Navigation » List of Schools » California State University, Northridge » Family and Consumer Sciences » FCS 340 – Marriage and Family Relations 2 » Spring 2019 » Chapter 11 Exam
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A Daunting jobs and careers make it more difficult to meet prospective mates.
B A number of national studies show that the higher a woman’s education level, the more likely she is to delay childbearing.
C Disturbed by high divorce rates, some young couples delay parenthood until they feel confident that their marriage will work.
D Many young adults are delaying marriage and having children because they have high college and credit card debts.
Question #2
A Advances in reproductive technology have reduced many women’s concerns about their biological clock and finding a mate.
B Women who enjoy their jobs and need money to boost their household income are often reluctant to take on balancing child rearing and paid work.
C Attitudes about the “ideal” family size have changed, resulting in less pressure to have more than two children.
D Daunting jobs and careers make it more difficult to meet prospective.
Question #3
A acceptance-of-fate
B ambivalent
C planner
D yes-no
Question #4
A the fear of being a single, working mom
B the lack of a national child care program
C the rise in divorce rates across all populations of the country
D the difficulty in finding a suitable job to sustain a family
Question #5
A communication between the adoptee and the adoptive and biological parents takes place only through a third party
B the adopted child is co-parented by the adoptive parents and the birth parents
C the adopted child has no contact with the biological parents and little, if any, information about them
D birth parents are allowed to develop a relationship with the child as she or he grows
Question #6
A caesarean section
B water birth
C surrogate surgery
D postnatal operation
Question #7
A reluctantly childless
B voluntarily childless
C biologically childless
D temporarily childless
Question #8
A mediated
B open
C closed
D semi-open
Question #9
A Typically, the responsibility for a baby’s care tends to fall heavily on new fathers, they are more likely than mothers to experience marital dissatisfaction
B Between four and ten percent of fathers are found to have postpartum depression symptoms in the first year of their children’s birth.
C Fatherhood has found to enhance the sense of maturity and responsibility in most men.
D Bonding between the mother and the newborn has always been found to be more endearing and instant than between the father and the newborn.
Question #10
A The African American population has the lowest rates of abortion.
B The effect of marriage squeeze is found to be lowest in the African American population.
C There has been an increase in the number of married couples in the African American population.
D There has been an increase in the rates of unintended childbearing in the African American population.
Question #11
A awkwardness and clumsiness
B frequent nausea, heartburn, and insomnia
C frequent backaches
D movement of the fetus
Question #12
A Adopted children are less likely to experience identity confusion in semi-open adoptions when compared to open adoptions.
B Adoptive parents have a greater sense of control in semi-open adoptions when compared to open adoptions.
C Adopted children are safe from unstable or emotionally disturbed birth parents in open adoptions when compared to semi-open adoptions.
D Adoptive parents are safe from the interference or co-parenting by birth parents in open adoptions when compared to semi-open adoptions.
Question #13
A zygote
B embryo
C fetus
D egg cell
Question #14
A require a third-person to act as surrogate to the pregnancy
B help identify any possible genetic disease that fetus may be carrying
C involve removing eggs from a woman’s ovaries, fertilizing them in a petri dish
D are more likely to produce preterm, multiple births
Question #15
A Studies have shown that adopted children are more likely to be physically abused by their adoptive parents.
B Adopted children comprise 50 percent of the U.S. child population.
C Forty percent of adopted children in the United States are of a different race, ethnicity, or culture than their adoptive parent/parents.
D The Multiethnic Placement Act (MEPA) requires that all transracial adoption be open adoptions.
Question #16
A third trimester
B 24th week of pregnancy
C first trimester
D 18th week of pregnancy
Question #17
A gonorrhea
B endometriosis
C chlamydia
D pelvic inflammatory disease
Question #18
A acceptance-of-fate
B planner
C yes-no
D ambivalent
Question #19
A The majority of children born in America are from nonmarital births.
B Births to unmarried women are similar across racial-ethnic groups.
C Teenagers account for less than one percent of all nonmarital births.
D White women have more nonmarital babies than do other groups.
Question #20
A There has been a steep decline in postpartum depression cases in the country.
B Most American parents have been found to be overjoyed at the birth of their first baby.
C The abortion rate in the country has decreased over the past decade.
D Child-rearing costs tend to be more in urban areas that in the rural areas.