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Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A was valid.
B employed a spurious correlation.
C misused a control group.
D used basic research.
Question #2
A they have all agreed to participate in the study for monetary compensation.
B their confidentiality has been guaranteed.
C they have all read the prior literature on the subject area.
D they all understand the nature of the study and what will be asked of them.
Question #3
A They spend a great deal of time reflecting on their roles in the research process.
B They openly admit that they are doing sociological research.
C They maintain narrow and limited definitions of appropriate research methodologies.
D They observe and record data without letting anyone know they are doing research.
Question #4
A conduct a focus group
B make respondents write out answers during interviews instead of answering verbally
C ask only open-ended questions
D cut off interviews at two hours regardless if all questions were answered
Question #5
A sampling
B causation
C informed consent
D rapport
Question #6
A the larger group of people about whom he or she wishes to generalize
B the group of people from whom he or she will gather data
C the group of people whose behavior he or she wishes to change
D the group of people least often studied in the past
Question #7
A For the first time, sociologists do not have to spend the time and money to go talk to people and can do all their work from a computer.
B For the first time, social networking sites offer sociologists a data set rich enough to test ideas that until now have only been theorized.
C For the first time, sociologists can find out what young people’s social networks look like.
D For the first time, sociologists can track the spread of urban legends.
Question #8
A a study that concerns itself with media use and popular culture
B a smaller study used to investigate the feasibility of a larger one
C a study designed to improve the target population of a larger study
D a study that definitively answers a question that has been bothering sociologists
Question #9
A It may issue recommendations for future research.
B It may stop the project from going forward, at least until changes have been made.
C It may provide assistance to any research subjects whose rights have been violated.
D It may appoint new researchers to complete the project.
Question #10
A Participants are usually not completely candid when asked to describe their attitudes and behaviors.
B Participants are self-selected.
C Ethnographies tend to have ethical problems that are of central concern to most sociologists.
D It is difficult for another researcher to repeat or replicate any particular ethnography.
Question #11
A an issue of reflexivity.
B the intervening variable.
C a spurious variable.
D a paradigm shift.
Question #12
A a double-barreled question.
B reflexivity.
C a leading question.
D a closed-ended question.
Question #13
A Ethnography allows the researcher to gather abundant data on a small population.
B Ethnography requires no training since it is something we all do as human beings.
C Ethnography is a quick and easy form of social science research.
D Ethnography requires the researcher to spend little time gaining familiarity with the research subjects.
Question #14
A reflexivity
B reliability
C objectivity
D commercial uses
Question #15
A college students and symbolism
B California and college students
C astrological signs and knowledge of astrology
D popular attitudes and perceptions
Question #16
A internal investigation.
B content analysis.
C life history.
D autoethnography.
Question #17
A spurious correlation.
B operational definition.
C hypothesis.
D ethical challenge.
Question #18
A response rate
B thick description
C validity
D reflexivity
Question #19
A ethnographers’ conclusions may not be applicable to any larger group.
B ethnographers intervene in the lives of the people they are studying.
C the presence of ethnographers may alter the behavior of the people they are observing.
D participants may not consider their own motivations and act out of reflex.
Question #20
A the study of scientific processes
B the study of nature
C the use of statistics to analyze numerical data
D the standard procedure for acquiring and verifying empirical knowledge
Question #21
A interviews
B quantitative
C qualitative
D ethnography
Question #22
A surveys
B comparative-historical research
C interviews
D ethnography
Question #23
A representative sample.
B unobtrusive measure.
C comparative-historical research.
D focus group.
Question #24
A in which one variable is weighted more than another.
B in which other demographic variables are taken into account.
C in which every member of the population has a chance of being included.
D with only one variable.
Question #25
A it is impossible to find enough people through a random sample.
B interviews are too time-consuming.
C researchers are only allowed to talk to people who are eighteen and older.
D it is extremely difficult to guarantee confidentiality to large groups.
Question #26
A Interviews sometimes distance the researcher from the messy realities of the social world.
B Interviews generally lack qualitative data that might better capture social reality.
C Respondents are not always forthcoming or truthful.
D Face-to-face interviewing is time-consuming.
Question #27
A look for patterns in their data.
B determine the average age of their interviewees.
C check for bias in how they asked questions.
D think up new questions they did not ask.
Question #28
A The weighted sample does not target any specific group within the population.
B The weighted sample more closely resembles the larger population.
C A weighted sample draws from a larger target population rather than a random one.
D A weighted sample excludes some members of the population.
Question #29
A analyze data
B choose a research design or method
C form a hypothesis; give operational definitions to variables
D disseminate findings
Question #30
A ask a respondent about what he or she does not think rather than what he or she does think.
B ask about two different topics.
C let the respondent know how the researcher hopes he or she will answer.
D belittle or insult a group or individual.