Navigation » List of Schools » Glendale Community College » Psychology » Psychology 101 – General Psychology » Fall 2019 » Module 7 Exam
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A cerebellum
B corpus callosum
C cerebral cortex
D none of these options
Question #2
A association areas
B projection areas
C somatosensory system
D limbic system
Question #3
A The association
B Broca’s
C Gage’s
D Wernicke’s
Question #4
A frontal
B occipital
C temporal
D parietal
Question #5
A posterior
B occipital
C temporal
D frontal
Question #6
A Wernicke’s area
B occipital lobe
C Broca’s area
D parietal lobe
Question #7
A occipital
B frontal
C parietal
D temporal
Question #8
A parietal
B occipital
C frontal lobe
D temporal
Question #9
A fornix
B amygdala
C thalamus
D hippocampus
Question #10
A pituitary gland
B thalamus
C hypothalamus
D hippocampus
Question #11
A situational; dispositional
B circumstantial; personal
C realistic; biased
D correct; incorrect
Question #12
A a concept
B a schema
C a belief
D an attitude
Question #13
A reaction formation
B a self-delusion
C using the self-serving bias
D rationalization
Question #14
A the obviousness bias
B the saliency bias
C the self-serving bias
D prejudice
Question #15
A a self-serving bias
B a situational attribution
C the fundamental attribution error
D prejudicial thinking
Question #16
A somatic; autonomic
B autonomic; somatic
C sympathetic; parasympathetic
D parasympathetic; sympathetic
Question #17
A hypothalamus
B frontal lobe
C thalamus
D cerebellum
Question #18
A hypothalamus and cerebellum
B pituitary gland and brain stem
D limbic system and cerebral cortex
Question #19
A cognitive, physiological, and behavioral
B active/passive, positive/negative, direct/indirect
C perceiving, thinking, and acting
D positive, negative, and neutral
Question #20
A affective feelings
B physical or psychological responses to the fulfillment or frustration of our goals
C a subjective feeling that includes arousal, cognitions, and behavioral expressions
D affective responses that are the result of external or internal stimuli
Question #21
A she will do poorly on the exam
B she will ace the exam
C there is not enough information to determine how well she will perform
D she will be average in her performance
Question #22
A drive-reduction theory
B incentive theory
C your lack of will power
D the push-pull theory
Question #23
A mentally ill
B intrinsically motivated
C under-aroused
D driven by the incentive motive
Question #24
A are secondary rather than primary reinforcers
B change our explanation for engaging in an activity
C provide inadequate justification for most activities
D are negative rather than positive reinforcers
Question #25
A Individual drive; social drive
B Intrinsic motivation; extrinsic motivation
C Personal motivation; external motivation
D Internal drive; external drive
Question #26
A among identical twins, if one brother is gay, the other brother has a 48-65 percent chance of also being gay
B parenting style influences adult sexual orientation for males but not for females
C among adoptive pairs of brothers, if one brother is gay, the other brother has an increased chance of also being gay
D gay men have fewer chromosomal pairs than straight men, while lesbians have larger areas of the hypothalamus than straight women
Question #27
A both men and women
B research has not been conducted regarding gender differences in sexual arousal
C men
D women
Question #28
A plateau
B refractory
C orgasmic
D excitement
Question #29
A increased engorgement in the genitals; penile and clitoral erection
B initiated by psychological fantasies, but not by physical touch or sensations
C initiated by physical touch, sights, sounds, or smells, but not by psychological fantasies
D “ballooning” of the vagina and raising of the testes
Question #30
A arousal → excitement → plateau → orgasm
B plateau → excitement → orgasm → climax
C excitement → plateau → orgasm → resolution
D excitement → orgasm → plateau → resolution
Question #31
A an interaction of biology and environment
B there is not enough research on the origin of achievement motivation
C biological factors, such as neurotransmitters
D environmental factors, such as parental upbringing
Question #32
A positive criticism
B a satisfied view of one’s body image
C a functional family structure
D genetic, hormonal, neurotransmitter, or hypothalamus abnormalities
Question #33
A Bulimia nervosa
B Anorexia nervosa
C Pritikin dieting
D The binge-purge syndrome
Question #34
A Bulimia nervosa
B The Pritikin diet
C Anorexia nervosa
D Agoraphobia
Question #35
A joining a Weight Watchers or other diet support group
B changing the amount and types of foods eaten, and exercising regularly
C taking dietary supplements under the direction of a medical doctor
D eating a high protein diet and drinking lots of fluids
Question #36
A 2000
B 20
C 10
D 200
Question #37
A 25
B 5
C 10
D 15
Question #38
A thermogenesis
B thermolosis
C dehydration
D satiation
Question #39
A Pressure receptors in the stomach walls signal fullness or emptiness.
B Fullness receptors and stomach contractions both play a role.
C Stomach contractions signal the brain that it is time to eat again.
D Pleasure receptors within the lower intestine not the stomach walls signal fullness or emptiness.
Question #40
A self-actualization
B belongingness and love
C safety
D self-esteem
Question #41
A primary
B optional
C essential
D higher-level
Question #42
A Erikson’s psychosocial stages of development
B Freud’s psychosexual stages of development
C Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
D Kohlberg’s moral stages of development
Question #43
A Sasha believes she earned an “A” on this exam because the questions were easy.
B Endora believes she is a witch and can get whatever she wants by waving her arms and casting a spell.
C Martino believes he can bring his “C” up to an “A” or “B” next time by spending more time studying.
D Clemy believes he studied as hard as he could for this exam, is very discouraged that he only got a “D.”
Question #44
A expectancies and internal needs
B internal needs and attributions
C attributions and expectancies
D attributions, expectancies, and internal needs
Question #45
A adventurousness, physical prowess, creative morality, and charisma
B thrill seeking, experience seeking, disinhibition, and susceptibility to boredom
C dangerousness, adventurousness, creativity, and thrill seeking
D dangerousness, antisocial traits, “letting loose,” and intolerance for boredom
Question #46
A social
B sensory
C drive
D arousal
Question #47
A reduced behavior efficiency; increased behavior efficiency
B increased behavior efficiency; increased behavior efficiency
C increased behavior efficiency; reduced behavior efficiency
D reduced behavior efficiency; reduced behavior efficiency
Question #48
A Motivational
B Arousal
C Stimulation
D Energizing
Question #49
A Homeostasis
B Biostability
C Heterogeneity
D Drive-induction