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Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A Most traits are not bounded by supposed “racial” boundaries but rather vary between two points.
B The cline is the scale against which variation is measured, from which we can derive the number of distinct races in a region.
C Most genetic traits sort people into a fixed number of race categories. Clines do not sort people this way but are rare.
D The term clinal variation is another term for race or subspecies.
Question #2
A replication of environmental conditions and human responses to those conditions.
B use of material culture to make living possible in certain settings.
C functioning of all levels of any organism’s biology.
D study of populations in their natural environments.
Question #3
A Eocene primates had a decreased reliance on vision.
B Eocene primates had a smaller brain.
C Eocene primates lacked a postorbital bar.
D Eocene primates had opposable digits.
Question #4
A North American ancestors migrated south, evolving into platyrrhines.
B Ancestors crossed the Atlantic from Europe to South America.
C African ancestors reached South America by using the Bering Strait between Asia and North America.
D Platyrrhines and catarrhines evolved together from the same lineage in North America.
Question #5
A Oligopithecus.
B Apidium.
C Aegyptopithecus.
D Parapithecus.
Question #6
A spread of Sivapithecus.
B extinction of many primate species.
C development of Dryopithecus.
D adaptive radiation of Euprimates.
Question #7
A 7; 5.2
B 3.4; 2.5
C 4.6; 3.5
D 12; 3.6
Question #8
A taphonomy.
B archaeology.
C cryptozoology.
D forensic biology.
Question #9
A radiopotassium dating
B electron spin resonance dating
C amino acid dating
D radiocarbon dating
Question #10
A radiocarbon dating.
B radiopotassium dating.
C flourine dating.
D dendrochronology.
Question #11
A fossilization
B paleontology
C taphonomy
D geology
Question #12
A fission-track dating
B amino acid dating
C tree ring dating
D cultural dating
Question #13
A decreased competition for mates in a monogamous social structure
B the polygamous social structure in gibbons
C the fact that sexual dimorphism is not related to social structure in gibbons
D unequal access to resources within their environment
Question #14
A bringing females a courtship gift such as fruit or a small mammal.
B identifying their own rank, based on age, and waiting until reaching a certain age to approach females.
C forming long-term cooperative relationships with multiple females.
D conducting infanticide and fighting other males for dominance.
Question #15
A Females often practice infanticide.
B Males compete with each other for resources for their young.
C Males compete with each other for mates, affecting their sexual dimorphism.
D Greater female rank results in reproduction at an older age.
Question #16
A the competition for resources to access females.
B selection of males by females on the basis of disposition, physical appearance, and hierarchical position.
C the physical competition for access to females.
D natural selection in one sex caused by a trait’s attractiveness to members of the opposite sex.
Question #17
A one adult female, several adult males, and their offspring.
B several adult males and no adult females.
C one adult male, one adult female, and their offspring.
D one adult male, several adult females, and their offspring.
Question #18
A the development of alliances between males
B bonding between two members of a social group, calming or appeasing the primate being groomed if he or she has a higher dominance
C bonding between individuals of the same rank, picking through the skin and hair of another individual
D the development of alliances between females
Question #19
A bushbucks.
B baboons.
C bushpigs.
D red colobus monkeys.
Question #20
A 2/1/2/3
B 2/1/3/3
C 2/2/3/3
D 2/2/2/3
Question #21
A monkeys and apes, including humans
B African and Asian apes only
C lemurs, lorises, galagos, and tarsiers
D tarsiers, monkeys, and apes only
Question #22
A all of the primates of Madagascar
B all of the African primates
C diurnal and nocturnal galagos
D all of the New World primates
Question #23
A short digits.
B opposable thumbs.
C an expanded reliance on sense of smell.
D a precision grip.
Question #24
A a wet nose, a snout, downward-facing nostrils, and longer hind limbs than forelimbs
B a tooth comb, a grooming claw, and a downward facing foramen magnum
C a wet nose, a snout, a tooth comb, and a grooming claw
D a snout, downward-facing nostrils, and longer forelimbs than hind limbs