
Fresh Grad Lands Job as Real Estate Agent With Help from Professional Writers

People go to websites to get the information they desperately need.  They could be looking for an answer to a nagging question.  They might be looking for help in completing an important task.  For recent graduates, they might be looking for ways on how to prepare a comprehensive resume that can capture the attention of the hiring manager

Manush is a recent graduate from a prestigious university in California who is looking for a job opportunity as a real estate agent.  While he already has samples provided by his friends, he still feels something lacking in his resume.  Specifically, the he believes that his professional objective statement lacks focus and clarity. 

Thus, he sought our assistance in improving editing and proofreading his resume. 

In revising his resume, iwritegigs highlighted his soft skills such as his communication skills, ability to negotiate, patience and tactfulness.  In the professional experience part, our team added some skills that are aligned with the position he is applying for.

When he was chosen for the real estate agent position, he sent us this thank you note:

“Kudos to the team for a job well done.  I am sincerely appreciative of the time and effort you gave on my resume.  You did not only help me land the job I had always been dreaming of but you also made me realize how important adding those specific keywords to my resume!  Cheers!

Manush’s story shows the importance of using powerful keywords to his resume in landing the job he wanted.

Final Exam

Navigation   » List of Schools  »  California State University, Northridge  »  Environmental and Occupational Health  »  EOH 353 – Global Perspective of Environmental Health  »  Spring 2020  »  Final Exam

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Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:

Question #1
A  Production of more dangerous pollutants
B  All ov the above
C  Reduced concentration of pollutants close to the earth’s surface
D  Greater production of pollutants
E  Greater concentration of pollutants close to the Earth’s surface
Question #6
A  Filecutter’s paralysis
B  mad-hatter’s disease
C  Phossy jaw
D  Caisson disease
Question #7
A  Caisson disease
B  Baker’ itch
C  Mad hatter’s disease
D  Phossy jaw
E  None of the above
Question #8
A  engineering controls
B  use of personal protective equipment
C  administrative controls
D  modification of work practices
E  None of the above
Question #9
A  dermatosis
B  caisson disease
C  pneumoconiosis
D  atherosclersis
E  None of the above
Question #10
A  Administrative controls
B  Engineering controls
C  Ergonomic safeguards
D  Modifications of the work environment
E  None of the above
Question #11
A  Job dissatisfaction
B  inadequate compensation
C  work overload
D  Job insecurity
E  All of the above
Question #12
A  Fibrosis of the lungs
B  Brain lesions
C  Death
D  Dermatitis
E  None of the above
Question #13
A  Pneumoconiosis
B  Poisoning
C  Deafness
D  Dermatitis
E  Blood poisoning
Question #16
A  Incineration
B  Land disposal units
C  Composting
D  Recycling
Question #17
A  Local municipalities
B  Environmental Protection Agency
C  Hospital and medical facilities
D  State regulators
Question #19
A  reducing greenhouse gas emissions
B  decreasing burden on landfills
C  perserving raw materials
D  preventing water pollution
E  all of the above
Question #20
A  Air pollution can be reduced by the use of scrubbers
B  Combustion removes all carcinogens and heavy metals
C  High temperature deactivate pathogens
D  Usually no attempt is made to sort the thrash
E  None of the above
Question #21
A  Fats, oils, grease
B  Fruit and vegetable scraps
C  Yard clippings
D  Wool and cotton rags
E  Coffee grounds
Question #22
A  Increasing the costs of tipping fees
B  Filling up and closing landfills in some areas of the United States
C  More garbage produced by developing countries
D  Increasing amounts of municipal solid waste
E  All of the above
Question #23
A  Less wasteful package designs
B  Production of new bottles from used bottles
C  Offsite composting
D  Reprocessing of aluminium cans
E  All of the above
Question #24
A  Approximately 3%
B  Approximately 10%
C  Approximately 75%
D  Approximately 50%
E  Approximatey 25%
Question #25
A  Source reduction
B  Landfilling
C  waste combustion
D  recycling
E  offsite composting
Question #28
A  Developed countries are required to reduce emissions by target amounts
B  The United States did not ratify the Protocol
C  It is a legally binding compact initiated I 1997
D  As of February 2005, 141 countries had ratified the protocol
E  All of the above
Question #29
A  a condition associated with smog that causes eye irritation, irritation of the respiratory tract, and chest pains,
B  dust, soot, and other finely divided solid and liquid particles
C  a mixture of pollutants, principally ground level ozone
D  The precipitation of acidic compounds formed when components of air pollution interact with other components in the air
E  an atmospheric condition during which a warm layer of air stalls above a cool layer
Question #30
A  a condition associated with smog that causes eye irritation, irritation of the respiratory tract, and chest pains,
B  a mixture of pollutants, principally ground level ozone
C  The precipitation of acidic compounds formed when components of air pollution interact with other components in the air
D  an atmospheric condition during which a warm layer of air stalls above a cool layer
E  dust, soot, and other finely divided solid and liquid particles
Question #31
A  The precipitation
B  A mixture of pollutants, principally ground level ozone
C  An atmospheric condition during which a warm layer of air stalls above a cool layer
D  Dust, soot and other finely divided solid and liquid particles
E  A condition associated with smog that causes eye irritation, irritaiton of the respiratory tract, and chest pains
F  of acidic compounds formed when components of air pollution interact with other components in the air
Question #32
A  reduce emissions from mobile sources of air pollution
B  eliminate the use of incinerators
C  require industries to use electrostatic percipitators
D  require power companies to use oil instead of coal
E  None of the above
Question #33
A  7,000,000
B  1,700,000
C  700,000
D  1,000,000
E  None of the above
Question #34
A  Brain/central nervous system damage
B  Lung cancer
C  Bronchoonstriction
D  Carboxyhemoglobin formation
E  None of the above
Question #35
B  SO2
E  None of the above
Question #36
A  Public health experts have named it a probable carcinogen
B  All researchers agree that it poses a risk to human health
C  Widespread exposure to diesel exhaust occurs in the community
D  Older vehicles do not have the advantage of advanced emissions controls
E  None of the above
Question #40
Question #43
A  an annual supply of renewable freshwater less than 1,000 cubic meters per person
B  an annual supply of renewable freshwater between 1,000 and 1,700 cubic meters per person
C  the water that is delivered to the distribution system after treatment
D  the natural cycle by which water evaporates from water bodies
E  a layer or section of earth that contains freshwater
Question #44
A  the water that is delivered to the distribution system after treatment
B  an annual supply of renewable freshwater between 1,000 and 1,700 cubic meters per person
C  a layer or section of earth that contains freshwater
D  an annual supply of renewable freshwater less than 1,000 cubic meters per person
E  the natural cycle by which water evaporates from water bodies
Question #45
A  the water that is delivered to the distribution system after treatment
B  an annual supply of renewable freshwater between 1,000 and 1,700 cubic meters per person
C  a layer or section of earth that contains freshwater
D  an annual supply of renewable freshwater less than 1,000 cubic meters per person
E  the natural cycle by which water evaporates from water bodies
Question #46
A  Young children
B  Persons taking steriods
C  Elderly persons
D  Patients who have HIV/AIDS
E  All of the above
Question #47
A  a layer or section of earth that contains freshwater
B  an annual supply of renewable freshwater less than 1,000 cubic meters per person
C  the natural cycle by which water evaporates from water bodies
D  an annual supply of renewable freshwater between 1,000 and 1,700 cubic meters per person
E  The water that is delivered to the distribution systems after treatment
Question #48
A  bad smells
B  particles suspended in water
C  pathogenic microorganisms
D  sand and gravel
E  None of the above
Question #49
A  use of activated charcoal
B  boiling
C  sand filtering
D  both sand filtering and use of activated charcoal
E  All of the above
Question #50
A  The long term effects are open to debate
B  The findings of some studies are questionable because of small sample sizes
C  In a Norweigian study, no firm conclusions can be drawn
D  The long term effects are clear and definitive
E  None of the above
Question #52
A  visible light radiation
B  radiation from power lines
C  infrared radiation
D  radio waves
E  All of the above
Question #55
A  Curie
B  Becquerel
C  Roentgen
D  Rem
E  Rad
Question #56
A  X-rays
B  Beta particles
C  Alpha particles
D  Gamma rays
E  None of the above
Question #58
A  The curie or becquerel
B  The rad or gray
C  The roentgen or cuolomb per kilogram
D  The rem or sievert
E  None of the above
Question #59
A  Dentures, tobacco products, and smoke detectors
B  smoke detectors
C  tobacco products
D  toothpaste
E  Dentures
Question #60
A  1/1000 of a rad
B  1/1,000,000 of a rad
C  1000 rad
D  1/100 rad
E  1,000,000 rad
Question #61
A  The roentgen or cuolomb per kilogram
B  The rad or gray
C  The rem or sievert
D  The curie or becquerel
E  None of the above
Question #63
A  Organochlorines
B  Methyl Isocyanates
C  Organophosphates
D  Carbamates
Question #64
A  Malathion
B  Chloropicrin
C  Diazinon
D  Parathion
Question #67
A  insecticide
B  fungicide
C  fumigant
D  herbicide
E  None of the above
Question #68
A  always highly toxic to humans.
B  always the best weapon against insect pests
C  all synthetic chemicals
D  None of the above
E  all of the above
Question #69
A  accumulate in the tissues of many animals
B  cause a significant number of accidental deaths
C  persist in the environment
D  cause frequent cases of acute toxicity among exterminators
E  both accumulate in the tissuesof many animals and persist in the environment
Question #70
A  Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
B  Persistent organic pollutants
C  Volatile organic compounds
D  polychlorinated biphenyls
E  None of the above
Question #71
A  Organophosphates
B  Carbamates
C  Pyrethrins
D  Organochlorines
E  None of the above
Question #72
A  Carbaryl
B  Dithiocarbamate
C  Thiocarbamate
D  Metam sodium
E  None of the above
Question #73
A  contained very small amounts of dioxin
B  was transported home on the clothing of military personnel
C  was not effective because it evaporated rapidly
D  was a major cause of night blindness