Navigation » List of Schools » Los Angeles City College » Sociology » Soc 001 – Introduction to Sociology » Summer 2021 » Examination 2
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A structural mobility.
B class warfare.
C status consistency.
D upward mobility.
E social control.
Question #2
A A city with a large minority population.
B A college campus with students who are very competitive.
C A community where neighbors don’t know each other very well.True
D A neighborhood with mostly elderly people.
Question #3
Question #4
A a published list of practices and behaviors on which society’s members base their daily lives.
B the regulation and enforcement of norms.
C dysfunctional in most societies.
D a system that has the authority to make decisions based on law.
Question #5
A conformity.
B instrumental leadership.
C groupthink.
D bureaucracy.
Question #6
A A hate crime never involves physical violence to the victim..
B A violent crime is punishable in a court of law; a hate crime is not.
C A hate crime is punishable in a court of law; a violent crime is not.
D A hate crime is based on the victim’s son’s race, religion, or other characteristics.
Question #7
A the act of notifying authorities when criminal acts are occurring.
B social rewards for the violation of norms.
C the regulation and enforcement of norms.
D a violation of established norms, whether folkways, mores, or codified law
Question #8
A a voluntary organization.
B a social network.
C a bureaucracy.
D social capital.
Question #9
A Beatrix being booed off stage after telling an offensive joke during her comedy routine.
B Mario being sent to jail after robbing a CVS.
C Meredith receiving compliments on her hair after visiting the salon.
D Ed being given a “Teacher of the Year” award for her work as a high school English teacher.
Question #10
A 65 years old or older.
B 18 to 64 years old.
C single mothers.
D children under 18 years old.
Question #11
A an individual moves up the social class ladder.
B an individual moves down the social class ladder.
C a member of a family belongs to a different social class than his/her/xir siblings.
D a large group moves up or down due to societal change.
Question #12
A when a person’s self-concept and behavior begin to change after his or her actions are labeled as deviant by members of society.
B when a violation of norms does not result in any long-term effects on the individual’s self-image or interactions with others.
C when negative informal sanctions encourage an individual to seek better behavioral choices.
D when positive formal sanctions cause an individual to deviate from society’s expectations.
Question #13
A is more likely to be violent.
B usually is more sophisticated.
C usually causes more economic damage.
D is committed by higher-status people.
E involves more people.
Question #14
A retreatist.
B innovator.
C conformist.
D ritualist.
E rebel.
Question #15
A Symbolic interactionist.
B Differential association.
C Functionalist.
D Conflict.
Question #16
A designer consumerism.
B credit card populism.
C conspicuous consumption.
D popular consumption.
Question #17
A that the more society values a particular profession, the more money the people in that profession will make.
B that economic hardship and skyrocketing inflation is the cause for all social stratification in the United States.
C that Karl Marx was correct and that stratification can only be solved by converting to a socialist government.
D that people constantly move up and down the social ladder, and this creates an unstable economy which will eventually collapse on itself.
Question #18
A not determined solely by economics but influenced also by social and political actors.
B determined almost entirely by religious factors.
C influenced almost solely by economic factors.
D defined correctly according to Karl Marx.
Question #19
A evolutionary perspective.
B functionalist perspective.
C interactionist perspective.
D conflict perspective.
E anomic perspective.
Question #20
A the movement to a higher position in the stratification hierarchy in contrast to the position of one’s parents.
B the ranking of people into a hierarchy in which resources considered valuable are unequally distributed.
C the movement of people from one social position to another in the stratification system.
D a person’s social location based on all three dimensions of the stratification system.
Question #21
A societies of moderate size only.
B all societies.
C formal organizations only.
D modern societies only.
E caste-based societies only.
Question #22
Question #23
A Control theory.
B Differential association theory.
C Strain theory.
D Conflict theory.
E Labeling theory.
Question #24
A a crime syndicate.
B a “hipster” culture.
C a subculture.
D a secondary group.
E none of these.
Question #25
A out-group
B reference group
C instrumental leaders
D primary group
Question #26
A social network
B primary group
C in-group
D secondary group
Question #27
A out-group
B in-group.
C reference group.
D secondary group
Question #28
A the country’s increasing dependence on fast food for daily meals.
B the obesity epidemic that’s rapidly sweeping the United States.
C the increaing popularity of McDonalds as a hang-out for youths all over the world.
D the increasing presence of the fast-food business model in common social institutions
Question #29
A rejects gender roles in the name of the feminist movement.
B promotes emotional strength and health, ensuring that people feel supported
C relies on degradation ceremonies.
D plays a musical instrument.
E is goal-oriented and largely concerned with accomplishing set tasks.
Question #30
A Personality-based promotion.
B Explicit rules .
C Impersonality.
D Clear division of labor .
Question #31
A out-group
B reference group
C aggregate
D dyad
E in-group
Question #32
A an emphasis on nature, rather than nurture
B the belief that ideas about sex and gender roles are innate—we are born with them.
C the idea that development/socialization occurs in a sequence of stages
D the idea that successful socialization occurs only in two-parent families
Question #33
A generalized other
B agents of socialization
C the looking-glass self
D morality of justice
E morality of care
Question #34
A morality of care
B code of the west
C generalized other
D morality of justice
Question #35
Question #36
A Understanding when to speak up and when to be silent
B Following a schedule.
C Learning to read and write.
D Knowing locker room etiquette.
Question #37
A Social class.
B Gender.
C Race/ethnicity.
D Blood type.
Question #38
A Kohlberg’s theory of moral development.
B Nature vs. Nurture.
C Freud’s theory of self-development.
D George Herbert Mead’s theory of self-development.
Question #39
A Buying Sarah a toy kitchen to play with.
B Encouraging Vicki to wear pants to school.
C Allowing Joey to sleep with his “blankey”.
D Taking Jimmy to the aquarium.
Question #40
B class consciousness
C an entry test that must be passed
D a counterculture.
E impression management.
F a degradation ceremony
Question #41
A they protect adolescents from peer pressure
B they provide the only major socialization experience outside the realm of their families
C they help young individuals develop a sense of identity separate from their parents
D their influence is higher in importance than the influence of parents
Question #42
A anticipatory socialization
B moral reasoning
C the looking-glass self
D the hidden curriculum
E the sociological imagination