Navigation » List of Schools » Prince George Community College » Nutrition » Nutrition 1010 – Introductory Nutrition » Spring 2021 » Chapter 9 Quiz
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A Ketone, leptin
B Ghrelin, leptin
D Ghrelin, glycogen
E Leptin, ghrelin
Question #2
A Strengthen cues to appropriate eating and activities.
C Strengthen the inappropriate eating cues you cannot eliminate.
D Establish positive consequences for inappropriate eating or sedentary behaviors.
E Repeat the inappropriate eating and physical activity behaviors.
F Diminish appropriate eating and activity cues.
Question #3
A Diabetes, insulin resistance, high blood cholesterol, hypertension, and heart disease immediately improve.
B Depression and anxiety can improve after surgery.
C After surgery, people can return to their previous lifestyle and food choices and not worry about regaining the weight.
D After surgery, the stomach is smaller, forcing the person to eat smaller portions.
E Surgery may help shift the makeup of the intestinal bacteria toward a healthier profile.
Question #4
A Physical activity decreases weight by promoting loss of bone density.
B Exercise reduces cortisol and gets rid of belly fat.
C Working out builds muscle, and lean muscle tissue burns more calories per pound than fat does.
D Working out requires extra sleep and getting extra sleep reduces food cravings and weight gain.
E Working out weakens feelings of hunger; thus, active people generally eat less.
Question #5
A Obese people have too much dopamine.
B Obese people are more likely to use cocaine.
C Eating highly palatable food decreases energy expenditure.
D Highly palatable food causes lasting changes in the brain’s reward system.
E Brain scans have shown that obese people are less likely to prefer fruit and vegetables.
Question #6
A I, II, III, and IV
B I and III only
C I, II, and III only
D All are important strategies.
E I and V only
Question #7
A Fat loss suppresses leptin recognition.
B It is a satiety hormone.
C It decreases energy expenditure.
D Obese people are often resistant to the effects of leptin.
E It is an appetite-stimulating hormone.
Question #8
A All these groups are correct.
B children
C adults older than 65 years
D pregnant and lactating women
E athletes
Question #9
Question #10
A three medical problems: heart disease, diabetes, and obesity
B three athletic problems: impaired speed, loss of balance, and inflexibility
C three behaviors common in female athletes: perfectionism, anxiety, and depression
D three associated medical problems: low energy availability, amenorrhea, and osteoporosis
E three academic problems: poor test-taking skills, test anxiety, and fear of academic failure
Question #11
A fatty acids
B liver glycogen
C protein from lean tissue
D muscle glycogen
E ketone bodies
Question #12
A set-point theory
B thermogenesis theory
C microbiota theory
D hypothalamic weight-control theory
E fluctuating metabolism theory
Question #13
A decreased basal metabolic rate
B weakened heart
C high body temperature
D kidney failure
E growth failure
Question #14
A microbiota theory
B hypothalamic weight-control theory
C thermogenesis theory
D set-point theory
Question #15
A Cognitive skills, such as thinking habits, cannot be altered.
B Many people succeed because their mental dialogue degrades their inappropriate habits.
C Self-acceptance predicts failure, while self-loathing predicts success.
D Thinking habits are just as important as eating habits to achieving a healthy body weight.
E Only a trained psychotherapist should use behavior modification techniques.
Question #16
A fatty acids
B ketone bodies
C protein from lean tissue
D muscle glycogen
E liver glycogen
Question #17
A athletes
B the elderly
C adults between the ages of 19 and 50
D women over 50
E pregnant women
Question #18
A his or her body mass index (BMI)
B his or her basal metabolic rate
C his or her energy expended through voluntary activities
D his or her total energy output
E his or her thermic effect of food
Question #19
A Food C: weighs 50 grams and provides 100 calories
B Food A: weighs 38 grams and provides 300 calories
C Food D: weighs 600 grams and provides 1,000 calories
D Food B: weighs 40 grams and provides 250 calories
E Food E: weighs 200 grams and provides 750 calories
Question #20
A smoking
B having diabetes
C hang-gliding
D horseback riding
E drinking too much alcohol