Navigation » List of Schools » Los Angeles Valley College » Political Science » Political Science 001 – The Government of the United States » Fall 2021 » Chapter 01 Chapter Quiz
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A The Progressives believed women would support their reform movement.
B The Progressives needed to develop a voting bloc to check and limit upper-class northerners.
C The Progressives were dominated by women.
D The Progressives needed to develop a voting bloc to check and limit lower-class southerners.
Question #2
A institutions and procedures by which a territory and its people are ruled.
B means by which wealth is redistributed.
C invisible hand that turns private interests into public goods.
D set of political principles and values that guide political life.
Question #3
A “one person, one vote”
B laissez-faire capitalism
C the rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights
D popular sovereignty
Question #4
A 1857, when the Supreme Court issued its ruling in Dred Scott v. Sandford.
B 1896, when the Supreme Court issued its ruling in Plessy v. Ferguson.
C 1920, when the Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution allowed for universal suffrage.
D 1868, when the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution conferred citizenship on the freed slaves.
Question #5
A 4; 150
B 4; 327
C 15; 150
D 15; 323
Question #6
A political equality.
B equality of opportunity.
C educational opportunity.
D equality of result.
Question #7
A 33
B 5
C 75
D 15
Question #8
A Americans have never valued liberty.
B European ideals have influenced American political culture.
C American values are not always reflected in practice.
D political needs are often placed above economic needs.
Question #9
A democratic
B totalitarian
C monarchic
D authoritarian
Question #10
A 11; Asia and Africa
B 6; Mexico and Central America
C 2; Mexico and Central America
D 11; Mexico and Central America
Question #11
A shifted as a result of people leaving the Northeast and Midwest and moving to the South and Southwest.
B shifted as a result of people leaving the South and Southwest and moving to the Northeast and Midwest.
C shifted as a result of people leaving urban areas and moving to rural areas.
D not experienced any regional shifts.
Question #12
A approximately 10 percent of the entire population.
B approximately 50 percent of the entire population.
C approximately 33 percent of the entire population.
D less than 1 percent of the entire population.
Question #13
A equality.
B liberty.
C democracy.
D capitalism.
Question #14
A largely stagnated over the last 40 years.
B decreased significantly between 1976 and 1996 but have increased significantly since 1996.
C decreased significantly over the last 40 years.
D increased significantly over the last 40 years.
Question #15
A struggling American economy made the United States an unattractive destination for most immigrants.
B National Origins Quota System placed strong restrictions on the number of immigrants who could enter the United States.
C federal government chose to deport nearly all foreign-born residents after World War II.
D Constitution was amended to eliminate naturalization and provide citizenship only to people born within the United States.
Question #16
A “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”
B “Life, Equality and the pursuit of Happiness”
C “Life, Liberty and Equality”
D “Liberty, Equality and Fraternity”
Question #17
A Liberty, equality, and democracy
B Anarchy, equality, and patriotism
C Equality, oligarchy, and free enterprise
D Democracy, patriotism, and the rule of law