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Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A One could imagine a person who has resolved all eight crises in his or her eight stages equally well.
B Young adulthood is roughly the period of courtship, marriage, and early family life.
C The first stage of life characterized by a dilemma of trust versus mistrust.
D Adolescence is the moratorium between childhood and adulthood.
Question #2
A The life-span approach emphasizes the interaction of individual and social characteristics throughout the life span.
B Life-stage theories generally contend that personality develops through a certain pattern of sequential age-linked stages that are more or less universal.
C None of these three choices.
D Life-course views focus on age-graded norms, generation effects, role transitions, and historical context on personality development.
Question #3
A A collective protection from adult controls
B The primary group need satisfaction
C A sense of collective identity
D A collective superiority over childhood
Question #4
A Translates from the source to the target language, and another blindly translates back to the source.
B Checks another for accuracy in language.
C Translates from the target to the source language, and another blindly translates back to the target.
D Spies another for possible sabotage in translation.
Question #5
A the difference of concepts and meanings of certain things, events, or conditions across cultures.
B the similarity among certain things, events, or conditions across cultures.
C the comparison among certain things, events, or conditions across cultures.
D the sameness of concepts and meanings of certain things, events, or conditions across cultures.
Question #6
A Motivation and discipline
B Socioeconomic status
C Peer involvement and delinquency
D Quality of school and community
Question #7
A Some deprivation effects are reversible, depending on timing, duration and intensity of deprivation.
B Personality disorder of mother-absent children are linked with broken homes not because of the mother absence per se but rather because of the discord and disharmony which led to the break.
C Individual differences in response to deprivation need to be emphasized as many children are not affected by mother deprivation.
D “Maternal deprivation” is too heterogeneous and the effects are too varied for any meaningful analysis.
Question #8
A The various life stages are not equal in length, depending on cultural and individual differences.
B Each life stage is characterized by a crisis or dilemma.
C The positive and negative components of each stage are mutually exclusive.
D All of these three choices.
Question #9
A Psychoanalytic interpretations of symbolism in folklore across cultures.
B Correlational studies between various themes in folklore and actual behavior patterns.
C Autobiographical illustrations of how folktale and riddles are orally transmitted from person to person.
D An intensive case study of the folklore of a particular society.
Question #10
A Parents
B Teachers
C Peers
D Adolescents
Question #11
A Father absence in the first two years of infancy is critical and may lead to feminine orientations in boys.
B Father-absent girls are more aggressive and exposed to sexual experiences at an earlier age than father-present girls.
C Father absence is associated with a decrease in verbal abilities and writing skills in children.
D Father absence caused by divorce have more severe consequences than that caused by death.
Question #12
A Adolescents’ stressful life events
B Different rates of socialization
C Rapid social cultural changes
D Physiological and psychological differences
Question #13
A The crisis stage
B The adjustment stage
C The honeymoon stage
D The withdrawal stage
Question #14
A Intelligence is not necessarily a product of how many brothers and sisters you have, and of your seniority in the family.
B Intelligence increases with family size, and the more children in your family, the smarter you are likely to be. Intelligence also increases with birth order, the larger number of older brothers or sisters you have, the brighter you are likely to be.
C Intelligence decreases with family size, the fewer the children in your family, the smarter you are likely to be. Intelligence also decreases with birth order, the fewer older brothers or sisters you have, the brighter you are likely to be.
D The later born is more extroverted, sociable, empathetic and risk-taking than the first born.
Question #15
A Surveys.
B Experimentation.
C Use of secondary data.
D Content analysis.
Question #16
A Japanese students are motivated and disciplined to learn, as compared to their American counterparts.
B Critics of American schools stress that the American school system produces diligent, competent, and loyal technicians but not creative thinkers.
C Delinquent subcultures have usually been attributed to the middle-class environment.
D Counter cultures have been considered largely the phenomena among the lower-class youth.
Question #17
A The nature and scope of the research.
B Legal and ethical considerations.
C All of these three choices.
D Accessibility of the subject and availability of human and material resources.
Question #18
A Ethic group differences in appearance, cultural values, and social attitudes have a significant impact on minority children’s personality development.
B Ethnic socialization has different implications depending on the particular group to which children belong.
C The role of ethnicity is affected by the immediate environment as well as sociocultural and historical contexts.
D The impact of ethnicity varies with the child’s gender.
Question #19
A From the stage of intuitive intelligence to the stage of practical intelligence.
B From the stage of the first differential emotions to the stage of the first external affective fixations.
C From the stage of concrete intellectual operations to the stage of abstract operations.
D From the reflex or hereditary stage to the stage of the first motor habits.
Question #20
A constancies in personality characteristics throughout the life span.
B constancies and change in personality characteristics throughout the life span.
C changes in personality characteristics throughout the life span.
D consistencies in personality characteristics throughout the life span.
Question #21
A The researcher may lose objectivity in observation due to a close personal interaction with the subject.
B It increases guinea pig effects.
C It puts the researcher in a situation where he or she has to discern nonverbal behavior.
D None of these three choices.
Question #22
A Cultural differences in gender role and parenting
B Parental hostility in combination with restrictiveness
C Age, gender, and birth order of the child
D Inconsistency in parental behavior
Question #23
A the process of one personating another.
B the process of theorizing about personality with or without data.
C the process of comparing people in terms of their personalities.
D the process of gathering and organizing information about another person in the expectation that this information will lead to a better understanding of the person.
Question #24
A the interactivity between folklore and personality.
B the suitability of an actual behavior for representing the folklore.
C the truthfulness of the folklore theme for representing the actual behavior or situation.
D the appropriateness of an actual situation for representing the folklore.
Question #25
A Statistics show that about ¼ U.S. children under 16 experience parental absence at one time or another.
B Experts estimate that about ¼ U.S. children under 16 experience parental absence at one time or another.
C Experts estimate that about ¼ U.S. children under 18 experience parental absence at one time or another.
D Statistics show that about ¼ U.S. children under 18 experience parental absence at one time or another.
Question #26
A The etic aspect of a culture is more readily accessible and comprehensible than the emic aspect to outsiders.
B The emic aspect of a culture is more readily accessible and comprehensible than the etic aspect to outsiders.
C The etic-emic discrepancy is an endemic problem in cross-cultural studies.
D The etic refers to aspects of a phenomenon that have a common meaning across cultures.
Question #27
A acceptance versus rejection and control versus autonomy.
B love versus hostility and dominance versus autonomy.
C love versus hostility and control versus autonomy.
D love versus apathy and control versus protection.
Question #28
A Use short, simple sentences
B Use general rather than specific terms
C Repeat nouns instead of using pronouns
D Add sentences to provide context for key ideas
Question #29
A Family
B School
C Peers
D Social activities
Question #30
A Social order, fixed rules and authority stage
B Punishment-obedience orientation stage
C Universal ethical principle orientation stage
D Identity claim and role play stage
Question #31
A It offers an opportunity to establish rapport with the subject.
B It allows for less standardized question wording.
C It provides a chance to observe reactions, obvious and subtle, from the subject.
D It is less structured and more flexible.
Question #32
A The sucker bias
B The hidden promises bias
C The courtesy or rudeness bias
D The I-cannot-ask-any-question bias
Question #33
A Quantitative and qualitative changes
B Direction of change from simple to complex
C Critical age and experience
D Inconsistency and non-cumulative influence
Question #34
A Fear of rejection
B Social avoidance and withdrawal
C Insensitivity toward the future
D Identity ambivalence
Question #35
A Personal dispositions are stable over time.
B Conditions for personality tests vary from situation to situation
C Individual traits are comparable in terms of strengths and weaknesses.
D Major personality traits are common and prevalent among all individuals.
Question #36
A Maturational determinism
B Invariant order of developmental changes
C Over-generalization from Western experiences
D Staged changes throughout the life span
Question #37
A Mental growth is determined solely by innate structures.
B None of these three choices.
C Mental growth is shaped entirely by the environment.
D Mental growth is not determined entirely by innate structures nor the environment but by the constant interaction of the two.
Question #38
A All of these three choices
B Analyses of history materials
C Observation, interviews and tests
D Folklore and art
Question #39
A the problems of comparing cultures which are historically dependent upon each other.
B the problems of comparing cultures which are historically independent from each other.
C the problems of cultures fighting with each other.
D the problems of one culture learning from another.
Question #40
A when cross-cultural researchers develop relationships with their research subjects during the fieldwork.
B when cross-cultural researchers leave behind in their home country their primary relationships, such as love, affection, social belongings, recognition, and self-esteem.
C when cross-cultural researchers embark on a romantic escapade into the exotic life of a far-off tribe.
D when cross-cultural researchers struggle to readjust to their native culture when they return home.
Question #41
A Promotion of contextual analysis
B Expansion of theoretical generalizability
C Refinement of key concepts
D Elimination of unnecessary variables
Question #42
A American adolescents are more subjected to peer stress than their counterparts in other countries.
B Peer relations tend to produce pressure to conform to peer norms and expectations.
C Peer relations have the most impact in all outcome behavior measures of adolescents.
D Peer relations are uncorrelated to high school dropout nor teenage suicide.
Question #43
A The Edwards Personal Preference Schedule
B The Thematic Apperception Test
C The California Psychological Inventory
D The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
Question #44
A The level of moral orientation progresses with age from conscience/principle orientation to external orientation, and to law-order orientation.
B The level of moral orientation progresses with age from external orientation to law-order orientation, and to conscience/principle orientation.
C None of these three choices.
D The level of moral orientation progresses with age from external orientation to conscience/principle orientation, and to law-order orientation.
Question #45
A The phenomenon of adolescence is a by-product of industrialization and concomitant of sociocultural changes in the modern world.
B The concept of childhood as a distinctive period of life emerged long before industrialization in Europe.
C From a sociological point of view, adolescence neither represents a distinctive period in role socialization nor enjoys a definite social status between childhood and adulthood.
D Bilingual situation tends to create stress for minority children, but it can also provide a double cultural opportunity for enhancing personality growth.
Question #46
A Charismatic leadership and hero worship
B Counter, delinquent, and mainstream values and norms
C In-group lingo or argot and unique styles of fads
D All of these three choices
Question #47
A Evidence, theory, and policy
B Nature, nurture, and social growth
C Experience, explanation, and practice
D Conceptual issues, developmental aspects, and problem aspects
Question #48
A Invasion of privacy
B Casualness and sense of humor
C Nagging and repeating
D The “because I say so” routine
Question #49
A Inhibition of reading skills
B Reduction of social interaction
C Increase in aggressive behavior
D Facilitation of prosocial behavior