
Fresh Grad Lands Job as Real Estate Agent With Help from Professional Writers

People go to websites to get the information they desperately need.  They could be looking for an answer to a nagging question.  They might be looking for help in completing an important task.  For recent graduates, they might be looking for ways on how to prepare a comprehensive resume that can capture the attention of the hiring manager

Manush is a recent graduate from a prestigious university in California who is looking for a job opportunity as a real estate agent.  While he already has samples provided by his friends, he still feels something lacking in his resume.  Specifically, the he believes that his professional objective statement lacks focus and clarity. 

Thus, he sought our assistance in improving editing and proofreading his resume. 

In revising his resume, iwritegigs highlighted his soft skills such as his communication skills, ability to negotiate, patience and tactfulness.  In the professional experience part, our team added some skills that are aligned with the position he is applying for.

When he was chosen for the real estate agent position, he sent us this thank you note:

“Kudos to the team for a job well done.  I am sincerely appreciative of the time and effort you gave on my resume.  You did not only help me land the job I had always been dreaming of but you also made me realize how important adding those specific keywords to my resume!  Cheers!

Manush’s story shows the importance of using powerful keywords to his resume in landing the job he wanted.

Module 3 Exam

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Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:

Question #1
A  Fragile X syndrome
B  Turner syndrome 
C  Autism 
D  Down syndrome 
Question #3
A  reciprocal or bidirectional
B  unilateral or one way
C  filled with storm and stress 
D  only significant during toddlerhood 
Question #4
A  It overstates the mother’s influence and understates the child’s influence on the quality of attachment.
B  It overstates cultural influence and does not recognize how different attachments are across cultures.
C  It places too much emphasis on unconscious awareness and too little emphasis on the conscious state. 
D  It places too much emphasis on temperament and too much emphasis on the parent–child relationship.
Question #5
A  caring and tempered
B  demanding and responsive
C  sensitive and responsive 
D  emotionally mature and intelligent 
Question #6
A  secure attachment
B  insecure–avoidant attachment
C  insecure–resistant attachment
D  disorganized–disoriented attachment
Question #7
A  secure attachment
B  disorganized–disoriented attachment
C  insecure–resistant attachment 
D  insecure–avoidant attachment 
Question #9
A  the father
B  the primary attachment figure 
C  the mother
D  the sibling
Question #10
A  the media 
B  the infant’s siblings 
C  the preschool teachers 
D  the parents 
Question #11
A  Adult males did not like to play with the infant
B  Adults played with the child using the toys they thought were appropriate for their sex.
C  Adult females only played with the doll regardless of the sex of the infant. 
D  Adults played with the child using all of the toys regardless of the sex of the infant.
Question #12
A  an individual’s genetics; a chromosomal basis
B  a chromosomal basis; an individual’s genetics
C  a biological basis; cultural and social beliefs
D  social and cultural beliefs; a biological basis
Question #15
A  have no idea what the word “no” means
B  like to see how irritated they can get their parents
C  say “no” a lot because it reflects their budding sense of self
D  are actually trying to say “go”
Question #16
A  fast mapping
B  exponential encoding 
C  super quick learnin
D  overregulation 
Question #17
A  comprehension and production are similar
B  production lags behind comprehension
C  comprehension lags behind production
D  comprehension and production improve similarly
Question #19
A  using holophrases, which is developmentally appropriate
B  cognitively impaired and might have a genetic disorder
C  trying to manipulate his father and needs to be disciplined
D  language delayed and needs professional assistance
Question #20
A  Wernicke’s area; Broca’s area
B  Piaget’s area; Vygotsky’s area 
C  Broca’s area; Wernicke’s area 
D  Vygotsky’s area; Piaget’s area 
Question #21
A  Infinite generativity
B  Endless combinations 
C  Unobstructed creativity
D  Unlimited possibility
Question #24
A  genetic inheritance from one’s parents
B  neural plasticity
C  cognitive development as both a social and cultural process 
D  the child’s interactions with the physical environment
Question #27
A  it mellows the temperament of both child and caregiver
B  it allows for a greater psychosocial bond
C  attachment makes up Piaget’s final stage of sensorimotor development.
D  it includes the realization that the person you see on one occasion is the same person you saw on a previous occasion
Question #29
A  staying awake during nap time, increased motions to remove a diaper, and increased temper tantrums at bedtime 
B  increased regular sleep-wake cycles, staying dry during naps, and increased motions to remove a diaper 
C  increased motions to remove a diaper, increased crying when a diaper put on, and increased regular feeding patterns
D  staying dry for a few hours during the day, having regular bowel movements, and increased anticipation of urine or bowel movement 
Question #30
A  are considerably behind toddlers in developed countries
B  are equal to toddlers in developed countries
C  are actually more advanced than toddlers in developed countries because they experience fewer injuries associated with walking earlier
D  are only slightly delayed compared to toddlers in developed countries 
Question #32
A  fine motor movement 
B  gross motor movement 
C  ambidextrous motor movement
D  outward motor movement
Question #33
A  They have a resurgence of teething.
B  They have more difficulties with digestion. 
C  They have a huge growth spurt that tends to be painful. 
D  They begin having difficulties with insomnia. 
Question #34
A  temporal lobes 
B  parietal lobes
C  frontal lobes 
D  occipital lobes
Question #35
A  They show IQ deficiencies of 10 to 15 points. 
B  There are no differences in IQ
C  They show IQ gains of 5 to 10 points. 
D  They actually outperform developed countries due to their work ethic. 
Question #37
A  This is to be expected, as the body grows faster than the head during toddlerhood.
B  You suggest that your nephew must have microcephaly
C  You should remind her that she also has a very small head. 
D  She should find a good surgeon. The fontanels must have closed too soon. 
Question #39
A  primitive
B  secondary 
C  elementary
D  primary 
Question #41
A  high understanding and high tolerance
B  high demandingness and low tolerance
C  low tolerance and high understanding
D  low demandingness and high tolerance 
Question #43
A  Attachment 
B  Temperament
C  Intelligence quotient
D  Developmental quotient
Question #44
A  fine motor
B  cephalocaudal motor
C  gross motor
D  whole-body motor 
Question #46
A  marasmus 
B  progeria
C  failure to thrive
D  human growth hormone deficiency
Question #48
A  infants sleep in their own cribs in their own rooms 
B  cosleeping is the norm 
C  corporal punishment is discouraged
D  there are low rates of obesity 
Question #49
A  Their daughter might grow up with a flat nose from being laid on her stomach. 
B  That is the best position for an infant to be in
C  That their daughter looks peacefully asleep.
D  That they need to have her on her back because lying face-down puts her at risk for SIDS.
Question #50
C  accidents 
D  genetic disorders
Question #52
A  neuronal sheath 
B  synaptic sheath 
C  myelin sheath 
D  dendritic sheath
Question #53
A  billions of other neurons 
B  millions of other neurons
C  about as many as they were at birth
D  hundreds or thousands of other neurons
Question #54
A  axons
B  dendrites
C  myelin
D  soma 
Question #55
A  neurocommunicators
B  neurotransmitters
C  neurotoxins 
D  neurochems 
Question #56
A  transmitter nodes 
B  myelin 
C  synapses
D  neuronal gaps
Question #57
A  thoracictorso principle 
B  cephalocaudal principle 
C  phalange-metatarsal principle
D  proximodistal principle 
Question #58
A  cephalocaudal principle
B  head first, body second principle 
C  top-down principle 
D  proximodistal principle 
Question #59
A  maintain a constant body temperature 
B  maintain high energy level
C  create brain cells
D  build muscle 
Question #60
A  neuro-stimulating speech 
B  slow-down speech 
C  baby talk
D  infant-directed speech
Question #63
A  cooing, babbling, gesturing, words 
B  words, gesturing, cooing, babbling
C  gesturing, words, babbling, cooing 
D  babbling, cooing, words, gesturing 
Question #64
A  lower IQ scores later in development
B  lower attention scores later in development
C  higher attention scores later in development
D  higher IQ scores later in development
Question #65
A  may have serious development problems and needs immediate attention
B  may need the intervention of a social psychologist and pediatric dietitian 
C  is predicted to do extremely well on an IQ test 
D  is doing extremely well and above normal development milestones 
Question #66
A  muscular strength, lung capacity, language use, and social-emotional rating
B  reflexive index, score on a 16PF rating, Apgar score, and adaptive functioning
C  intelligence quotient, functional behavioral assessment rating, and Apgar score 
D  motor skills, language use, adaptive behaviors, and personal-social behavior
Question #68
A  the cell phone 
B  the human brain 
C  the Internet 
D  the computer
Question #69
A  internal; external 
B  continuous; discontinuous 
C  external; internal 
D  discontinuous; continuous 
Question #70
A  his theories are not supported by modern research 
B  his sample size was too large and over representative
C  he overestimated the cognitive abilities of children
D  he underestimated the cognitive abilities of infants
Question #72
A  substage 2: first habits and primary circular reactions
B  substage 3: secondary circular reactions
C  substage 1: simple reflexes
D  substage 4: coordination of secondary schemes
Question #73
A  substage 3: secondary circular reactions
B  substage 4: coordination of secondary schemes
C  substage 2: first habits and primary circular reactions
D  substage 1: simple reflexes
Question #74
A  pre-operations
B  formal operations 
C  concrete operations
D  sensorimotor
Question #75
A  Encoding; retrieval 
B  Retrieval; encoding
C  Assimilation; accommodation
D  Accommodation; assimilation 
Question #76
A  active processing
B  schemes
C  assimilation
D  accommodation 
Question #77
A  an effort to satisfy the id while working with the superego 
B  the need to satisfy a deficient cognitive state
C  the need for superiority due to innate deficiencies 
D  an effort to understand and influence the surrounding environment