
Fresh Grad Lands Job as Real Estate Agent With Help from Professional Writers

People go to websites to get the information they desperately need.  They could be looking for an answer to a nagging question.  They might be looking for help in completing an important task.  For recent graduates, they might be looking for ways on how to prepare a comprehensive resume that can capture the attention of the hiring manager

Manush is a recent graduate from a prestigious university in California who is looking for a job opportunity as a real estate agent.  While he already has samples provided by his friends, he still feels something lacking in his resume.  Specifically, the he believes that his professional objective statement lacks focus and clarity. 

Thus, he sought our assistance in improving editing and proofreading his resume. 

In revising his resume, iwritegigs highlighted his soft skills such as his communication skills, ability to negotiate, patience and tactfulness.  In the professional experience part, our team added some skills that are aligned with the position he is applying for.

When he was chosen for the real estate agent position, he sent us this thank you note:

“Kudos to the team for a job well done.  I am sincerely appreciative of the time and effort you gave on my resume.  You did not only help me land the job I had always been dreaming of but you also made me realize how important adding those specific keywords to my resume!  Cheers!

Manush’s story shows the importance of using powerful keywords to his resume in landing the job he wanted.

Globalyceum Unit 1 Exam.4

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Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:

Question #1
A  Actually quite low, much less than half.
B  Very high, well over half.
C  About half and half the country trusting the government.
D  None of these.
Question #2
A  Was a uniquely powerful individual.
B  Was singularly responsible for his or her duties.
C  All of these
D  Relied on Congressional approval or backing for foreign affairs.
Question #3
A  A state refusing to give the right to vote to convicted felons.
B  A corporation suing another corporation for breech of contract.
C  An employer paying you less than somebody else who does the same job.
D  The NSA tapping your telephones.
Question #4
A  All of these.
B  The material lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value
C  The material describes sexual conduct in an offensive way
D  The average person would find the material as appealing to a “prurient” interest.
Question #5
A  By violent means to end taxation without representation.
B  By violent means to end slavery.
C  By non-violent means to end slavery.
D  By non-violent means to end taxation without representation
Question #6
A  Letting the states get too much of the upper hand in terms of power.
B  Creating conflicts between the state and federal governments.
C  None of these.
D  Not adequately protecting the rights of individuals.
Question #7
A  Republic of Genoa
B  Athenian republic
C  Venetian republic
D  Roman republic
Question #8
A  Legislation, or work through the Congress or states.
B  Direct action, or take to the streets.
C  All of these
D  Legalism, or work through the courts.
Question #10
A  Specifically stated that states retained sovereignty and held all powers not specifically given to the national government.
B  Specified that the federal government was sovereign over each state.
C  Strengthened the national government.
D  Provided for a bicameral legislature
Question #11
A  The judiciary to remove unfit Congressmen from office.
B  The executive to nullify laws that do not meet with the meaning of the Constitution.
C  The judiciary to review the constitutionality of legislation.
D  The executive to review the legality of legislation.
Question #12
A  The right to refuse to incriminate oneself, that is not answer questions of the police or a prosecutor
B  The right to an attorney in case you are accused.
C  All of these
D  The right to be free from unreasonable search and seizure.
Question #13
A  Form corporations where they can advocate for change.
B  Refuse to vote periodically to demonstrate independence
C  Move to states where there is less tension.
D  Form social movements and interest groups to advocate for change.
Question #14
A  Could not be made for ten years
B  Could only be passed one at a time.
C  Could not be used to block the ratification process.
D  Could not be amendments for individual rights.
Question #16
A  The Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee organizing protest marches to oppose the Vietnam War.
B  Mahatma Gandi protesting low wages with textile workers in England in 1931.
C  All of these
D  Ralph Waldo Emerson refusing to pay and encouraging others not to pay their taxes during the Mexican-American War.
Question #18
A  His time as governor of Virginia.
B  None of these.
C  His time as a member of the Virginia Assembly.
D  His time as a professor at the University of Virginia.
Question #19
A  Civil rights issues can only be resolved in the courts
B  None of these
C  Civil rights issues can not be resolved with Congressional legislation.
D  Executive orders are usually ineffective to resolve civil rights issues.
Question #20
A  And many of those battles continue to today.
B  But today the federal government is able to dictate to the states and they rarely battle back.
C  But today things are relatively calm and each knows and respects the boundaries of the other.
D  But today states and the federal government on dispute about abortion rights.
Question #22
A  A state having two sovereigns.
B  All of these.
C  A “state within a state.”
D  A “monster in politics.”
Question #23
A  Three-fifths of the states had to ratify the Constitution.
B  Three-fifths of the Congress was a quorum.
C  Three-fifths of women would be counted during the national census.
D  Each slave would be counted as three-fifths of a constituent in the apportionment of representation for the House.
Question #24
A  All of these.
B  An entirely separate level of government that is protected from encroachments or interference from state or federal governments.
C  Subject to the jurisdiction of state government with no separate powers.
D  Subject to the jurisdiction of the federal government with no separate powers.
Question #25
A  Happened in the midst of WWII, threatening the presidency of Franklin Delano Roosevelt
B  Followed the American Civil War
C  Has been a common event in almost all of the wars that the US has fought.
D  Preceded the American Revolutionary War.
Question #26
A  Designate Boston as the location for the next federal convention.
B  Persuade George Washington to become the president.
C  Persuade the citizens of New York to ratify the Constitution.
D  Convince Americans that they should NOT accept federalism.
Question #28
A  All of these.
B  Deport people living in the US for decades.
C  Amend the 14the Amendment so that children born to the undocumented in the US can be deported.
D  Deport children born in the US to undocumented persons.
Question #30
A  Lost on every single proposal he made.
B  Won on every single proposal he made.
C  None of these.
D  Won on some and lost on some of his proposals.
Question #31
A  President can do whatever is necessary and proper for the people.
B  Judiciary must determine if laws are necessary and proper.
C  Executive and the legislature work together in a proper way to make necessary laws.
D  Congress makes any laws necessary and proper to carry out the intent of the Constitution.
Question #32
A  A civil liberty deals with individuals rather than groups.
B  All of these.
C  A civil liberty explains the freedom, while the civil right asserts that everyone is treated equally in the use of the freedom.
D  A civil right guarantees that people from a group (race, sex, sexual identity, religioin) will not be discriminated against if they try to use their civil liberties.
Question #33
A  None of these.
B  They supported the French Revolution.
C  They favored states’ rights over the national government’s power.
D  They favored strict interpretation of the Implied Powers Clause.
Question #35
A  All of these.
B  It empowered the legislatures.
C  It provided a workable solution for claiming that the people had given their approval.
D  It allowed taxes to be collected to support revolutionary armies when they were most in need.
Question #37
A  Federalism is unlikely to work well.
B  The liberties and freedoms government is supposed to protect will not prevail.
C  Our ongoing experiment in democracy will not function.
D  All of these.
Question #39
A  Throughout the entire history of the nation.
B  Since the Abolition Movement just before the Civil War.
C  Since the Progressive Era.
D  Mostly in the last 50 years.
Question #40
A  None of these.
B  Writing degrading words on the wall of a public bathroom.
C  A Naxi shouting hateful slogans but in a peaceful demonstration.
D  Calling a politician an “idiot” in a public forum.
Question #41
A  None of these.
B  Abstain.
C  Review.
D  Negative or negate.
Question #42
A  The US Constitution is the law of the land.
B  Any laws made that further the intent of the Constitution are protected by the clause.
C  The US Constitution supersedes state law.
D  All of these.
Question #43
A  Would weaken the executive branch.
B  Was in direct conflict with Madison’s proposals.
C  Would be divisive and favor federal interests over state interests.
D  Reminded them of the New Jersey Plan.
Question #45
A  Segregation of private schools in North Carolina.
B  Florida’s method of counting votes in the 2000 presidential election
C  Voter ID laws in Wisconsin
D  The federal Defense of Marriage Act.
Question #46
A  Religion.
B  Gender.
C  All of these.
D  National origin.
Question #47
A  Grant veto power to the judiciary on any laws passed by the legislature.
B  Allow voters to hold a special election to override the law with a two-thirds vote.
C  Grant the executive a limited veto over legislation with a two-thirds vote of the legislature needed to override it.
D  Divide the power between two houses so that the power is spread out.
Question #49
A  The amendments that brought the South back into the Union on an equal footing with the northern states.
B  The amendments throughout the latter half of the 19th century that both extended and then restricted the rights of African Americans.
C  Three amendments that passed in the five years after the Civil War that tried to reunify the nation and guarantee African Americans their civil rights.
D  Two amendments passed before the Civil War that tried to restrict the rights of African Americans and led directly to the civil war conflict.