in Earth’s atmosphere, Earth will become hotter because of the greenhouse effect.
D  The greenhouse effect occurs when an atmosphere is transparent to optical or visible light but translucent to infrared light, thus trapping the heat.
E  An extreme, possible runaway, greenhouse effect occurred on Venus, making its planetary surface the hottest in the Solar System.
Question #40
A  The planet rotates once every 243 days, but the atmosphere rotates faster.
B  The rotation is counter-clockwise.
C  The planet rotates once every 2/3 revolution about the Sun.
D  The rotation axis is almost in line with the solar ecliptic
Question #41
A  comets burn quite rapidly, using up all their fuel within a few decades
B  it is impossible to tell when most comets will return close to the Sun
C  orbits of comets are highly eccentric and their semimajor axes are large
D  comets are not gravitationally bound to our Solar System
E  most comets only pass close to the Sun 2 or 3 times, and then they disintegrate
Question #42
A  coma
B  ion tail
C  dust tail
D  nucleus
Question #43
A  gravitational attraction to astronomical objects
B  none of these
C  ocean storms & weather
D  periodic sloshing of liquid water.
Question #45
A  an atmospheric disturbance where a comet landed years ago.
B  a hurricane
C  a tidal instability
D  a volcanic eruption