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Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A Is caused by the motion of Venus along an epicycle whose center orbits the Sun
B Is caused by the change in perspective as Venus catches up with, and passes, Earth while both planets orbit the Sun
C Is caused by the “backward” rotation of Venus about its own axis
D Is caused by the gravitational tug of other planets on Venus
E Was used by Galileo to explain the complete set of phases of Venus that he observed through his telescope
Question #2
A Neptune
B Uranus
C Jupiter
D Saturn
Question #3
Question #4
A less than an Earth day
B many Earth days
C less than an hour
D longer than an Earth day
Question #5
A planets 1 AU from their star
B none of these choices
C all of these choices
D planets with an oxygen atmosphere
E planets with a rocky surface
F planets that could have liquid water
Question #6
A older than
B the same age as
C younger than
Question #7
Question #8
Question #9
A Neptune and Uranus appear greenish blue because they are covered by a liquid water ocean
B The giant planets consist mostly of hydrogen and helium,
C Jupiter’s volume is roughly 10 times Earth’s volume
D Saturn’s rings rotate as a solid body, like a bicycle wheel and its spokes; all particles have the same orbital period.
E Of the four giant planets, only Saturn and Uranus have rings.
Question #10
A the same distance
B now way to tell with available data
C farther
D closer
Question #11
A Venus
B Triton
C Uranus
D Io
Question #12
A Venus
B Mercury
C Mars
D Earth
Question #13
A It doesn’t revolve about the Sun like planets.
B If it was a distant planet, it would be a gas giant planet.
C It fell into Neptune when their orbits crossed.
D It’s orbit is not clear of other orbiting objects.
Question #14
A tidally-disrupted icy rock debris between Mars and Jupiter.
B between the Sun and Mars.
C randomly distributed throughout the solar system.
D among comets in the Oort cloud, beyond Neptune.
Question #15
A the transit method
B direct imaging
C astrometric measurements
D the Doppler-wobble method
E gravitational microlensing
Question #16
A Callisto
B Europa
C Titan
D Io
Question #17
A the Moon experiences frequent volcanic eruptions that cause craters.
B the Moon has been around longer than the Earth and has been exposed to more periods of meteor bombardment.
C the Moon is much more deficient in iron relative to the Earth, causing craters to form more easily.
D the Moon is more distant than the Earth, causing incoming rocks to hit it first.
E the Moon experiences almost no erosion compared to the Earth, causing craters to remain much longer.
Question #18
A By observing the Moon long enough from Earth, night after night, we are able to draw a map of its entire surface.
B High tide occurs on the side of the Earth nearest to the Moon, while low tide occurs on the opposite side of the Earth.
C At any given location on Earth, there are two high tides each day – one caused by the gravitational pull of the Sun, and the other by the gravitational pull of the Moon.
D The same half of the Moon’s surface is perpetually dark (craters on that side never see sunlight), leading us to call it the “dark side of the Moon.”
E The orbital period of the Moon around the Earth and the rotation period of the Moon around its axis are equal.
Question #19
Question #20
A Formation of the protosun,Ignition of the Sun,Formation of the Jovian Planets,Formation of the Terrestrial Planets,Late Heavy Bombardment
B Formation of the protosun,Formation of the Jovian Planets,Formation of the Terrestrial Planets,Ignition of the Sun,Late Heavy Bombardment
C Ignition of the Sun,Formation of the protosun,Formation of the Jovian Planets,Formation of the Terrestrial Planets,Late Heavy Bombardment
D Formation of the Jovian Planets,Formation of the Terrestrial Planets,Formation of the protosun,Ignition of the Sun,Late Heavy Bombardment
Question #21
A Neptune,Saturn,Mercury,Venus,Earth,Mars,Jupiter,Uranus,Kuiper Belt,Asteroid Belt
B Mercury,Venus,Earth,Mars,Asteroid Belt,Jupiter,Saturn,Uranus,Neptune,Kuiper Belt
C Mercury,Asteroid Belt,Venus,Earth,Mars,Kuiper Belt,Jupiter,Saturn,Uranus,Neptune,
D Kuiper Belt,Mercury,Earth,MarsVenus,Jupiter,Uranus,Neptune,Saturn,Asteroid Belt
Question #22
A a captured comet
B a collision with a rogue planet
C a chunk broke off of the Earth
D early solar system gas & dust
E Sun ejecta
Question #23
A Mars
B Jupiter
C Venus
D Uranus
E Mercury
Question #24
A methane
B helium
C ammonia
D hydrogen
E nitrogen
Question #25
A Ariel
B Luna
C Phobos
D Triton
E Io
Question #26
Question #27
A Earth
B Uranus
C Venus
D Mars
Question #28
A They generally have the thickest atmospheres of all the planets in the Solar System
B They are the largest of all planets in the Solar System, with diameters up to nearly 1/10 the diameter of the Sun.
C Despite their size, they rotate about their axis very rapidly, in fewer than 24 hours.
D They have many moons, probably due to their large gravitational fields.
E They are the most massive of all the planets in the Solar System since they are mainly composed of heavy elements like iron.
Question #29
A Objects smaller than comets; most between Mars and Jupiter.
B Meteorites falling on a radiant from the Perseid star cluster.
C Groupings of stars in the sky that are smaller than constellations.
D Any astronomical object.
Question #30
A Earth’s mantle consists of stacked rock plates
B lava erupts at random
C earthquake map
D continents shifting over a convecting mantle
Question #31
A Total lunar eclipses last longer than total solar eclipses
B Lunar eclipses are predictable.
C At a given time, a total lunar eclipse is visible only from a small part of the Earth’s surface.
D The Moon is still visible during a total lunar eclipse because of light going through the Earth’s atmosphere.
E Lunar eclipses don’t occur monthly, because the inclination of the Moon’s orbit around the Earth relative to the Earth’s orbit around the Sun.
Question #32
A coma
B nucleus
C dust tail
D ion tail
Question #33
Question #34
A there is too much material to have fit into the ball of each planet
B Jovian planets rotate very rapidly, and some material near the equator of these planets was flung outward, forming the rings
C tidal forces cause volcanic eruptions on some moons, and part of this material subsequently escaped the gravity of the moons, forming the rings.
D tidal forces prevent the material in rings from forming into moons
E their thick gaseous atmospheres would disintegrate any small rock that enter them
Question #35
A Uranus
B Triton
C Venus
D Io
Question #36
Question #37
Question #38
A Venus’s atmosphere is much thicker than that of Earth – but some of Earth’s gases are trapped in rocks and oceans.
B No greenhouse effect currently occurs on Earth, and this is a good thing for humans.
C If we dump much more carbon dioxide in Earth’s atmosphere, Earth will become hotter because of the greenhouse effect.
D The greenhouse effect occurs when an atmosphere is transparent to optical or visible light but translucent to infrared light, thus trapping the heat.
E An extreme, possible runaway, greenhouse effect occurred on Venus, making its planetary surface the hottest in the Solar System.
Question #39
Question #40
A The planet rotates once every 243 days, but the atmosphere rotates faster.
B The rotation is counter-clockwise.
C The planet rotates once every 2/3 revolution about the Sun.
D The rotation axis is almost in line with the solar ecliptic
Question #41
A comets burn quite rapidly, using up all their fuel within a few decades
B it is impossible to tell when most comets will return close to the Sun
C orbits of comets are highly eccentric and their semimajor axes are large
D comets are not gravitationally bound to our Solar System
E most comets only pass close to the Sun 2 or 3 times, and then they disintegrate
Question #42
A coma
B ion tail
C dust tail
D nucleus
Question #43
A gravitational attraction to astronomical objects
B none of these
C ocean storms & weather
D periodic sloshing of liquid water.
Question #44
Question #45
A an atmospheric disturbance where a comet landed years ago.
B a hurricane
C a tidal instability
D a volcanic eruption