
Fresh Grad Lands Job as Real Estate Agent With Help from Professional Writers

People go to websites to get the information they desperately need.  They could be looking for an answer to a nagging question.  They might be looking for help in completing an important task.  For recent graduates, they might be looking for ways on how to prepare a comprehensive resume that can capture the attention of the hiring manager

Manush is a recent graduate from a prestigious university in California who is looking for a job opportunity as a real estate agent.  While he already has samples provided by his friends, he still feels something lacking in his resume.  Specifically, the he believes that his professional objective statement lacks focus and clarity. 

Thus, he sought our assistance in improving editing and proofreading his resume. 

In revising his resume, iwritegigs highlighted his soft skills such as his communication skills, ability to negotiate, patience and tactfulness.  In the professional experience part, our team added some skills that are aligned with the position he is applying for.

When he was chosen for the real estate agent position, he sent us this thank you note:

“Kudos to the team for a job well done.  I am sincerely appreciative of the time and effort you gave on my resume.  You did not only help me land the job I had always been dreaming of but you also made me realize how important adding those specific keywords to my resume!  Cheers!

Manush’s story shows the importance of using powerful keywords to his resume in landing the job he wanted.

Practice Exam Sales License

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Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:

Question #2
A  Speaks to a local civic club about the homebuying process
B  Gives her neighbor a tour of another neighborhood home that’s on the market
C  Performs a CMA for an acquaintance and provides advice on setting a listing price based on other comparable properties in the area
D  Contacts a mortgage broker to find out what first-time homebuyer programs are available
Question #3
A  One acre
B  640 miles
C  640 square feet
D  640 acres
Question #4
A  At loan application or within three days after loan application
B  Prior to or within three days after the loan application
C  Prior to or within 10 days after the loan application
D  Prior to loan application
Question #5
A  Fiona is hoping to purchase the building at a later date.
B  The landlord is her business partner.
C  Fiona wants to reduce her base rent.
D  Fiona wants to demonstrate how viable her business is.
Question #6
A  The secondary market regulates the primary market.
B  The primary market packages loans to sell to the secondary market.
C  The secondary market packages loans to sell to the primary market.
D  The primary market regulates the secondary market.
Question #7
A  Agency disclosure is required for both landlords and tenants.
B  Agency disclosure is required for buyers and sellers, but not tenants or landlords.
C  A rental agent only has “agency” with landlords, so only landlords must be provided with the disclosure.
D  Agency disclosure is not required if a licensee represents both the tenant and the landlord.
Question #8
A  It causes a skin rash.
B  It causes dementia if levels of exposure are high.
C  It causes premature birth.
D  It can cause serious lung disease and cancer.
Question #9
A  A north-south line used as a reference point in the rectangular government survey system
B  The center-most township identified in the rectangular government survey system
C  The center-most section identified in the rectangular government survey system
D  An east-west line used as a reference point in the rectangular government survey system
Question #10
A  The property can be a primary or secondary residence.
B  The property can be a mobile or manufactured home.
C  The property must be located in California.
D  The property must be at least five acres.
Question #13
A  Never questioning a client’s opinion
B  Carrying out a client’s instructions without question
C  Keeping a client’s confidential information confidential
D  Putting the client’s interest first
Question #14
A  Alienation
B  Due-on-sale
C  Acceleration
D  Defeasance
Question #15
A  Method of annexation
B  Agreement of the parties
C  Intention in placing item on land
D  Adaptability of the item to the land’s use
Question #16
A  A middle point between the two numbers
B  A weighted average based on the sales price, appraisal amount, and recent sales
C  The smaller number
D  The larger number, as a buyer has already been found
Question #17
A  A lawsuit filed by a tenant when the security deposit is withheld unlawfully.
B  A lawsuit filed by a rental agent when the commission is not paid.
C  A lawsuit filed by a landlord to regain possession of an improvement to property.
D  A lawsuit filed by a landlord against a holdover tenant.
Question #18
A  When a party rejects all terms of the contract
B  When a party acknowledges receipt of the contract
C  When a party meets all terms of the contract
D  When a party does some, but not all, of what the party has agreed to do
Question #19
A  A mortgage
B  Created by a court of common law; doesn’t give the right to possession of the property
C  Created by law and gives right of possession
D  A judgment lien
Question #21
A  Nine square feet
B  Six square feet
C  Three square feet
D  10 square feet
Question #22
A  An increase in the number of retirees in a given population would negatively impact the demand for large, single-family homes.
B  An increase in the number of retirees in a given population would positively impact the demand for large, single-family homes.
C  An influx of higher wage earners to a given area would create a price decrease for lower-valued homes.
D  An influx of higher wage earners to a given area would decrease the demand for higher-priced housing.
Question #24
A  Someone who’s in a position of trust and loyalty
B  Someone who uses or purchases a product or service
C  Someone who is involved in a transaction but represents neither party
D  Someone who’s hired to act on behalf of a client
Question #25
A  Mutual
B  Unlawful
C  Ill-advised
D  Tenuous
Question #26
A  Show properties the buyer might qualify for if he would put down more earnest money
B  Coach the buyer on how to negotiate the terms of the sales contract to be completely in the buyer’s favor
C  Explain to the buyer why it’s unnecessary to have a professional inspection done on a new home
D  Review transaction documents with the buyer, clarifying anything that could be confusing, without stepping outside the scope of your license
Question #27
A  Payable at an indefinite time
B  Signed
C  Include a “not to exceed” clause
D  On a government-issued form
Question #28
A  Conservator
B  Escrow officer
C  Buyer’s agent
D  Listing agent
Question #30
B  The Equal Credit Opportunity Act
C  The Community Reinvestment Act
D  Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act
Question #31
A  Single agent
B  Universal agent
C  General agent
D  Limited agent
Question #33
A  A survey
B  A written narrative of the building plan
C  The building plan
D  A blueprint
Question #34
A  Condominium project
B  Time-share
C  Planned development
D  Stock cooperative project
Question #35
A  the former client is found guilty of fraud.
B  the transaction has closed.
C  he former client has moved out-of-state.
D  it will help another client.
Question #36
A  Truth in Lending Act
C  Equal Credit Opportunity Act
D  Community Reinvestment Act
Question #37
A  Covenant
B  Clairvoyance
C  Conveyance
D  Contract
Question #38
A  20 years old
B  25 years old
C  30 years old
D  15 years old
Question #40
A  Must report this to California DRE only if the charge is related to theft
B  Need not report this to California DRE because it is not a guilty verdict
C  Must report this to California DRE under all circumstances
D  Must not report this; as it would be a violation of confidential information
Question #41
A  Confidentiality
B  Reasonable skill and care
C  Disclosure
D  Obedience
Question #43
A  Rural
B  Moratorium
C  Bulk
D  Aesthetic
Question #46
A  It’s terminated once the specified term in the agency agreement expires.
B  The agreement terminates by force of law.
C  The client can revoke the agreement but may be considered in breach of contract.
D  Jenson and Susan can mutually agree to terminate the agreement.
Question #48
A  Functional obsolescence
B  Physical depreciation
C  None. Depreciation doesn’t apply to new buildings.
D  External depreciation
Question #49
A  A potential bonus from the buyer
B  Undisclosed single agency
C  Implied agency and undisclosed dual agency
D  Implied friendship
Question #50
A  Yes, agency disclosure is required on sales of residential properties with one to four units.
B  No, agency disclosure is not required on sales of residential properties with one to four units.
C  No, Damian does not provide the agency disclosure to his client. He only provides it to others involved in the transaction.
D  No, agency disclosure is only required on leases exceeding one year.
Question #51
A  Ensure the seller’s name is on the deed.
B  File a security agreement at the county clerk’s office.
C  File a lis pendens claim at the court before buying the property.
D  Purchase title insurance.
Question #52
A  Representing the buyer’s interests
B  Advocating for the seller
C  Reviewing transactional documents with the seller
D  Negotiating for the seller
Question #53
A  Sign an affidavit of proforma
B  Attain a surety bond and furnish it to the state of California for one-and-a-half times the amount of any deposit monies.
C  They must have a disclaimer that the property has not been examined the BRE on all marketing and sales materials.
D  Dedicate a certain percentage of the land to the state of California
Question #54
A  Civil Rights Act of 1968
B  Housing and Community Development Act of 1974
C  Equal Credit Opportunity Act of 1974
D  Civil Rights Act of 1866
Question #55
A  640
B  43,560
C  1,760
D  5,280
Question #56
A  Zero years (commercial properties cannot be depreciated)
B  27.5 years
C  39 years
D  Indefinitely
Question #58
A  The contract between the parties should clarify the disposition of the crop.
B  The seller should assume the crop does not transfer with the property.
C  The seller should harvest the beans before the sale closes.
D  The buyer should assume the crop transfers with the property.
Question #61
A  Margo tells her seller client Troy that his property is worth less than it really is so he will get a quick sale.
B  Tanaka refuses to encourage his seller client to lower his asking price.
C  Steven postponed his vacation so he could attend his seller client’s closing.
D  Michael submits all offers he receives on Jarrod’s property.
Question #63
A  Gifting a house to a family member
B  A payment of less than $10,000
C  Earnest money paid with a cashier’s check or wire transfer
D  A payment of more than $10,000
Question #64
A  No, agency disclosure is only required on sales of residential properties.
B  No, agency disclosure is only required for commercial transactions.
C  Yes, agency disclosure is required for lease transactions.
D  No, agency disclosure is not required for residential transactions involving five or more units.
Question #65
A  Compensation
B  Sympathy
C  Alternative living arrangements
D  Notice
Question #68
A  Estate by severalty
B  Dual ownership
C  Property partnership
D  Co-ownership
Question #69
A  A legal notice that a lawsuit is pending that affects the title of a property
B  A notice that notifies potential buyers of a pending lease
C  A public listing and notice of foreclosure of a property.
D  A legal term that means “it depends” and requires a certain minimum sales price of the property.
Question #70
A  The date the lien is to be paid off
B  The lien holder
C  The date it is recorded
D  The amount of the lien
Question #73
A  Conveyance and concession
B  Concession and contract
C  Clairvoyance and contract
D  Conveyance and contract
Question #78
A  Jarrod represents the seller, Juan. A buyer, Alaina, approaches Jarrod about representing her in the purchase of Juan’s house. Jarrod obtains Juan and Alaina’s consent to dual agency.
B  Levi’s customer, Renee, wants to make an offer on Levi’s seller client’s home. Levi presents Renee’s offer to his client.
C  Tom is holding an open house for his client. Ruby, a buyer, says she wants to make an offer.
D  Kady’s firm uses representation agreements that, when signed, provide consent to dual licensee dual agency. Kady’s buyer makes an offer on one of Kady’s colleague’s listings.
Question #79
A  They’re recorded at the recorder’s office in the county where the property is located.
B  They’re recorded at the real estate brokerage’s main office.
C  Mortgages are not recorded; only deeds are.
D  They’re recorded at the lending bank’s main office.
Question #80
A  Each company posts the borrower’s FICO® Score
B  The higher the score, the higher the credit risk
C  Scoring is consistent across the three companies
D  Each company a uses a slightly different scoring system
Question #81
A  The property may float away.
B  The property will never sell.
C  Lenders will not approve a loan.
D  Flood insurance may be required.
Question #82
A  She sold the loan on the primary market for a lower interest rate.
B  She received another loan on the secondary market when her bank demanded full payment.
C  Her bank sold it on the secondary market as an investment product.
D  Her bank foreclosed on the loan.
Question #83
A  Divide the smaller number by the larger number.
B  Divide the top number by the bottom number.
C  Move the decimal point right two spots and add a percent symbol.
D  Move the decimal point two places to the left and remove the percent symbol.
Question #85
A  It provides requirements that contracts have to meet to be legally enforceable.
B  It doesn’t allow people to own land unless they can afford it.
C  It states that all real property sales must involve lawyers.
D  It puts a limit on how much interest financial institutions can charge.
Question #86
A  The owner/investor is making less income from the property than previously.
B  The asset is worth less because the economy took a downturn.
C  The asset is worth more because of capital improvements.
D  Investors can take a business deduction for annual depreciation.
Question #87
A  Profit
B  Attorney review
C  Earnest money
D  Consideration
Question #88
A  It’s still valid; Rex’s family must abide by it.
B  The listing agreement is terminated by force of law.
C  Rex’s agent can continue to market the property, but Rex’s family must approve the sale.
D  The listing is temporarily on hold until a court gives permission to invalidate it or until the listing expires.
Question #89
A  The neighbor who constructed his new backyard fence six inches across Elizabeth’s property line
B  The resident of the adjoining property to whom Elizabeth has given permission to store some items in her gardening shed
C  The owner of the empty lot down the street that Elizabeth uses as a vegetable garden with the owner’s permission
D  The utility company that needs to access the power line that crosses a corner of Elizabeth’s land
Question #90
A  Alienation
B  Reliction
C  Accession
D  Dedication
Question #91
A  The seller
B  Both the buyer and seller
C  The buyer
D  Neither the buyer nor seller
Question #92
A  The seller is in a hurry to move because his wife is seven months pregnant.
B  The roof leaks when it rains.
C  None of these facts may be shared with the buyer if you are the seller’s agent.
D  The seller is willing to take less than the asking price.
Question #93
A  The Freedom of Information Act
C  The Sarbanes-Oxley Act
D  The First Amendment
Question #94
A  Real estate license law
B  Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP)
C  National Association of Appraisers (NAA) bylaws
D  NAR Code of Ethics
Question #96
A  Discusses real estate policy and makes recommendations to the Commissioner
B  Determines real estate policy and issues regulations to enforce law
C  Issues real estate licenses
D  Values real property in California
Question #97
A  Whether his uncle would like this
B  A second mortgage
C  Whether he will incur a prepayment penalty
D  The state of his local housing market
Question #98
A  Ask the lender if there are other options available that would not involve a prepayment penalty.
B  Check with his real estate agent to make sure that the penalty shown is typical.
C  Resolve to not try to pay the loan off early.
D  Laugh and throw the Loan Estimate in the trash.
Question #99
A  Fraud
B  Voidable
C  Valid
D  Void
Question #100
A  Negotiate the sale of a house for two friends and receive a tip as thanks.
B  List a friend or family member’s home for sale for a fee.
C  Give advice to a friend who is negotiating the purchase of a house.
D  Receive payment for managing real estate.