Navigation » List of Schools » Los Angeles Mission College » Psychology » Psychology 041 – Lifespan Psychology » Spring 2016 » Chapter 11 Quiz
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A Focuses heavily on basic skills
B Focuses heavily on job-related instruction
C Carefully integrates academic and job-related instruction
D Offers paid employment as a component of the program
Question #2
A Linda, who is in a college preparatory track
B Hilda, who is in a vocational track
C Dwayne, who receives personalized remedial instruction
D Dustin, who takes high-pressure advanced placement classes
Question #3
A A substantial number quietly disengage from school
B Rarely are other warning signs present
C Rarely do these students report a history of dissatisfaction with school
D These students are nonetheless likely to find adequate employment after leaving school
Question #4
A Particularly high among low SES Caucasian youth
B Especially low among Hispanic teenagers
C Higher among boys than girls
D Close to 20 percent and rising
Question #5
A Girls more often than boys
B Low- SES minority students
C Early-maturing boys and girls
D Late-maturing boys and girls
Question #6
A Learned more thoroughly than participants working only on the weather task
B Activated subcortical areas involved in implicit memory
C Were able to apply their learning to new weather problems
D Activated the hippocampus, which plays a vital role in explicit memory
Question #7
A Are less academically successful
B Have parents who value effort
C Share those values
D Are less involved in extracurricular activities
Question #8
A Remedial
B General education
C College preparatory
D Vocational
Question #9
A The dropout rate is higher among African American teenagers than among Hispanic teenagers
B Nearly all dropouts achieve poorly and show high rates of norm-violating acts
C Compared with other students, dropouts are more likely to have involved parents
D Risk factors in first grade predict dropout nearly as well as risk factors in secondary school
Question #10
A Using standardized testing instead of grades to determine who graduates
B Putting students in larger classes
C Requiring extracurricular involvement
D Offering remedial instruction in small classes
Question #11
A Few high school dropouts return to finish there secondary education
B Over 90 percents of U.S. Youths complete high school by age 24
C High school dropouts have a much higher employment rate than high school graduates
D Today, fewer U.S. youths finish their high school education than 50 years ago
Question #12
A Benny goes to the Friday night football game with a group of friends and cheers as loud as anyone else
B When riley fails to make the volleyball team. She believes that no one has ever felt as disappointed
C Harry believes that he will never have a car accident because he is a better driver than most people
D When her fork falls off her tray in the cafeteria, Hannah is certain that everyone is thinking that she is clumsy
Question #13
A Through direct instruction from adults and more expert peers
B Through rote memorization
C As the result of an abrupt, stage wise change
D Through exposure to many experiences that require them to match theories against evidence
Question #14
A Metacognition
B Emotional self-regulation
C Advanced spatial reasoning
D Verbal ability
Question #15
A Math and science
B Literature and writing
C Art and music
D Social Sciences
Question #16
A Does appear until adulthood
B Appears at puberty
C Is found in children as young as 3
D Occurs gradually from childhood on
Question #17
A Sensorimotor
B Proportional
C Concrete operational
D Formal operational
Question #18
A is linked to depression, anxiety, and impulsive behavior
B Is much greater among African American than among Caucasian-American youth
C Is a normal part of adolescence and, therefore is not a cause for concern
D Should not taken lightly because a single heavy does can lead to permanent injury or death
Question #19
A Cigarettes
B Marijuana
C Alcohol
D Cocaine
Question #20
A Score higher on intelligence tests than children of adult mothers
B Fare better if the teenage parent drops out of high school
C Often become adolescent parents
D Have a better chance of gradating high school than children of adult mothers
Question #21
A More often engage in child abuse
B Perceive their babies as less difficult
C Know more about child development
D Interact more efficiently with their infants
Question #22
A Very few teen mothers experience pregnancy and birth complications
B Many teen mothers perceive their babies as less difficult
C Teenage mothers spend more of their parenting years as single parents
D Today, about 95 percent of U.S. adolescent mothers graduate from high school
Question #23
A Attraction to members of the same sex is limited to teenagers who identify as lesbian, gay or bisexual
B Bisexuality is a transient state
C Most homosexual adolescents are “gender-deviant” in dress and behavior
D About 50 or 60 percent of adolescents who report having engaged in homosexual acts identify as heterosexual
Question #24
A Personal choice; prenatal biological influences
B Genetic factors; prenatal biological influences
C Genetic factors; authoritarian child rearing
D Social influences; genetic factors
Question #25
A About 20 percent of sexual active U.S. teenagers do not use contraception consistently
B Even teenagers who report talking openly with their parents about sex are unlikely to use birth control
C Adolescent contraceptive use has decreased in recent years
D School sex education classes prevent teenagers from having unprotected sex
Question #26
A Bulimics usually feel depressed and guilty about their abnormal eating habits
B Bulimics are usually excellent students who are responsible and well- adjusted
C Bulimics typically deny or minimize the seriousness of their disorder
D It is usually harder to treat young people with bulimia than those with anorexia
Question #27
A Three- quarters; African-American youths who are dissatisfied with their physical characteristics
B Half; gay or bisexual youths who are uncomfortable with a strong, muscular appearance
C A quarter; early-maturing youths who are anxious and prone to depression
D Half; also afflicted with bulimia nervosa
Question #28
A Although being anorexia is unhealthy, it is rarely fatal
B Boys account for less than 1 percent of anorexia cases
C Anorexia nervosa is equally common in all SES groups
D About 10 percent of North American and Western European teenagers are affected
Question #29
A School issues; the importance of education
B Moral issues; lying, stealing, and cheating
C Everyday matters; driving,dating partners, and curfews
D Important family values; a belief in a higher power
Question #30
A 19-year-old Jesse
B 14-year-old Grace
C 13-year-old Tya
D 16-year-old Tyler
Question #31
A Less intense
B More positive
C More stable
D Strongly related to situational changes
Question #32
A Are more likely to suffer from anxiety and depression
B Are less likely to engage in high-risk behaviors
C Perform better on cognitive tasks in the morning hours
D Display increases in executive function
Question #33
A Have difficulty strong and retrieving long-term memories
B Cope better with stressful events and rarely experience negative emotion
C Become capable of reading and interpreting emotional cues
D React more strongly to stressful events and experience pleasurable stimuli more intensely
Question #34
A The onset of puberty
B Excessive exercise
C Anabolic steroid use
D Sexual maturation
Question #35
A In early adolescence, the typical girl is shorter and lighter than the typical boy
B The first outward sign of puberty is menarche for girls and spermarche for boys
C On average, the growth spurt is underway in North America around age 8 for girls and 10 for boys
D Growth in body size is complete for most girls by age 16 and for boys by age 17 1/2
Question #36
A Occur suddenly
B Are underway by age 8 or 9
C Are underway at birth
D Are unimpressive
Question #37
A Briefer but more intense than
B Briefer but less intense than
C The same length as
D Much longer than
Question #38
A Socially determined
B Influenced by biological, psychological, and social forces
C Environmentally determined
D Biologically determined
Question #39
A Jean Piaget
B G. Stanley Hall
C Anna Freud
D Margaret Mead
Question #40
A Pleasant time of life in which the social environment is responsible for the range of teenage experience
B Time in which teenagers grasp scientific and mathematical principles and grapple with social and political issues
C Period so turbulent that is resembles the era in which humans evolved from savages into civilized beings
D Biologically based “developmental disturbance”