Navigation » List of Schools » California State University, Northridge » Criminology and Justice Studies » CJS 340 – Ethics in Criminal Justice » Summer 2019 » Exam 2 Chapters 7 – 11
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A Had a positive effect in corrections
B Resigned before losing their positions
C Lost their jobs
D Provided inaccurate information, to the detriment of the organization
Question #2
A The media construction of crime will define what acts are regarded as criminal
B The media construction of crime will reduce the seriousness of the crime
C The media construction of crime will define what are thought to be the causes of crime
D The media construction of crime will identify what policies of crime control should be adopted
Question #3
A Additional treatment and re-entry programs
B The imposition of additional behavioral controls
C Increase in recidivism
D A decrease in treatment programs
Question #4
A Any intentional and successful influence of a person by noncoercively altering the actual choices available to the person or by non-persuasively altering the perceptions by others of those choices.
B Using persuasive interviewing techniques to influence others to disclose material they would normally not disclose
C When a journalist relies on an unsubstantiated argument without noting its weaknesses to produce a desired conclusion
D When a journalist makes an attempt in hard news to persuade using emotional rhetoric rather than fact
Question #5
A Accepting gratuities to protect illicit activity
B Theft of new televisions from the prison loading dock
C Extortion through mistreatment or harassment
D Soliciting a fee from an inmate for finding him a job
Question #6
A Do not rat (inform on other guards)
B Always support fellow officers against inmate claims/allegations
C Do not lug (smuggle) drugs in to inmates
D Assist inmates in getting rehabilitated
Question #7
A Guards are increasingly using more excessive force
B A humane correctional system is impossible given the dominant theory and practice of retribution
C Officer training emphasizes emotional detachment and degrading treatment
D Prisons have cultures where guards are corrupted and prisoners are denied their humanity
Question #8
A Victims who are perpetrated against by a stranger are considered more newsworthy than a victim who knows the perpetrator
B Crimes against children are considered more newsworthy than crimes against the adults
C Rape is the most likely crime to be reported
D Homicides are considered more newsworthy when the victim is white
Question #9
A Assassination violates U.S. values and principles because it is done in secret and is a display of the exercise of overbearing state power against individuals.
B Assassination is an immoral act and a form of politically motivated murder outside the bounds of the conventions of war and morality.
C All of the other answers
D Targeted killing calls into question the morality of U.S. foreign policy, which stresses human rights and democracy.
Question #10
A It permits the employment of warlike measures concurrently with law enforcement measures
B It gives the executive the leverage to demand almost any resources in the furtherance of winning the war
C All of the other answers
D It enables the executive branch of government to exercise wide powers under the authority of the president as commander-in-chief
Question #11
A United Kingdom
B Australia
C United States
D Canada
Question #12
A Empathetic
B Retributive
C Callous
D Sympathetic
Question #13
A An irrational and exaggerated response by the public to a perceived problem
B When a small group of legislators panic and force through unethical legislation
C A public over-reaction caused by outdated public morals
D When an individual legislator or policy maker over-reacts to a problem
Question #14
A The prosecution process
B A life sentence
C A criminal conviction
D The court
Question #15
A Legalistic
B Compliance
C Personal
D Rewards
Question #16
A Morality
B Reasonable standard of care
C Do no harm
D Moral blame
Question #17
A Whites comprise almost 1/3 of illegal drug users and blacks almost 2/3, a fact often reported in the media
B Whites never have been engaged in drugs as much as blacks, a fact often reported in the media
C Whites comprise almost 3/4 of illegal drug users and blacks 13%, a fact not usually incorporated in media accounts
D The War on Drugs focused on heroin, a drug often used by blacks, a fact not usually in the media
Question #18
A Restricting rights during criminal processing of terrorist defendants
B Accidental killing of civilian non-terrorists
C Invading foreign countries
D Torture during interrogation
Question #19
A Devising and implementation of national standards to detect, prevent, reduce, and punish rape
B Prioritization of the prevention of rape in each prison system
C Setting a zero-tolerance standard for prison rape
D Prisons who want to receive federal funding must eliminate prison rape by 85%
Question #20
A Supermax
B Minimum security
C Medium security
D Maximum security
Question #21
A Reporting, on the visual media, pictures of victims
B Focusing only on the very young and the very old victims
C Reporting sympathetic stories of victims who have also been charged with crimes
D Focusing attention only on victims who meet that standard of victimhood
Question #22
A Few accused actually go to trial and unexciting plea bargains are the norm
B The legal system is far more complex
C The legal system makes it easier to fight crime because prosecutors know how to talk with the media
D Crime fighting is the complex part of the process
Question #23
A Empathy
B Violence
C Sympathy
D Coercion
Question #24
A Drug crimes
B Kidnappings
C Homicides
D Sex offenses
Question #25
A Negative racial stereotypes and collective racial resentment are negatively correlated with policies favoring punitiveness
B Negative racial stereotypes and collective racial resentment are positively correlated with polices favoring punitiveness
C Racial and ethnic minorities are responsible for a substantial amount of violent crime therefore creating policies favoring punitiveness
D Racial and ethnic minorities are responsible for a substantial amount of property and drug crime therefore creating policies favoring punitiveness
Question #26
A It is not a realistic scenario
B It is a slippery slope, which could expand its use in other circumstances
C It is not likely to happen as its proponents claim
D It negates the autonomy and dignity of the individual
Question #27
A An unintended but unforeseen morally bad effect of an action can be excused if both the action and the intended effect are morally permissible
B The activities are morally permissible if they produce two effects, so long as one is morally permissible.
C The activities are only morally impermissible if they produce two effects, both of which are morally impermissible
D An unintended but unforeseen morally bad effect of an action can be excused if both the action and the intended effect are morally impermissible
Question #28
A Punitiveness
B Rehabilitation
C Treatment
D Community-oriented corrections
Question #29
A Prostitutes
B Sex offenders
C Murderers
D Drug offenders
Question #30
A While they approve of it, they do not believe it should be applied indiscriminately to specific offenders under specific circumstances
B The public is evenly divided on them
C There is widespread approval of them
D There is widespread approval of them
Question #31
A Formal control
B Social control
C Governmental control
D Informal control
Question #32
A Due process grounds
B Cost-benefit grounds
C Ideological grounds
D Political grounds
Question #33
A Consequentialists
B Relativists
C Absolutists
D Deontologists
Question #34
A A key profit maker for the media
B Assistance to law enforcement to make an arrest
C Advocacy for greater levels of social control
D A warning to the public
Question #35
A Their treatment function
B Their control function
C Their treatment and control functions
D Their heavy caseloads
Question #36
A By the military against a civilian government.
B Against a state in the United States.
C By one part of government against another part of the same government.
D Committed by government, sometimes against its own people.
Question #37
A Result in disproportionately severe sentences
B Have no incapacitate effect
C Do not reflect the will of the majority
D Are not applied to all offenders convicted under such statutes
Question #38
A The primary source of news
B A site for the construction of a moral order
C A responsible path for discussion of moral issues
D A monopoly so that news is consistent
Question #39
A Sentencing guidelines
B Work release programs to reduce jail and prison populations
C Treatment programs to reduce jail and prison populations
D Three-strikes laws
Question #40
A Using the media to report fictitious events so law enforcement can catch the real criminal
B Using entertainment to reenact criminal events
C The placement of crime stories on television late at night hoping a viewer will be able identify the offender
D The marketing of edited, highly formatted information about the world in entertainment media vehicles
Question #41
A Graham v. Florida
B Kenny v. Indiana Youth Center
C United States v. Shallet
D Reynolds v. Florida
Question #42
A Maintain power
B Treat inmates ethically
C Gain respect of inmates
D Retain their discretion
Question #43
A Begun directly disobeying orders from superiors.
B Begun taking monetary bribes from prisoners.
C Become members of prison gangs.
D Refrained from enforcing certain prison rules and regulations.
Question #44
A Violent
B Property
C Debtors
D Vice
Question #45
A Terrorism paradigm
B Enemy paradigm
C Drone paradigm
D War paradigm
Question #46
A Celebrity
B Prosecutorial
C Inmate
D Judicial
Question #47
A Asking whether there will be any consequences to our anti-terrorism policies
B Not worrying about the consequences
C Accepting the unavoidable consequences of our policies
D Asking whether our policies will render citizens more secure in the long term