Navigation » List of Schools » California State University, Northridge » Environmental and Occupational Health » EOH 353 – Global Perspective of Environmental Health » Spring 2020 » Final Exam
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A Production of more dangerous pollutants
B All ov the above
C Reduced concentration of pollutants close to the earth’s surface
D Greater production of pollutants
E Greater concentration of pollutants close to the Earth’s surface
Question #2
A 85 dBA
B 65 dBA
C 55 dBA
D 75 dBA
Question #3
Question #4
Question #5
Question #6
A Filecutter’s paralysis
B mad-hatter’s disease
C Phossy jaw
D Caisson disease
Question #7
A Caisson disease
B Baker’ itch
C Mad hatter’s disease
D Phossy jaw
E None of the above
Question #8
A engineering controls
B use of personal protective equipment
C administrative controls
D modification of work practices
E None of the above
Question #9
A dermatosis
B caisson disease
C pneumoconiosis
D atherosclersis
E None of the above
Question #10
A Administrative controls
B Engineering controls
C Ergonomic safeguards
D Modifications of the work environment
E None of the above
Question #11
A Job dissatisfaction
B inadequate compensation
C work overload
D Job insecurity
E All of the above
Question #12
A Fibrosis of the lungs
B Brain lesions
C Death
D Dermatitis
E None of the above
Question #13
A Pneumoconiosis
B Poisoning
C Deafness
D Dermatitis
E Blood poisoning
Question #14
Question #15
A Landfills
B Incineration
C Composting
D Recycling
Question #16
A Incineration
B Land disposal units
C Composting
D Recycling
Question #17
A Local municipalities
B Environmental Protection Agency
C Hospital and medical facilities
D State regulators
Question #18
Question #19
A reducing greenhouse gas emissions
B decreasing burden on landfills
C perserving raw materials
D preventing water pollution
E all of the above
Question #20
A Air pollution can be reduced by the use of scrubbers
B Combustion removes all carcinogens and heavy metals
C High temperature deactivate pathogens
D Usually no attempt is made to sort the thrash
E None of the above
Question #21
A Fats, oils, grease
B Fruit and vegetable scraps
C Yard clippings
D Wool and cotton rags
E Coffee grounds
Question #22
A Increasing the costs of tipping fees
B Filling up and closing landfills in some areas of the United States
C More garbage produced by developing countries
D Increasing amounts of municipal solid waste
E All of the above
Question #23
A Less wasteful package designs
B Production of new bottles from used bottles
C Offsite composting
D Reprocessing of aluminium cans
E All of the above
Question #24
A Approximately 3%
B Approximately 10%
C Approximately 75%
D Approximately 50%
E Approximatey 25%
Question #25
A Source reduction
B Landfilling
C waste combustion
D recycling
E offsite composting
Question #26
Question #27
Question #28
A Developed countries are required to reduce emissions by target amounts
B The United States did not ratify the Protocol
C It is a legally binding compact initiated I 1997
D As of February 2005, 141 countries had ratified the protocol
E All of the above
Question #29
A a condition associated with smog that causes eye irritation, irritation of the respiratory tract, and chest pains,
B dust, soot, and other finely divided solid and liquid particles
C a mixture of pollutants, principally ground level ozone
D The precipitation of acidic compounds formed when components of air pollution interact with other components in the air
E an atmospheric condition during which a warm layer of air stalls above a cool layer
Question #30
A a condition associated with smog that causes eye irritation, irritation of the respiratory tract, and chest pains,
B a mixture of pollutants, principally ground level ozone
C The precipitation of acidic compounds formed when components of air pollution interact with other components in the air
D an atmospheric condition during which a warm layer of air stalls above a cool layer
E dust, soot, and other finely divided solid and liquid particles
Question #31
A The precipitation
B A mixture of pollutants, principally ground level ozone
C An atmospheric condition during which a warm layer of air stalls above a cool layer
D Dust, soot and other finely divided solid and liquid particles
E A condition associated with smog that causes eye irritation, irritaiton of the respiratory tract, and chest pains
F of acidic compounds formed when components of air pollution interact with other components in the air
Question #32
A reduce emissions from mobile sources of air pollution
B eliminate the use of incinerators
C require industries to use electrostatic percipitators
D require power companies to use oil instead of coal
E None of the above
Question #33
A 7,000,000
B 1,700,000
C 700,000
D 1,000,000
E None of the above
Question #34
A Brain/central nervous system damage
B Lung cancer
C Bronchoonstriction
D Carboxyhemoglobin formation
E None of the above
Question #35
E None of the above
Question #36
A Public health experts have named it a probable carcinogen
B All researchers agree that it poses a risk to human health
C Widespread exposure to diesel exhaust occurs in the community
D Older vehicles do not have the advantage of advanced emissions controls
E None of the above
Question #37
A 0.053 ppm
B 35 ppm
C 0.15 ppm
D 9 ppm
E None of the above
Question #38
A Escherichia coli
B Vibrio cholera
C Salmonella typhi
D Giardia lamblia
Question #39
Question #40
Question #41
Question #42
Question #43
A an annual supply of renewable freshwater less than 1,000 cubic meters per person
B an annual supply of renewable freshwater between 1,000 and 1,700 cubic meters per person
C the water that is delivered to the distribution system after treatment
D the natural cycle by which water evaporates from water bodies
E a layer or section of earth that contains freshwater
Question #44
A the water that is delivered to the distribution system after treatment
B an annual supply of renewable freshwater between 1,000 and 1,700 cubic meters per person
C a layer or section of earth that contains freshwater
D an annual supply of renewable freshwater less than 1,000 cubic meters per person
E the natural cycle by which water evaporates from water bodies
Question #45
A the water that is delivered to the distribution system after treatment
B an annual supply of renewable freshwater between 1,000 and 1,700 cubic meters per person
C a layer or section of earth that contains freshwater
D an annual supply of renewable freshwater less than 1,000 cubic meters per person
E the natural cycle by which water evaporates from water bodies
Question #46
A Young children
B Persons taking steriods
C Elderly persons
D Patients who have HIV/AIDS
E All of the above
Question #47
A a layer or section of earth that contains freshwater
B an annual supply of renewable freshwater less than 1,000 cubic meters per person
C the natural cycle by which water evaporates from water bodies
D an annual supply of renewable freshwater between 1,000 and 1,700 cubic meters per person
E The water that is delivered to the distribution systems after treatment
Question #48
A bad smells
B particles suspended in water
C pathogenic microorganisms
D sand and gravel
E None of the above
Question #49
A use of activated charcoal
B boiling
C sand filtering
D both sand filtering and use of activated charcoal
E All of the above
Question #50
A The long term effects are open to debate
B The findings of some studies are questionable because of small sample sizes
C In a Norweigian study, no firm conclusions can be drawn
D The long term effects are clear and definitive
E None of the above
Question #51
Question #52
A visible light radiation
B radiation from power lines
C infrared radiation
D radio waves
E All of the above
Question #53
Question #54
A 40,000 feet
B 25,000 feet
C 35,000 feet
D 30,000 feet
Question #55
A Curie
B Becquerel
C Roentgen
D Rem
E Rad
Question #56
A X-rays
B Beta particles
C Alpha particles
D Gamma rays
E None of the above
Question #57
A isotope
B radioisotope
C radionuclide
D nuclide
E None of the above
Question #58
A The curie or becquerel
B The rad or gray
C The roentgen or cuolomb per kilogram
D The rem or sievert
E None of the above
Question #59
A Dentures, tobacco products, and smoke detectors
B smoke detectors
C tobacco products
D toothpaste
E Dentures
Question #60
A 1/1000 of a rad
B 1/1,000,000 of a rad
C 1000 rad
D 1/100 rad
E 1,000,000 rad
Question #61
A The roentgen or cuolomb per kilogram
B The rad or gray
C The rem or sievert
D The curie or becquerel
E None of the above
Question #62
Question #63
A Organochlorines
B Methyl Isocyanates
C Organophosphates
D Carbamates
Question #64
A Malathion
B Chloropicrin
C Diazinon
D Parathion
Question #65
Question #66
Question #67
A insecticide
B fungicide
C fumigant
D herbicide
E None of the above
Question #68
A always highly toxic to humans.
B always the best weapon against insect pests
C all synthetic chemicals
D None of the above
E all of the above
Question #69
A accumulate in the tissues of many animals
B cause a significant number of accidental deaths
C persist in the environment
D cause frequent cases of acute toxicity among exterminators
E both accumulate in the tissuesof many animals and persist in the environment
Question #70
A Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
B Persistent organic pollutants
C Volatile organic compounds
D polychlorinated biphenyls
E None of the above
Question #71
A Organophosphates
B Carbamates
C Pyrethrins
D Organochlorines
E None of the above
Question #72
A Carbaryl
B Dithiocarbamate
C Thiocarbamate
D Metam sodium
E None of the above
Question #73
A contained very small amounts of dioxin
B was transported home on the clothing of military personnel
C was not effective because it evaporated rapidly
D was a major cause of night blindness