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Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A Was based on long legal practices that were not necessarily written down.
B Rested on several historical documents.
C Was altered by each Parliament’s decisions about the interpretation of documents and practices.
D All of these
Question #2
A Collective challenges by people with common interests, working with members of the political elite.
B Just another word for the activities of an interest group
C An unorganized collection of citizens fighting for a vague set of beliefs.
D An organized series of protests by people with common interests but not wishing to work with political elites.
Question #3
Question #4
A None of these.
B Calling a politician an “idiot” in a public forum.
C A Naxi shouting hateful slogans but in a peaceful demonstration.
D Writing degrading words on the wall of a public bathroom.
Question #5
A The Bill of Rights contains two separate limitations on religion.
B The Bill of Rights permits the establishment of a state religion in certain special cases.
C Neither the federal nor the state government can dictate which religion people can observe.
D People can not be compelled to make pledges that contain religious expressions such as “God.”
Question #6
A Legislation, or work through the Congress or states.
B Legalism, or work through the courts.
C All of these
D Direct action, or take to the streets.
Question #7
A Was superior to the British system of representation.
B None of these
C Corrupted by British practices.
D Was inferior to the British but could be made better if the British would allow it.
Question #8
A None of these.
B Letting the states get too much of the upper hand in terms of power.
C Not adequately protecting the rights of individuals.
D Creating conflicts between the state and federal governments.
Question #9
A Was actually not a compromise but a series of wins and defeats.
B Instituted a formula which counted slaves as three-fifths of a non-slave
C All of these.
D Benefited small states.
Question #10
A Persuade the citizens of New York to ratify the Constitution.
B Designate Boston as the location for the next federal convention.
C Convince Americans that they should NOT accept federalism.
D Persuade George Washington to become the president.
Question #11
A All of these.
B Those that come from the Bill of Rights are considered as freedoms that the government cannot easily violate.
C They are tightly connected to the Americans’ reaction to dominating British colonial rule
D Those that come from the Bill of Rights are considered as freedoms that the government cannot easily violate.
Question #12
A Dependent on supporting laws passed by the Constitutional Convention.
B Written and enacted by the legislature.
C None of these.
D Superior to all three branches of government.
Question #13
A The Congress has the final say.
B The states have the final say.
C The US Constitution has the final say.
D The president has the final say.
Question #14
Question #15
Question #16
Question #17
A All of these.
B Applied to matters of taxation.
C Eventually, applied to legislative acts in general.
D Stated that the colonists had to obey Parliament “in all cases whatsoever.”
Question #18
A Religion.
B All of these.
C Gender.
D National origin.
Question #19
A Montesquieu’s theory applied only to Italy.
B Montesquieu’s theory about the size of republics was correct but that the American republic could overcome the problem with adequate funds.
C Montesquieu was correct that the most successful republic was a small one.
D The large and diverse population of America was an advantage, as it would bring ideological balance in a republican government.
Question #20
A All of these
B Relied on Congressional approval or backing for foreign affairs.
C Was a uniquely powerful individual.
D Was singularly responsible for his or her duties.
Question #21
Question #22
A All of these.
B The US Constitution is the law of the land.
C The US Constitution supersedes state law.
D Any laws made that further the intent of the Constitution are protected by the clause.
Question #23
Question #24
A That there were three rigidly separate forms of government.
B All of these.
C No branch could impinge on the power of the others.
D Liberty was best secured by keeping the branches as separate as possible.
Question #25
A It is telling something untrue about persons in public media that may result in harm to them or their reputations.
B It is lying about a person in public media.
C It is telling the secrets of a person to the federal government.
D It is lying about another person.
Question #26
A It extended 1st Amendment liberties to African Americans.
B It abolished slavery everywhere in the United States.
C It freed the slaves, but only in the rebellious southern states.
D It guaranteed the right to trial to African Americans.
Question #27
A Three tiers of review for deciding whether citizenship was denied unconstitutionally.
B Three tiers of review for deciding whether equal protection was denied.
C Three tiers of review for deciding whether due process of law was denied.
D All of these.
Question #28
A The 6th Amendment.
B All of these.
C The 5th Amendment.
D The 4th Amendment.
Question #29
A All of these.
B The right to an attorney in case you are accused.
C The right to refuse to incriminate oneself, that is not answer questions of the police or a prosecutor.
D The right to be free from unreasonable search and seizure.
Question #30
A The opposition of the British government to the foundation of the American republic.
B The return of Thomas Jefferson and his leadership of the Anti-federalists.
C The hostility of the states to the Constitution
D The development of national political parties.
Question #31
Question #32
Question #33
A The men who outlined, debated, and authored the Constitution of the United States.
B The men who framed the copy of the Declaration of Independence at the Smithsonian.
C The men who decided to amend the Articles of Confederation.
D The men who set up a plan to discredit Thomas Jefferson.
Question #34
Question #35
A None of these.
B Did not believe in legislative supremacy.
C Complained that judges would challenge the will of the people’s directly elected representatives.
D Believed that the executive weaker should be weaker than the judiciary.
Question #36
A None of these.
B The British executive branch was a co-equal of the judiciary.
C The Americans divided many of the traditional British executive powers between their executive and their legislature.
D The British did not have a bicameral legislature.
Question #37
A President can do whatever is necessary and proper for the people.
B Congress makes any laws necessary and proper to carry out the intent of the Constitution.
C Executive and the legislature work together in a proper way to make necessary laws.
D Judiciary must determine if laws are necessary and proper.
Question #38
A It passed Congress near the end of the Civil War but was not ratified for ten years.
B None of these.
C It ended slavery in only the South.
D It ended slavery in the entire United States.
Question #39
A How to prevent abuses by using the doctrine of separation of powers.
B The breakdown of the Supreme Court jurisdiction over certain areas.
C The make-up of the legislative committees in the House.
D The structure of the executive branch and its agencies.
Question #40
Question #41
A Major themes in the common history of both the English people and the American colonists.
B None of these.
C Considered out-of-date notions by the Americans.
D New ideas in the English parliamentary system.
Question #42
A Ralph Waldo Emerson refusing to pay and encouraging others not to pay their taxes during the Mexican-American War
B Mahatma Gandhi protesting low wages with textile workers in England in 1931.
C The Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee organizing protest marches to oppose the Vietnam War.
D All of these.
Question #43
Question #44
A They favored states’ rights over the national government’s power.
B They supported the French Revolution.
C They favored strict interpretation of the Implied Powers Clause.
D None of these.
Question #45
A Mostly in the last 50 years.
B Throughout the entire history of the nation.
C Since the Abolition Movement just before the Civil War.
D Since the Progressive Era.
Question #46
A Athenian republic
B Venetian republic
C Republic of Genoa
D Roman republic
Question #47
Question #48
A All of these.
B A “monster in politics.”
C A state having two sovereigns.
D A “state within a state.”
Question #49
A They were enacted after wars on US territory.
B They both have their foundations in amendments to the US Constitution.
C They were enacted at a time when national unity was a prized goal.
D All of these.
Question #50