Navigation » List of Schools » Prince George Community College » Political Science » Political Science 1010 – American National Government » Spring 2021 » Module X Assessment
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A Lobbying is prohibited immediately after leaving office.
B Contributions must be disclosed.
C Certain activities are prohibited. and; Lobbying is prohibited immediately after leaving office.
D Certain activities are prohibited. Contributions must be disclosed. Lobbying is prohibited immediately after leaving office.
Question #2
A prevent lawmakers from utilizing their legislative relationships by becoming lobbyists immediately after leaving office
B restrict lobbyists from running for public office
C help lawmakers find work after they leave office
D all of the above
Question #3
A PACs can contribute directly to candidates, but super PACs cannot.
B Contributions to PACs are unlimited, but restrictions have been placed on how much money can be contributed to super PACs.
C Super PACs are much more likely to support incumbent candidates than are PACs.
D Conservative interests favor PACs over super PACs.
Question #4
A The Supreme Court has restricted spending on politics.
B The Supreme Court has opposed restrictions on spending on politics.
C The Supreme Court has ruled that corporations may spend unlimited amounts of money but unions may not.
D The Supreme Court has yet to address the issue of money in politics.
Question #5
A fluid participation among interests
B three interest groups that have formed a coalition
C a great deal of competition for access to decision-makers
D a symbiotic relationship among Congressional committees, executive agencies, and interest groups
Question #6
A There is more professional lobbying. and; A fragmentation of interests has taken place.
B Many interests lobby both the national government and the states.
C There is more professional lobbying. Many interests lobby both the national government and the states. A fragmentation of interests has taken place.
D A fragmentation of interests has taken place.
Question #7
A joining a group because you care about a cause
B joining a group to be with others like you
C joining a group because it is a requirement of your job
D joining a group to gain a monetary benefit
Question #8
A solidary incentives
B negative incentives
C material incentives
D purposive incentives
Question #9
A because there is often strength in numbers, because they often have common issues that may affect an entire industry and because they can all benefit from governmental policies
B because they can all benefit from governmental policies
C because there is often strength in numbers and because they can all benefit from governmental policies
D because they often have common issues that may affect an entire industry
Question #10
A Collective goods offer broadly distributed benefits, while private goods offer particularized benefits.
B Collective goods and private goods both offer particularized benefits.
C Collective goods and private goods both offer broadly distributed benefits.
D Collective goods offer particularized benefits, while private goods are broadly distributed.
Question #11
A a contract lobbyist
B a volunteer lobbyist
C an in-house lobbyist
D a legislative liaison