Navigation » List of Schools » Glendale Community College » Computer Applications Business Office Technologies (CABOT) » CABOT 105 – Introduction to Office Correspondence » Spring 2021 » Grammatical Parallellism
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A None of these apply.
B Tony found that it was faster to ride his bike than driving into the city.
C Tony found that it was faster to ride his bike than to drive into the city.
D Tony found that it was faster to ride his bike than drive into the city.
Question #2
A Activities on Wednesday afternoons included fishing trips, dance lessons, and computers.
B None of these apply.
C Activities on Wednesday afternoons included fishing trips, dance lessons, and training on computers.
D Activities on Wednesday afternoons included fishing trips, dance lessons, and computer training.
Question #3
A Esperanza is responsible for stocking merchandise, writing orders for deliveries, and computer sales.
B None of these apply.
C Esperanza is responsible for stocking merchandise, writing orders for deliveries, and selling computers.
D Esperanza is responsible for stocking merchandise, writing orders for deliveries, and the sale of computers.
Question #4
A Your advisor familiarizes you with the school and how to select classes appropriate for your curriculum.
B Your advisor familiarizes you with the school and selecting classes appropriate for your curriculum.
C None of these apply.
D Your advisor familiarizes you with the school and explains how to select classes appropriate for your curriculum.
Question #5
A The summer of our engagement, we saw a few plays, attended family outings, and a few parties.
B The summer of our engagement, we saw a few plays, attended family outings, and went to a few parties.
C The summer of our engagement, we saw a few plays, attended family outings, and we went to a few parties.
D None of these apply.
Question #6
A In combat the soldiers were brave but sometimes foolish – because of poor training, lack of confidence, and having little experience.
B In combat the soldiers were brave but sometimes foolish – because of poor training, lack of confidence, and they had little experience.
C In combat the soldiers were brave but sometimes foolish – because of poor training, lack of confidence, and little experience.
D None of these apply.