Navigation » List of Schools » Los Angeles Mission College » Psychology » Psychology 041 – Lifespan Psychology » Fall 2020 » Chapter 15, 16, 17, and 18 Final Exam
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A stagnation.
B optimal aging.
C gerotranscendence.
D generativity.
Question #2
A Availability of self-employment
B Which leisure activities to pursue
C Affordability of retirement
D Availability of a bridge job
Question #3
A smaller; physical abuse
B greater; elder abuse of all kinds
C smaller; emotional abuse
D smaller; neglect
Question #4
A Physical neglect, sexual abuse, and financial abuse
B Financial abuse, emotional abuse, and physical neglect
C Sexual abuse, financial abuse, and physical abuse
D Physical abuse, sexual abuse, and physical neglect
Question #5
A activity
B disengagement
C continuity
D socioemotional selectivity
Question #6
A socioemotional selectivity
B activity
C continuity
D disengagement
Question #7
A views seniors as incapable of benefiting from social engagement.
B encourages older people to disengage from social settings to focus their energies on family members.
C allows older adults to give up their preoccupation with their inner lives and focus on others.
D allows the old to withdraw by freeing them from employment and family responsibilities.
Question #8
A family ties are often strained and unfulfilling.
B there are few other community resources available to them.
C churches are an important source of financial support for African-American seniors.
D African-American seniors look to religion as a powerful resource for social support beyond the family.
Question #9
A The late-life increase in religiosity is universal.
B Contrary to popular belief, U.S. seniors generally become less religious with age.
C Spirituality may advance to a higher level—away from prescribed beliefs.
D Older adults typically attach little value to religious beliefs and behaviors.
Question #10
A stagnation.
B despair.
C isolation.
D ego differentiation.
Question #11
A proud, but incomplete.
B like something is missing.
C satisfied with their achievements.
D life regrets.
Question #12
A fluid intelligence.
B crystallized intelligence.
C generativity.
D wisdom.
Question #13
A Having a higher education
B Having Down syndrome
C Taking ginko biloba
D Taking folic acid
Question #14
A Alzheimer’s disease.
B had a stroke.
C Parkinson’s disease.
D Huntington’s disease.
Question #15
A Brain scans show that physically fit older people experience more tissue loss in the cerebral cortex.
B Weight-bearing exercise promotes muscle size and strength, even if begun as late as age 90.
C Good nutrition and physical activity are only beneficial when they are lifelong habits.
D “Taking it easy” is the best treatment for many chronic diseases.
Question #16
A fish
B beef
C fruit
D vegetables
Question #17
A glaucoma.
B monochromacy.
C macular degeneration.
D cataracts.
Question #18
A instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs).
B secondary activities of active functioning (SAAFs).
C primary activities of active functioning (PAAFs).
D activities of daily living (ADLs).
Question #19
A The longest-lived person, whose age could be documented, was a woman who lived to 112 years.
B Some scientists say that 122 years is the upper bound of human longevity, while others say that it can be extended.
C Scientists agree that it is more important to extend the maximum lifespan than the average healthy life expectancy.
D In the United States, the maximum lifespan for women is 81 years and for men is 76 years.
Question #20
A highly pessimistic personalities.
B brain pathology, atherosclerosis, or immune-deficiency disorders.
C little or no history of community involvement.
D efficiently functioning immune systems.
Question #21
A When researchers estimate average healthy life expectancy, the United States ranks first among industrialized nations.
B In the United States, an African-American child born in 2010 is likely to live 3 to 6 years longer than a Caucasian child.
C Length and quality of life can be predicted by a country’s health care, housing, and social services, along with lifestyle factors.
D The gender gap in life expectancy has widened in industrialized nations since the early 1970s.
Question #22
A Janet has more friends than she did in early adulthood.
B Both Janet and Brendan have become more selective about their friendships.
C Brendan has more friends than he did in early adulthood.
D Brendan’s friends protect him against serious threats and losses.
Question #23
A Sons feel more obligated than daughters to care for their aging parents.
B Nearly one-fourth of American working women are caregivers; others quit their jobs to provide care.
C In all ethnic groups, responsibility for providing care to aging parents falls more on sons than on daughters.
D Employed men spend an average of 10 to 20 hours per week caring for parents or parents-in-law.
Question #24
A The U.S. divorce rate is lowest during midlife.
B Because adults in midlife are psychologically more stable, marital satisfaction is less relevant.
C The divorce rate of U.S. 50- to 65-year-olds has fallen over the past 20 years.
D Midlifers seem to adapt to divorce more easily than younger people.
Question #25
A ruthless, suspicious, stingy, critical, and irritable.
B calm, even-tempered, self-content, unemotional, and hardy.
C negligent, lazy, disorganized, late, aimless, and nonpersistent.
D talkative, passive, sober, passionate, and conservative.
Question #26
A agreeableness.
B openness to experience.
C conscientiousness.
D neuroticism.
Question #27
A imaginative, creative, original, curious, and liberal.
B worrying, temperamental, self-pitying, and vulnerable.
C soft-hearted, trusting, generous, and good-natured.
D affectionate, talkative, active, and passionate.
Question #28
A agreeableness
B extroversion
C openness to experience
D neuroticism
Question #29
A greater confidence in handling life’s problems
B being perceived as wise by younger people
C professional and financial stability
D lowered expectations for family and friends
Question #30
A James, who volunteers at a local children’s theater
B Allison, who is a mentor in her workplace
C Jonathan, who volunteers at a teen crisis center
D Barbara, who spends little time with her grown children
Question #31
A Martin participates in community theater and starred in a local production of Guys and Dolls.
B Martin volunteers at the YMCA as a basketball coach for the youth program.
C Martin works out at the gym three evenings a week and runs every night.
D Martin attends worship services two times per week and participates in a Bible study group.
Question #32
A married women with nonsupportive partners.
B high-SES men and women.
C single men.
D single women.
Question #33
A Inhibition
B The ability to switch between mental operations
C Retrieval from long-term memory
D General factual knowledge
Question #34
A hardiness.
B resilience.
C a Type B behavior pattern.
D a Type A behavior pattern.
Question #35
A Nearly 40 percent of U.S. middle-aged adults are sedentary.
B An important outcome of starting an exercise program is weight loss.
C Overweight adults are more likely than normal-weight adults to stick to group classes.
D Regular exercise equips adults to handle stress more effectively.
Question #36
A emotion-centered
B relaxation-centered
C holistic
D problem-centered
Question #37
A suppressed overt anger
B socially submissive emotional style
C expressed hostility
D passive-aggressiveness
Question #38
A hostility
B ambition
C competitiveness
D productivity
Question #39
A Survival rates are relatively high for pancreatic cancer.
B Annual medical exams do little to reduce cancer death rates.
C Colon cancer is the leading killer of men.
D Prostate cancer is the leading malignancy for men.
Question #40
A have had two or more children.
B do not have a family history.
C do not live past age 75.
D die from the disease.
Question #41
A rates have dropped in women over the past two decades.
B is the leading malignancy for both genders.
C rates have just begun to decrease in men after a long period of increase.
D is the most common cause of cancer deaths in both genders, worldwide.
Question #42
A triples.
B multiplies sixfold.
C multiplies tenfold.
D quadruples.
Question #43
A falls; motor vehicle collisions
B falls; cardiovascular disease
C motor vehicle collisions; cancer
D cancer; cardiovascular disease
Question #44
A Motility of sperm increases
B Testosterone production declines
C Blood flow to the penis increases
D Testosterone production increases
Question #45
A depressed.
B relieved.
C old.
D ashamed.
Question #46
A Mei Wu, who has borne three children
B Yessica, who has borne one child
C Maryann, who has borne five children
D Lisa, who has not borne children
Question #47
A the climacteric.
B senescence.
D menarche.
Question #48
A engage in weight-bearing exercise that includes resistance training.
B engage in endurance training that focuses on raising heart rate.
C gradually add more carbohydrates and fat to their diet.
D gradually increase their caloric intake.
Question #49
A a noticeable hearing loss at high frequencies.
B wrinkling and loosening of the skin.
C a buildup of pressure within the eye.
D an “age spot.”
Question #50
A the vitreous has developed opaque areas, reducing light to the retina.
B his vision is more disputed by bright light sources, such as headlights.
C the size of his pupil has shrunk and the lens has yellowed.
D the lens has lost its capacity to adjust to objects at varying distances entirely.