
Fresh Grad Lands Job as Real Estate Agent With Help from Professional Writers

People go to websites to get the information they desperately need.  They could be looking for an answer to a nagging question.  They might be looking for help in completing an important task.  For recent graduates, they might be looking for ways on how to prepare a comprehensive resume that can capture the attention of the hiring manager

Manush is a recent graduate from a prestigious university in California who is looking for a job opportunity as a real estate agent.  While he already has samples provided by his friends, he still feels something lacking in his resume.  Specifically, the he believes that his professional objective statement lacks focus and clarity. 

Thus, he sought our assistance in improving editing and proofreading his resume. 

In revising his resume, iwritegigs highlighted his soft skills such as his communication skills, ability to negotiate, patience and tactfulness.  In the professional experience part, our team added some skills that are aligned with the position he is applying for.

When he was chosen for the real estate agent position, he sent us this thank you note:

“Kudos to the team for a job well done.  I am sincerely appreciative of the time and effort you gave on my resume.  You did not only help me land the job I had always been dreaming of but you also made me realize how important adding those specific keywords to my resume!  Cheers!

Manush’s story shows the importance of using powerful keywords to his resume in landing the job he wanted.

Practice Exam Sales License (2)

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Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:

Question #2
A  The risk that is directly related to leverage
B  The risk that an investor cannot secure financing at an affordable rate
C  The risk that the property has a bad location
D  The risk that the required return on investor capital will not be met
Question #3
A  Most brokers prefer not to hire new licensees.
B  Being a new licensee is a distinct advantage.
C  Very few licensees are selected; it’s highly competitive.
D  You are interviewing the broker as much as the broker is interviewing you.
Question #4
A  An escalation clause
B  A quick closing
C  Full price or over full price
D  Waive appraisal
Question #5
A  Customer
B  Client
C  Buyer
D  Seller
Question #6
A  “All buyers are required to sign buyer representation agreements.”
B  “Buyer representation agreements don’t obligate you in any way.”
C  “You won’t owe as much commission if we work under an agreement.”
D  “Without a written representation agreement, I don’t represent you.”
Question #7
A  Robert is a dual agent
B  Robert is breaching his fiduciary duty
C  Robert is in violation of agency law
D  Robert must also be an attorney
Question #8
A  The seller repairs holes in the walls and documents that they were completed six days before close.
B  The seller hires a contractor to repair holes in the wall starting the day the buyer is scheduled to verify final condition.
C  The seller forgets to repair holes in the wall and places a plant in front of them before the buyer arrives for final verification of property.
D  The seller hires a contractor to repair holes in the wall and informs the buyer that the contractor never provided a receipt.
Question #9
A  One in which anyone can find the buyer, but the listing agent still gets paid
B  One in which the price is negotiable within a specified range
C  One in which there’s no end date
D  One in which only the person who finds the buyer gets paid
Question #11
A  Home inspectors
B  Game wardens
C  Divorce attorneys
D  Criminal attorneys
Question #12
A  Buy display advertising
B  Join a team
C  Spend more than usual on marketing campaigns
D  Send a mailer
Question #13
A  Personal photo
B  Personal contact number
C  License number and responsible broker’s identity
D  City and state where the brokerage is located and jurisdiction
Question #14
A  Provisionary clause
B  Broadcast clause
C  Marketing clause
D  Multiple listing clause
Question #15
A  A buyer has made an offer below list price and the seller is willing to take that offer.
B  The seller wants to raise the list price after receiving no offers.
C  The seller wants to move up the expiration date because the property sold right away.
D  The seller wishes to lower the list price to encourage more offers.
Question #16
A  Leisure
B  Manufacturing
C  Retail
D  Healthcare
Question #17
A  There are special government financing programs for purchasing REOs.
B  There are no agent commissions to pay for REO transactions.
C  Lenders and their shareholders don’t like to keep properties on their books longer than necessary.
D  Federal regulations require that REOs be sold below market value.
Question #18
A  The asset is worth more because of capital improvements.
B  The asset is worth less because the economy took a downturn.
C  Investors can take a business deduction for annual depreciation.
D  The owner/investor is making less income from the property than previously.
Question #20
A  Because they’re rare, and therefore valuable.
B  They’re always in demand.
C  They require no down payment.
D  They need somewhere to live.
Question #22
A  Preparing a written agreement that falsely states a purchase price
B  Making a reasonable effort to ensure all parties to a written agreement have a copy of the agreement
C  Preparing a written agreement that accurately states a purchase price
D  Including the brokerage name and main phone number, in addition to a licensee’s own name and phone number on an advertisement
Question #23
A  The buyer will be forced to terminate the contract immediately.
B  The seller must reduce the price to the appraised value.
C  A new appraisal will always be ordered.
D  The parties may choose to negotiate the difference.
Question #24
A  Laws related to theft and other crimes
B  Laws related to the sale of securities
C  Laws related to real property contracts, such as contract of sale or land installment contracts
D  It does not contain laws
Question #26
A  Are relatively rare, so tenants compete for available units
B  Require a larger down payment, so there is less to finance
C  Are relatively liquid
D  Are larger properties
Question #27
A  The commuting one, because most business is conducted in the car.
B  The closer one, because he can meet clients at the office easier.
C  The commuting one, because he will spend most of his time in the field.
D  The closer one, because gas is expensive.
Question #28
A  The unit may need to be replaced.
B  Older units are bigger and more unsightly.
C  They were hoping for window air conditioning.
D  Central air conditioning isn’t a sustainable technology.
Question #29
A  Vacant units
B  Stairwells and lobbies
C  The difference between usable square footage and rentable square footage
D  Bathrooms and hallways
Question #31
A  Michael may follow Felicity’s instructions and show the house to anyone except Hispanics.
B  Michael is allowed to tell any prospective buyers and their agents that Felicity will not sell to Hispanics.
C  Michael may inform Felicity of fair housing laws.
D  Michael is allowed to prepare an advertisement which states, “Home for sale, $140,000. No Hispanics.”
Question #32
A  The Internal Revenue Service
B  The Federal Bureau of Investigation
C  The California Department of Real Estate Commissioner
D  The Central Intelligence Agency
Question #33
A  Government Requirements and Retrofit
B  Other Costs
C  Inspections, Reports, and Certificates
D  Escrow and Title
Question #35
A  No, this is how all agents work.
B  Yes, because this constitutes the illegal practice of real estate.
C  Yes, because she should meet them in person before working for them.
D  No, this is how agents work with buyers.
Question #36
A  That 70% of their income will go toward expenses
B  They must receive 70% return on their investment
C  The purchase price shouldn’t be more than 70% of the repaired value
D  That 70% of renters will leave in the first two years
Question #37
A  In the firm’s general business account, with a ledger entry for the client’s name, labeled “trust fund”
B  In an interest-bearing account
C  In the firm’s safe or safety deposit box until closing
D  In a trust fund account or neutral escrow
Question #38
A  Inform all parties to the transaction
B  Say nothing
C  Inform the seller
D  Terminate her agency relationship
Question #39
A  Business
B  Capital
C  Financial
D  Leverage
Question #40
A  Cancellation of Listing
B  Seller Instruction to Exclude from the MLS
C  Modification of Terms
D  Termination of Buyer Agency
Question #41
A  Prepare advertising for social media and local newspapers
B  Negotiate a higher commission, as there is a greater burden on the agent to find a buyer
C  Fully inform the seller about the dangers of reduced market exposure
D  Advertise the listing on the MLS
Question #42
A  More amenities
B  Nothing
C  Rooms open to interior of the building
D  Closer to parking
Question #43
A  A landlord refuses to rent to a couple that have been on the waiting list for four months, because when they were called and given notice of their approval, the tenants refused to pay the security deposit.
B  An owner refuses to sell a house to an unmarried couple on the basis of his religious beliefs that having a sexual relationship outside of marriage is sinful.
C  An owner refuses to sell a house to a same-sex couple that offered less than the asking price.
D  A landlord refuses to rent to a tenant who has poor credit and unstable employment history.
Question #44
A  Laura will be put on a three-month probation.
B  Laura likely won’t get a salary for six weeks.
C  Laura must stay with Bill for at least two years before she transfers brokerages.
D  Laura may leave the brokerage and join another at any time.
Question #45
A  Try to be all things to all people.
B  Work a regular work week (Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.).
C  Work hard and stick with it.
D  Seek out a broker who does a lot of business.
Question #46
A  Monica should tell all prospective buyers that the seller has HIV.
B  Monica should purchase Brian’s property.
C  Monica should not be the listing agent for her friend.
D  Monica cannot tell others about Brian’s HIV status.
Question #47
A  An operating statement
B  Net operating income
C  Potential gross income
D  Effective gross income
Question #48
A  Static
B  Cold
C  Dynamic
D  Hot
Question #49
A  Escrow can’t disburse the money without your signature
B  Escrow is FDIC insured.
C  Escrow is bonded
D  My company will cover any losses
Question #51
A  Friday, August 2
B  Thursday, August 1
C  Wednesday, July 31
D  Saturday, August 3
Question #52
A  They are afraid they’ll be asked to reduce their commissions.
B  They don’t want to seem pushy.
C  They want wealthier clients than their friends and family.
D  Their brokers don’t want them marketing to that audience.
Question #53
A  Present the offer to the seller and tell him you have another potential buyer who wants to see the property next week.
B  Present the offer to the seller right away and don’t mention the other potential buyer.
C  Hold on to the offer until after your buyer sees the property.
D  Tell the buyer’s agent that the sellers aren’t reviewing offers until next week.
Question #54
A  Foreign Investment in Real Estate Property Tax Act (FIRPTA)
B  Foreign Investor Real Estate Investment Tax (FIRE-IT)
C  Tax Withholding for Foreign Holding Act (TWFHA)
D  Foreign Real Estate Tax Withholding Act (FRETWA)
Question #55
A  Identify furniture they want to purchase from the sellers
B  Spot the high-value items
C  Imagine themselves in the home
D  Move in more quickly
Question #56
A  Destroying all documents carrying a client signature in a manner approved by DRE
B  Maintaining the documents in the brokerage files for at least five years from the closing date
C  Giving a copy of the agreement to her client after it’s signed
D  Sending a copy of the agreement to DRE
Question #57
A  Records that must be held for at least three years
B  Records that must be provided to clients upon request
C  Documents that must be submitted to the DRE
D  Documents that must be stored electronically
Question #59
A  To get the client better deals on settlement costs
B  To get the client better deals on title insurance
C  To get referrals to other investors
D  To get leads on available properties
Question #60
A  No, California law prohibits foreclosure for a tax lien.
B  Yes, they can foreclose immediately.
C  No, a property tax lien doesn’t give the lien holder the power of sale.
D  Yes, but only if his taxes remain unpaid for five years.
Question #61
A  Ask Jerry to repair the issues that she found
B  Show the issues that she noted to a home inspector, if the buyer uses one
C  Use the proper disclosure forms
D  Ask Jerry to verbally disclose material defects to potential buyers
Question #63
A  Handyman companies
B  Door-to-door in low-income neighborhoods
C  “Subject to court approval” listings in the MLS
D  Home decorator conventions
Question #64
A  “If you make a profit on the sale of this property, you’ll have to pay a capital gains tax when you file your income taxes.”
B  “When you’re buying your next home, the transfer will trigger a reassessment for property tax purposes.”
C  “Property taxes are prorated so you’ll only pay for the time you owned the property.”
D  “Your title will reveal any tax liens, so the title company will review it to ensure that isn’t an encumbrance.”
Question #65
A  Interview several managing brokers
B  Call the Better Business Bureau
C  Request an income guarantee
D  Interview other new licensees
Question #66
A  She should use money from her savings account to make the purchase instead of using her credit card.
B  It’s important to avoid spending money on non-essentials or adding to her debt load prior to closing on the loan.
C  She should wait until after she closes on the home and then use a home equity line of credit to make her furniture purchases.
D  She should use store credit instead of her credit card to purchase the furniture since the interest rate is probably lower.
Question #67
A  Reject the offers and put the home back on the market for the amount of the highest offer.
B  Accept a middle-of-the-road offer, but on the condition that no home inspection repairs will be performed.
C  Have all buyers submit their “highest and best” offer, then help the seller decide which offer is most appealing.
D  Leave it on the market for another three days to allow time for even more offers to come in.
Question #69
A  Dynamic
B  Capital
C  Static
D  Environmental
Question #71
A  At least one photo
B  The seller’s bottom-line sales price
C  A relatively vague description, so people want to come and see the details
D  The seller’s contact information
Question #72
A  A comparison of before-tax cash flow to cash invested
B  Making money hand over fist
C  Net income after taxes are deducted
D  Trading international currency
Question #73
A  Giving the letter to at least 20 neighbors
B  Ensuring that the letter was given to neighbors on both sides of the street
C  Listing the property on the MLS
D  Providing the letter in multiple languages for non-English speakers
Question #76
A  Property manager
B  Broker
C  Buyer
D  Owner
Question #77
A  It is voidable, because Jesse is not mentally competent to sign a contract.
B  It is voidable, because the consideration, as a percentage rather than a dollar amount, is not clearly stated.
C  It is voidable, because Jesse probably signed it under duress.
D  It is void because it is not for a lawful purpose.
Question #78
A  Their current home might be a potential listing for you.
B  If they don’t, they’re probably wasting your time.
C  You won’t need to check their credit if they’ve qualified for a home in the past.
D  Selling their home before purchasing a new one is more work for you and might not be worth your time.
Question #79
A  No, Yolanda can take legal action against the buyers at any time while she still owns the property.
B  No, Yolanda can take legal action at any time within two years after taking possession of the property.
C  Yes, Yolanda should have canceled the contract within three days of receiving seller disclosures.
D  Yes, the buyer can only take legal action within six months of taking possession of the property.
Question #81
Question #83
A  You should disclose any adverse material facts, but you don’t have to provide the report.
B  You should ask the buyers who walked away whether you can provide a copy.
C  You should provide an inspection report to all prospects, along with seller disclosures.
D  You should provide an inspection report, but only if specifically asked.
Question #84
A  Have you ever been convicted of any felonies?
B  What is your income?
C  Are you currently working with any other agents?
D  What is your tax bracket?
Question #85
A  Trust funds
B  Revenue
C  Commission
D  Non-trust funds
Question #86
A  “With today’s market conditions, we could expect the house to take two months to sell. Let’s set a term of four months for our listing contract.”
B  “My listing agreements are generally 90-day contracts.”
C  “My contract length is non-negotiable.”
D  “The MLS requires us to have at least 90-day listings.”
Question #87
A  Real Estate Standard Protection Act
B  Real Estate Seller Prohibition Act
C  Real Estate Society Protection Act
D  Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act
Question #88
A  Leverage
B  Business
C  Capital
D  Financial
Question #89
A  Depreciate
B  Add
C  Subtract
D  Deduct
Question #91
A  This conversation seems to be turning into a discussion of market allocation
B  The group seems bent on creating a tie-in arrangement
C  She needs to get to work developing this model for herself
D  This conversation sounds like it might become an antitrust violation
Question #92
A  Conversion
B  Commingling
C  Earned interest
D  Documentation
Question #93
A  No, the commission must go through the agent’s broker.
B  No, the commission must go through the escrow company first.
C  Yes, because she’s a close relative.
D  No, agents cannot accept commissions from immediate family.
Question #94
A  Carma agrees to list Tera’s property for free if Tera signs an agreement to purchase her new home through Carma.
B  Rhoda loans Carl the money to catch up his mortgage payments in return for a listing agreement to sell Carl’s home for a 4% commission.
C  Jeanine agrees to charge no commission from her buyer’s purchase of a four-plex if the buyer agrees to pay Jeanine a 3% fee for each unit for which she finds a tenant after the sale.
D  Gene, a real estate professional, is purchasing a home for his personal use. He negotiates a reduction in the sales price in return for taking no commission from the seller.
Question #97
A  At the closing
B  Weeks prior to closing
C  The day after closing on the property to ensure proper transfer of title
D  The day prior to closing
Question #98
A  The seller is solely responsible.
B  The listing agreement does not account for responsibility in this area.
C  The responsibility lies solely with the listing agent and brokerage.
D  Both seller and broker are responsible.
Question #99
A  Maximum listing service
B  Membership listing service
C  Market listing service
D  Multiple listing service
Question #100
A  Obedience and loyalty
B  Fairness and loyalty
C  Honesty and obedience
D  Honesty and fairness