Navigation » List of Schools » The CE Shop » Sales License » 45-HR. CA REAL ESTATE PRACTICE COURSE » Summer 2021 » Practice Exam Sales License (2)
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A 4525
B 4524
C 4522
D 4523
Question #2
A The risk that is directly related to leverage
B The risk that an investor cannot secure financing at an affordable rate
C The risk that the property has a bad location
D The risk that the required return on investor capital will not be met
Question #3
A Most brokers prefer not to hire new licensees.
B Being a new licensee is a distinct advantage.
C Very few licensees are selected; it’s highly competitive.
D You are interviewing the broker as much as the broker is interviewing you.
Question #4
A An escalation clause
B A quick closing
C Full price or over full price
D Waive appraisal
Question #5
A Customer
B Client
C Buyer
D Seller
Question #6
A “All buyers are required to sign buyer representation agreements.”
B “Buyer representation agreements don’t obligate you in any way.”
C “You won’t owe as much commission if we work under an agreement.”
D “Without a written representation agreement, I don’t represent you.”
Question #7
A Robert is a dual agent
B Robert is breaching his fiduciary duty
C Robert is in violation of agency law
D Robert must also be an attorney
Question #8
A The seller repairs holes in the walls and documents that they were completed six days before close.
B The seller hires a contractor to repair holes in the wall starting the day the buyer is scheduled to verify final condition.
C The seller forgets to repair holes in the wall and places a plant in front of them before the buyer arrives for final verification of property.
D The seller hires a contractor to repair holes in the wall and informs the buyer that the contractor never provided a receipt.
Question #9
A One in which anyone can find the buyer, but the listing agent still gets paid
B One in which the price is negotiable within a specified range
C One in which there’s no end date
D One in which only the person who finds the buyer gets paid
Question #10
A Net listing
B Exclusive right to sell
C Exclusive agency
D Exclusive right to collect commission
Question #11
A Home inspectors
B Game wardens
C Divorce attorneys
D Criminal attorneys
Question #12
A Buy display advertising
B Join a team
C Spend more than usual on marketing campaigns
D Send a mailer
Question #13
A Personal photo
B Personal contact number
C License number and responsible broker’s identity
D City and state where the brokerage is located and jurisdiction
Question #14
A Provisionary clause
B Broadcast clause
C Marketing clause
D Multiple listing clause
Question #15
A A buyer has made an offer below list price and the seller is willing to take that offer.
B The seller wants to raise the list price after receiving no offers.
C The seller wants to move up the expiration date because the property sold right away.
D The seller wishes to lower the list price to encourage more offers.
Question #16
A Leisure
B Manufacturing
C Retail
D Healthcare
Question #17
A There are special government financing programs for purchasing REOs.
B There are no agent commissions to pay for REO transactions.
C Lenders and their shareholders don’t like to keep properties on their books longer than necessary.
D Federal regulations require that REOs be sold below market value.
Question #18
A The asset is worth more because of capital improvements.
B The asset is worth less because the economy took a downturn.
C Investors can take a business deduction for annual depreciation.
D The owner/investor is making less income from the property than previously.
Question #19
A A second round of mediation
B Condemnation
C Arbitration
D Litigation
Question #20
A Because they’re rare, and therefore valuable.
B They’re always in demand.
C They require no down payment.
D They need somewhere to live.
Question #21
A Weekly
B Yearly
C Monthly
D Quarterly
Question #22
A Preparing a written agreement that falsely states a purchase price
B Making a reasonable effort to ensure all parties to a written agreement have a copy of the agreement
C Preparing a written agreement that accurately states a purchase price
D Including the brokerage name and main phone number, in addition to a licensee’s own name and phone number on an advertisement
Question #23
A The buyer will be forced to terminate the contract immediately.
B The seller must reduce the price to the appraised value.
C A new appraisal will always be ordered.
D The parties may choose to negotiate the difference.
Question #24
A Laws related to theft and other crimes
B Laws related to the sale of securities
C Laws related to real property contracts, such as contract of sale or land installment contracts
D It does not contain laws
Question #25
A $48,000
B $24,000
C $36,000
D $3,000
Question #26
A Are relatively rare, so tenants compete for available units
B Require a larger down payment, so there is less to finance
C Are relatively liquid
D Are larger properties
Question #27
A The commuting one, because most business is conducted in the car.
B The closer one, because he can meet clients at the office easier.
C The commuting one, because he will spend most of his time in the field.
D The closer one, because gas is expensive.
Question #28
A The unit may need to be replaced.
B Older units are bigger and more unsightly.
C They were hoping for window air conditioning.
D Central air conditioning isn’t a sustainable technology.
Question #29
A Vacant units
B Stairwells and lobbies
C The difference between usable square footage and rentable square footage
D Bathrooms and hallways
Question #30
A As-is
B With material defects
C Under warranty
D By default
Question #31
A Michael may follow Felicity’s instructions and show the house to anyone except Hispanics.
B Michael is allowed to tell any prospective buyers and their agents that Felicity will not sell to Hispanics.
C Michael may inform Felicity of fair housing laws.
D Michael is allowed to prepare an advertisement which states, “Home for sale, $140,000. No Hispanics.”
Question #32
A The Internal Revenue Service
B The Federal Bureau of Investigation
C The California Department of Real Estate Commissioner
D The Central Intelligence Agency
Question #33
A Government Requirements and Retrofit
B Other Costs
C Inspections, Reports, and Certificates
D Escrow and Title
Question #34
A Three
B 10
C 30
D 21
Question #35
A No, this is how all agents work.
B Yes, because this constitutes the illegal practice of real estate.
C Yes, because she should meet them in person before working for them.
D No, this is how agents work with buyers.
Question #36
A That 70% of their income will go toward expenses
B They must receive 70% return on their investment
C The purchase price shouldn’t be more than 70% of the repaired value
D That 70% of renters will leave in the first two years
Question #37
A In the firm’s general business account, with a ledger entry for the client’s name, labeled “trust fund”
B In an interest-bearing account
C In the firm’s safe or safety deposit box until closing
D In a trust fund account or neutral escrow
Question #38
A Inform all parties to the transaction
B Say nothing
C Inform the seller
D Terminate her agency relationship
Question #39
A Business
B Capital
C Financial
D Leverage
Question #40
A Cancellation of Listing
B Seller Instruction to Exclude from the MLS
C Modification of Terms
D Termination of Buyer Agency
Question #41
A Prepare advertising for social media and local newspapers
B Negotiate a higher commission, as there is a greater burden on the agent to find a buyer
C Fully inform the seller about the dangers of reduced market exposure
D Advertise the listing on the MLS
Question #42
A More amenities
B Nothing
C Rooms open to interior of the building
D Closer to parking
Question #43
A A landlord refuses to rent to a couple that have been on the waiting list for four months, because when they were called and given notice of their approval, the tenants refused to pay the security deposit.
B An owner refuses to sell a house to an unmarried couple on the basis of his religious beliefs that having a sexual relationship outside of marriage is sinful.
C An owner refuses to sell a house to a same-sex couple that offered less than the asking price.
D A landlord refuses to rent to a tenant who has poor credit and unstable employment history.
Question #44
A Laura will be put on a three-month probation.
B Laura likely won’t get a salary for six weeks.
C Laura must stay with Bill for at least two years before she transfers brokerages.
D Laura may leave the brokerage and join another at any time.
Question #45
A Try to be all things to all people.
B Work a regular work week (Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.).
C Work hard and stick with it.
D Seek out a broker who does a lot of business.
Question #46
A Monica should tell all prospective buyers that the seller has HIV.
B Monica should purchase Brian’s property.
C Monica should not be the listing agent for her friend.
D Monica cannot tell others about Brian’s HIV status.
Question #47
A An operating statement
B Net operating income
C Potential gross income
D Effective gross income
Question #48
A Static
B Cold
C Dynamic
D Hot
Question #49
A Escrow can’t disburse the money without your signature
B Escrow is FDIC insured.
C Escrow is bonded
D My company will cover any losses
Question #50
A 2019
B 2048
C 2029
D 2039
Question #51
A Friday, August 2
B Thursday, August 1
C Wednesday, July 31
D Saturday, August 3
Question #52
A They are afraid they’ll be asked to reduce their commissions.
B They don’t want to seem pushy.
C They want wealthier clients than their friends and family.
D Their brokers don’t want them marketing to that audience.
Question #53
A Present the offer to the seller and tell him you have another potential buyer who wants to see the property next week.
B Present the offer to the seller right away and don’t mention the other potential buyer.
C Hold on to the offer until after your buyer sees the property.
D Tell the buyer’s agent that the sellers aren’t reviewing offers until next week.
Question #54
A Foreign Investment in Real Estate Property Tax Act (FIRPTA)
B Foreign Investor Real Estate Investment Tax (FIRE-IT)
C Tax Withholding for Foreign Holding Act (TWFHA)
D Foreign Real Estate Tax Withholding Act (FRETWA)
Question #55
A Identify furniture they want to purchase from the sellers
B Spot the high-value items
C Imagine themselves in the home
D Move in more quickly
Question #56
A Destroying all documents carrying a client signature in a manner approved by DRE
B Maintaining the documents in the brokerage files for at least five years from the closing date
C Giving a copy of the agreement to her client after it’s signed
D Sending a copy of the agreement to DRE
Question #57
A Records that must be held for at least three years
B Records that must be provided to clients upon request
C Documents that must be submitted to the DRE
D Documents that must be stored electronically
Question #58
A Access to restrooms
B Improved acoustics
C Carpeted halls and stairways
D Sufficient cooling and heating
Question #59
A To get the client better deals on settlement costs
B To get the client better deals on title insurance
C To get referrals to other investors
D To get leads on available properties
Question #60
A No, California law prohibits foreclosure for a tax lien.
B Yes, they can foreclose immediately.
C No, a property tax lien doesn’t give the lien holder the power of sale.
D Yes, but only if his taxes remain unpaid for five years.
Question #61
A Ask Jerry to repair the issues that she found
B Show the issues that she noted to a home inspector, if the buyer uses one
C Use the proper disclosure forms
D Ask Jerry to verbally disclose material defects to potential buyers
Question #62
A 20
B 10
C 11
D Nine
Question #63
A Handyman companies
B Door-to-door in low-income neighborhoods
C “Subject to court approval” listings in the MLS
D Home decorator conventions
Question #64
A “If you make a profit on the sale of this property, you’ll have to pay a capital gains tax when you file your income taxes.”
B “When you’re buying your next home, the transfer will trigger a reassessment for property tax purposes.”
C “Property taxes are prorated so you’ll only pay for the time you owned the property.”
D “Your title will reveal any tax liens, so the title company will review it to ensure that isn’t an encumbrance.”
Question #65
A Interview several managing brokers
B Call the Better Business Bureau
C Request an income guarantee
D Interview other new licensees
Question #66
A She should use money from her savings account to make the purchase instead of using her credit card.
B It’s important to avoid spending money on non-essentials or adding to her debt load prior to closing on the loan.
C She should wait until after she closes on the home and then use a home equity line of credit to make her furniture purchases.
D She should use store credit instead of her credit card to purchase the furniture since the interest rate is probably lower.
Question #67
A Reject the offers and put the home back on the market for the amount of the highest offer.
B Accept a middle-of-the-road offer, but on the condition that no home inspection repairs will be performed.
C Have all buyers submit their “highest and best” offer, then help the seller decide which offer is most appealing.
D Leave it on the market for another three days to allow time for even more offers to come in.
Question #68
A Licensing laws
B The Federal Trade Commission Act
C The Sherman Antitrust Act
D Fair housing laws
Question #69
A Dynamic
B Capital
C Static
D Environmental
Question #70
A Trade-down buyer
B Trade-up buyer
C First-time buyer
D Retiree
Question #71
A At least one photo
B The seller’s bottom-line sales price
C A relatively vague description, so people want to come and see the details
D The seller’s contact information
Question #72
A A comparison of before-tax cash flow to cash invested
B Making money hand over fist
C Net income after taxes are deducted
D Trading international currency
Question #73
A Giving the letter to at least 20 neighbors
B Ensuring that the letter was given to neighbors on both sides of the street
C Listing the property on the MLS
D Providing the letter in multiple languages for non-English speakers
Question #74
A One year
B 10 years
C Three years
D Five years
Question #75
A Balance
B Debit
C Credit
D Mortgage
Question #76
A Property manager
B Broker
C Buyer
D Owner
Question #77
A It is voidable, because Jesse is not mentally competent to sign a contract.
B It is voidable, because the consideration, as a percentage rather than a dollar amount, is not clearly stated.
C It is voidable, because Jesse probably signed it under duress.
D It is void because it is not for a lawful purpose.
Question #78
A Their current home might be a potential listing for you.
B If they don’t, they’re probably wasting your time.
C You won’t need to check their credit if they’ve qualified for a home in the past.
D Selling their home before purchasing a new one is more work for you and might not be worth your time.
Question #79
A No, Yolanda can take legal action against the buyers at any time while she still owns the property.
B No, Yolanda can take legal action at any time within two years after taking possession of the property.
C Yes, Yolanda should have canceled the contract within three days of receiving seller disclosures.
D Yes, the buyer can only take legal action within six months of taking possession of the property.
Question #80
A Accounting
B Confidentiality
C Disclosure
D Reasonable skill and care
Question #81
Question #82
A Frozen
B Eliminated
C Reallocated
D Disbursed
Question #83
A You should disclose any adverse material facts, but you don’t have to provide the report.
B You should ask the buyers who walked away whether you can provide a copy.
C You should provide an inspection report to all prospects, along with seller disclosures.
D You should provide an inspection report, but only if specifically asked.
Question #84
A Have you ever been convicted of any felonies?
B What is your income?
C Are you currently working with any other agents?
D What is your tax bracket?
Question #85
A Trust funds
B Revenue
C Commission
D Non-trust funds
Question #86
A “With today’s market conditions, we could expect the house to take two months to sell. Let’s set a term of four months for our listing contract.”
B “My listing agreements are generally 90-day contracts.”
C “My contract length is non-negotiable.”
D “The MLS requires us to have at least 90-day listings.”
Question #87
A Real Estate Standard Protection Act
B Real Estate Seller Prohibition Act
C Real Estate Society Protection Act
D Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act
Question #88
A Leverage
B Business
C Capital
D Financial
Question #89
A Depreciate
B Add
C Subtract
D Deduct
Question #90
A 1945
B 1978
C 1960
D 1900
Question #91
A This conversation seems to be turning into a discussion of market allocation
B The group seems bent on creating a tie-in arrangement
C She needs to get to work developing this model for herself
D This conversation sounds like it might become an antitrust violation
Question #92
A Conversion
B Commingling
C Earned interest
D Documentation
Question #93
A No, the commission must go through the agent’s broker.
B No, the commission must go through the escrow company first.
C Yes, because she’s a close relative.
D No, agents cannot accept commissions from immediate family.
Question #94
A Carma agrees to list Tera’s property for free if Tera signs an agreement to purchase her new home through Carma.
B Rhoda loans Carl the money to catch up his mortgage payments in return for a listing agreement to sell Carl’s home for a 4% commission.
C Jeanine agrees to charge no commission from her buyer’s purchase of a four-plex if the buyer agrees to pay Jeanine a 3% fee for each unit for which she finds a tenant after the sale.
D Gene, a real estate professional, is purchasing a home for his personal use. He negotiates a reduction in the sales price in return for taking no commission from the seller.
Question #95
A Fraud
B Negligent misrepresentation
C Unintentional misrepresentation
D Puffery
Question #96
A Per se
B Rule of reason
C Fair housing
D Tying
Question #97
A At the closing
B Weeks prior to closing
C The day after closing on the property to ensure proper transfer of title
D The day prior to closing
Question #98
A The seller is solely responsible.
B The listing agreement does not account for responsibility in this area.
C The responsibility lies solely with the listing agent and brokerage.
D Both seller and broker are responsible.
Question #99
A Maximum listing service
B Membership listing service
C Market listing service
D Multiple listing service
Question #100
A Obedience and loyalty
B Fairness and loyalty
C Honesty and obedience
D Honesty and fairness