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Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A GCC students should be required to take a Canvas tools class, in order to learn to use Canvas tools in advance.
B GCC students should be required to take a Canvas tools class in order to learn to use Canvas tools in advance.
C GCC students in order to be required to take a Canvas tools class should learn to use Canvas tools in advance.
D GCC students should be required to take a Canvas tools class in order to learn should use Canvas tools in advance.
E GCC students should be required to take a Canvas tools class in order to learn should use Canvas tools in advance.
Question #2
A Plagiarism avoidance helps students learn with their own work.
B Plagiarism avoidance helps students to learn with their own work.
C The avoidance of plagiarism helps students to learn with their own work.
D The avoidance of plagiarism helps students learn with their own work.
Question #3
A Submitting late assignments within 24 hours of the deadline, students can get half credit.
B By submitting late assignments within 24 hours of the deadline, students can get half credit.
C By submitting late assignments within 24 hours of the deadline, allows students to get half credit.
D By submitting late assignments within 24 hours of the deadline students can get half credit.
Question #4
A The submission of late assignments within 24 hours of the deadline allow student to get half credit.
B The submission of late assignments within 24 hours of the deadline allows student to get half credit.
C The submission late assignments within 24 hours of the deadline allows student to get half credit.
D Late assignment submission within 24 hours of the deadline allows student to get half credit.
E The submit of late work within 24 hours of the deadline allows student to get half credit.
F Late work assignments within 24 hours of the deadline allows student to get half credit.
Question #5
A With response to student email messages within 24 hours, Mr. Vera can answer their questions.
B With a response to student email message within 24 hours Mr. Vera can answer their questions.
C With respond to student email messages within 24 hours, Mr. Vera can answer their questions.
D With a response to student email messages within 24 hours, Mr. Vera can answer their questions.
Question #6
A Respond to student email messages within 24 hours helps Mr. Vera to answer their questions.
B Responding to student email messages within 24 hours, helps Mr. Vera to answer their questions.
C Responding to student email messages within 24 hours helps Mr. Vera answer their questions.
D Responding to student email messages within 24 hours help Mr. Vera to answer their questions.
E Responding to student email messages within 24 hours helps Mr. Vera to answer their questions.
Question #7
A By communicating with the Center for Students with Disabilities by students with a disability, can get assistance.
B By communicate with the Center for Students with Disabilities, students with a disability can get assistance.
C By communicating with the Center for Students with Disabilities students with a disability can get assistance.
D By communicating with the Center for Students with Disabilities, students with a disability can get assistance.
Question #8
A When a student with a disability contacts the Center for Students with Disabilities, they can get assistance.
B When a student with a disability contacts the Center for Students with Disabilities, they can get assistance.
C When a student with a disability should contacts the Center for Students with Disabilities, they can get assistance.
D When a student with a disability contacts the Center for Students with Disabilities they can get assistance.
Question #9
A The practice typing allows students to write their essay in Canvas.
B The practice of typing allows students to write their essay in Canvas.
C Typing practice allows students to write their essay in Canvas.
D The typing of practice allows students to write their essay in Canvas.
E Typing practice allow students to write their essay in Canvas.
Question #10
A Students should practice typing in order to they can write their essay in Canvas.
B Students should practice typing, in order to write their essay in Canvas.
C Students should practice typing in order to write their essay in Canvas.
D Students should practice typing in order to can write their essay in Canvas.
Question #11
A By posting a REPLY and RESPONSE for every DISCUSSION students can receive full credit.
B By post a REPLY and RESPONSE for every DISCUSSION, students can receive full credit.
C By posting a REPLY and RESPONSE for every DISCUSSION, students can receive full credit.
Question #12
A With the complete of all of MODULE ONE, students can go on to MODULE TWO.
B With the completion all of MODULE ONE, students can go on to MODULE TWO.
C With the completion of all of MODULE ONE, students can go on to MODULE TWO.
D With completion of all of MODULE ONE, students can go on to MODULE TWO.
E With the completion of all of MODULE ONE students can go on to MODULE TWO.
Question #13
A By completing their Practice Quiz by the deadline, they can get full credit.
B By completing their Practice Quiz by the deadline, students can get full credit.
C By completing their Practice Quiz by deadline students can get full credit.
D By complete their Practice Quiz by the deadline, students can get full credit.
Question #14
A Completing their Practice Quiz by deadline allows students get full credit.
B Completing their Practice Quiz by the deadline allows students to get full credit.
C Completing their Practice Quiz by the deadline allow students to get full credit.
D Completing their Practice Quiz by deadline, allows students to get full credit.
Question #15
A When students posts their REPLY in Discussions by the deadline, they can get full credit.
B When students should post their REPLY in Discussions by the deadline, they can get full credit.
C When students post their REPLY in Discussions by the deadline they can get full credit.
D When students post their REPLY in Discussions by the deadline, they can get full credit.
Question #16
A Students should post their REPLY in Discussions by the deadline in order to they can get full credit.
B Students should post their REPLY in Discussions by the deadline in order to get full credit.
C Students should post their REPLY in Discussions by the deadline in order to that they can get full credit.
D Students should post their REPLY in Discussions by deadline in order to can get full credit.