Navigation » List of Schools » Oxnard College » Political Science » Political Science 100 – Introduction to Politics » Fall 2021 » Chapter 5 Authoritarianism
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
Question #2
A South Africa operated a system of apartheid.
B South Africa lacked a national constitution.
C South Africa was ruled by a military general.
D South Africa prevented women from voting.
E South Africa had a hereditary monarch.
Question #3
A Personal charisma
B Free elections
C Parliamentary support
D International support
E Interest group advocacy
Question #4
A It is good to be feared and loved, but better to be feared.
B It is good to be merciful at all times to court public favor.
C It is good to deny the public constantly to emphasize control.
D It is good to be feared and loved, but only at the same time.
E It is good to be feared and loved, but better to be loved.
Question #5
A A parliamentary democracy
B A socialist dictatorship
C A hereditary monarchy
D A presidential democracy
E A theocratic autocracy
Question #6
A Diplomatic relations with Taiwan
B The establishment of democratically elected local governments
C The massacre in Tiananmen Square
D Liberalization of speech and press freedoms
E The creation of the Democracy Wall
Question #7
A They are investment funds held by the world’s monarchs.
B They are economic tools used to regulate the amount of currency available in an economy.
C They are investment funds held by the world’s most powerful economic leaders.
D They are state banks that tax international imports.
E They are state-owned investment funds, often made up of international assets.
Question #8
A Both countries rely on Japan to buy their exports.
B Both countries are heavily indebted to the World Bank.
C The United States purchases a lot of Chinese exports, whereas China funds much of the United States’ debt.
D The United States is reliant on China for most of its intellectual property development.
E China purchases a lot of the United States’ exports, whereas the United States funds much of China’s debt.
Question #9
A Deng Xiaoping
B Chiang Kai-shek
C Mao Zedong
D Wen Jiabao
E Ayatollah Khomeini
Question #10
A A hereditary legislative body similar to the House of Lords in the United Kingdom
B An influential group of impartial economic advisers
C An influential group of military advisers
D An alternative parliament made up of political dissidents
E A small group that makes final political decisions
Question #11
A Preventing political and economic corruption
B Minimizing the influence of the military on politics
C Protecting the public from negative campaign advertisements
D Reducing economic inequality
E Maintaining law and order
Question #12
A Authoritarian regimes tend to be far more open to public criticism than totalitarian regimes.
B Authoritarian regimes are generally uninterested in the actions of the public except for their political actions, whereas totalitarian regimes seek to regulate all types of actions.
C Authoritarian regimes tend to be far more opposed to international criticism than totalitarian regimes.
D Authoritarian regimes seek to regulate all types of public actions, whereas totalitarian regimes are generally uninterested in the actions of the public except their political actions.
E Authoritarian regimes are much less likely to be hereditary than totalitarian regimes.
Question #13
A Avoiding international entanglements
B Maintaining a power monopoly
C Representing the policy preferences of the general public
D Preserving the rule of law
E Representing the policy preferences of organized interests
Question #14
A A minor battle between two neighboring countries
B A peaceful transition of power following a contentious election
C A revision of the constitution that changes the procedural rules
D A major policy change that frustrates the political opposition
E An attempted seizure of governmental power by an alternate power group
Question #15
A The Middle East
B Sub-Saharan Africa
C Asia
D Western Europe
E North Africa
Question #16
A A small group of economic elites
B A single ruler
C A small group of religious elites
D A large group of military leaders
E A large group of people representing society broadly
Question #17
A A large group of people representing society broadly
B A small group of religious elites
C A single ruler
D A large group of military leaders
E A small group of economic elites
Question #18
A Relatively poor and well-educated countries
B Relatively prosperous and poorly educated countries
C Relatively poor and neither well-educated nor poorly educated countries
D Relatively prosperous and well-educated countries
E Relatively poor and poorly educated countries
Question #19
A Democracies are generally weaker governments than autocracies.
B Unlike democracies, special interests are well represented in autocracies.
C Democracies are legally required to satisfy special interests before making policy.
D Autocracies are likely to suppress public criticism from special interests.
E Unlike democracies, autocracies generally lack special interests.
Question #20
A Dedication to the rule of law
B Constitutional protections of liberties
C Representation of multiple societal interests
D The simplicity of decision making
E Consideration of the lower classes
Question #21
A Much less common
B Much more common
C Slightly more common
D Slightly less common
E Roughly as common
Question #22
A Power concentrated in a small group of people
B A lack of any separation of church and state
C All decisions made collectively
D Power concentrated in one person
E A lack of clear parliamentary control
Question #23
A Authoritarian states
B Communist states
C Anarchistic states
D Libertarian states
E Democratic states