Navigation » List of Schools » East Los Angeles College » Psychology » Psychology 001 – General Psychology » Spring 2021 » Module 4 Exam
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A negative; positive
B unconditioned; conditioned
C conditioned; unconditioned
D positive; negative
Question #2
A homeostatic rate
B set-point rate
C basal metabolic rate
D cholecystokinin rate
Question #3
A Eat less than 1200 caloried per day.
B Keep a journal of when, where and under what circumstances you are eating.
C Exercise regularly
D Write about the eventual benefits of weight loss.
Question #4
Question #5
Question #6
Question #7
A incentive motivation
B an instinct
C self-actualization
D sensation seeking
Question #8
A Spain
B Italy
C Canada
D United States
Question #9
A Asian/Pacific Islander
B White
C Hispanic
D African American
Question #10
A drive
B humanistic
C incentive
D instinct
Question #11
A bulimia nervosa.
B anorexia nervosa.
C obesity
D binge-eating disorder.
Question #12
A Normal to high body weight
B Binge eating
C Low self-esteem
D Refusal to maintain normal body weight
Question #13
A bitter
B sweet
C sour
D salty
Question #14
A biological factors, social and cultural factors.
B psychological factors.
C social and cultural factors.
D biological factors, psychological factors, social and cultural factors.
Question #15
A homosexual females
B heterosexual males
C heterosexual females
D none of the above.
Question #16
A the need for self-actualization
B physiological needs
C safety needs
D belongingness and love needs
Question #17
A self-actualization
B incentive
C instinct
D homestasis
Question #18
A Obese
B Overweight
C Normal Weight
D Underweight
Question #19
A Leptin
B Glucagon
C Insulin
D Glucose
Question #20
A the direction of a persons sexual and romantic interests toward members of the same sex, of the opposite sex, or both sexes.
B an individual’s biological sex.
C an individual’s level of sexual motivation and attitudes toward sexual behavior.
D the sex that is assigned at birth to people with ambiguous genitals.
Question #21
A forces that act on or within a person to initiate and direct behavior.
B a distinct psychological state that involves subjective experience, physical arousal, and a behavioral expression or response.
C an impulse that activates behavior to reduce a need and restore homeostasis.
D full use and exploitation of talents, capacities, and potentialities.
Question #22
A Tyler, a 10-year-old boy
B Kayla, a 16-year-old girl
C Luis, a 40-year-old man
D Alex, a 22-year-old woman
Question #23
A The last of several born sons.
B The first born daughter.
C The last of several born daughters.
D The first born son.
Question #24
A overweight
B obese
C underweight
D normal weight
Question #25
A Most Americans have learned associations that make insects unappealing.
B Americans have a variety of other foods to choose from.
C Most Americans know that insects are not nutritious.
D Americans think they’re better than everyone else for not eating insects.
Question #26
A consistent delays in achieving orgasm or the inability to achieve orgasm.
B active avoidance of genital sexual contact because of extreme anxiety, fears, or disgust.
C involuntary contractions or spasms of the vaginal muscles, which results in uncomfortable or painful intercourse.
D genital pain before, during, or after intercourse.
Question #27
A higher than Mark’s.
B identical to Mark’s.
C lower than Mark’s.
D more likely to fluctuate than Mark’s.
Question #28
A half the size of that in heterosexual women.
B twice the size of that in heterosexual women.
C twice the size of that in heterosexual men.
D half the size of that in heterosexual men.
Question #29
A 10
B 50
C 100
D 20
Question #30
A can easily be changed by environmental circumstances until the end of adolescence.
B is the result of a conscious decision during early adolescence.
C has a biological basis and is highly resistant to change.
D can be changed in homosexuals but not in heterosexuals
Question #31
A familiar foods
B unfamiliar foods
C Foods that are popular in your culture.
D high fat foods
Question #32
A increased gradually
B increased sharply
C decreased sharply
D stayed the same.
Question #33
A homeostasis
B insitnct theories
C incentive theories
D drive theories
Question #34
A football season
B settling point
C refractory period
D plateau stage
Question #35
A Choecystokinin
B Anorexia Nervosa
C Bulimia Nervosa
D Leptin Resistance
Question #36
A results in decreased appetite and weight loss.
B results in increased appetitie and weight gain.
C results in increased appetitie and weight loss.
D results in decreased appetitie and weight gain.
Question #37
Question #38
A underweight.
B about average
C obese
D slightly overweight
Question #39
A only explain behaviors that have internal incentives as motivators.
B describe behavior but do not explain behavior.
C do not explain behaviors that are not primarily motivated by an external incentive.
D can account for the initiation and persistence of behavior but cannot account for the intensity of behavior.
Question #40
A Women are more likely than men to experience orgasm.
B Men and women are equally likely to experience orgasm.
C Men are most likely to experience no orgasm than women.
D Women may experience multiple orgasms.