Navigation » List of Schools » El Camino College » Political Science » Political Science 1 – Government of the United States and California » Spring 2020 » Midterm Exam
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A pray
B be bused
C take standardized tests
D desegregate
Question #2
A is critical of the government
B creates a clear and present danger
C is a prior restraint
D qualifies as hate speech
Question #3
A prior restraint
B the Roth test
C probable cause
D symbolic speech
Question #4
A right to travel
B right to marry
C right to vote
D right to privacy
Question #5
A double jeopardy
B trials without a jury
C unreasonable search and seizure
D self-incrimination
Question #6
A Fifteenth
B Tenth
C Third
D Eighth
Question #7
A being tried again for the same crime
B asserting innocence
C seeking the assistance of an attorney
D benefiting financially from that crime
Question #8
A commerce
B sexual freedom
C privacy
D family
Question #9
A displays of religious symbols during holidays
B teaching of evolution in school
C displays of religious symbols on government buildings
D recitation of prayer and Bible passages in school
Question #10
A any additional constraints
B a prior restraint
C an undue burden
D an inconvenient truth
Question #11
A a jury trial
B speak to an attorney
C quick and speedy trial
D a phone call
Question #12
A Orange
B Lemon
C Free Exercise
D Prior Restraint
Question #13
A before the fact
B that is critical of the government
C that is illegal
D after the fact
Question #14
A The state could ban it.
B The state could regulate it if the mother’s life were in danger.
C The state could ban the abortion unless the mother’s life was in danger.
D The state could do very little to limit a woman’s right to an abortion.
Question #15
A actual malice
B witnesses
C a written record
D property loss
Question #16
A establishment
B incorporation
C free exercise
D eminent domain
Question #17
A reasonable bail
B assistance of counsel
C the right to parole
D a written indictment
Question #18
A slander; libel
B slander; defamation
C libel; defamation
D libel; slander
Question #19
A Lawrence v. Texas
B Roe v. Wade
C US v. Morrison
D New York Times v. Sullivan
Question #20
A It lowers overall tax rates.
B It increases the gross domestic product.
C It increases citizens’ access to government.
D It lowers voter turnout.
Question #21
A the state governments can nullify laws passed by Congress
B the quality of policies can vary from state to state.
C states can figure out which policies work best for them
D citizens can choose to live in those areas that have the policies they prefer
Question #22
A A constitutional arrangement concentrating power in a central government.
B A loose association of states with mutually recognized compacts but no central government.
C A loose association of states constitutionally created by a strong central government.
D A constitutional arrangement by which two or more levels of government share formal authority over the same area and people.
Question #23
A pineapple-upside-down-cake
B marble-cake
C cupcake
D layer-cake
Question #24
A categorical grants
B business grants
C block grants
D programmatic requests
Question #25
A create courts
B coin money
C establish schools
D operate prisons
Question #26
A due process
B supremacy
C equal protection
D full faith and credit
Question #27
A dual
B cooperative
C combined
D progressive
Question #28
A new federalism
B progressive federalism
C dual federalism
D cooperative federalism
Question #29
A direct democracy
B confederation
C conglomeration
D oligarchy
Question #30
A regulating interstate commerce
B centralizing power in the federal government
C limiting the national government
D challenging the power of the states
Question #31
A Twelfth
B Third
C Sixth
D Eleventh
Question #32
A redevelopment
B devolution
C evolution
D excavation
Question #33
A commerce
B equal protection
C due process
D full faith and credit
Question #34
A Eleventh
B Tenth
C Eighth
D Fourteenth
Question #35
A Federalism
B Confederation
C Independence
D Declaration
Question #36
A Discrimination is a natural part of the human experience.
B Affirmative action discriminates on the basis of race.
C Unaddressed past discrimination causes perpetual inequality.
D Diversity helps Americans better understand each other.
Question #37
A The quality of life for African Americans in the South had deteriorated considerably since the adoption of the separate-but-equal doctrine.
B The separate-but-equal doctrine was never intended to apply to people.
C The Supreme Court did not have all of the facts when it adopted the separate-but-equal doctrine.
D School segregation violated the Fourteenth Amendment’s guarantee of equal protection.
Question #38
A the Supreme Court had determined that only the national government could regulate elections
B because Congress was afraid the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. would lead a boycott of white businesses if the legislation was not passed
C because it was clear that many areas in the South had no intention of living up to the spirit of the Fifteenth Amendment
D to prevent the race riots from spreading from African American neighborhoods into traditionally white neighborhoods
Question #39
A Affirmative action policies are assumed to be unconstitutional unless the university can demonstrate the need to promote racial tolerance.
B All forms of affirmative action are unconstitutional because they unfairly favor some people over others based on the color of their skin.
C Affirmative action policies must ensure that all racial and ethnic groups are represented in accordance with the population of the nation as a whole.
D Affirmative action policies are generally permissible, but they cannot involve race-based quotas or numerical point systems.
Question #40
A It has ensured that men and women are treated equally in the workplace.
B It has ensured that the courts evaluate gender discrimination using the inherently suspect test.
C It has eliminated gender discrimination in the military.
D It has had little effect because it was not formally adopted.
Question #41
A a legal prohibition on hiring women for positions that are known to be hazardous to women’s reproductive health
B an election jurisdiction that does not provide bilingual ballots when there is a large bilingual community
C a college that spends significantly more on sports programs for men than for women
D an employer who systematically pays women less than men for doing comparable work
Question #42
A Those without a college degree are not eligible for upper-level civil service jobs.
B Male and female student athletes cannot compete on the same basketball team at the university level.
C Government contracts must be awarded to a contractor who is a racial minority whenever at least 10 percent of the bidders are minority-owned businesses.
D Businesses cannot discriminate against gays and lesbians in hiring and promotion decisions.
Question #43
A considering how an applicant would contribute to the diversity of the university
B admitting some minority applicants with lower academic achievement than some rejected white applicants
C setting aside a certain percentage of admissions slots for African American students
D considering race as a factor in university admissions decisions
Question #44
A affirmative action policies must be scrutinized using the same suspect standard that is used for other policies classifying people by race
B affirmative action policies must be designed to address past discrimination without taking into account race, ethnicity, religion, or creed
C affirmative action policies are subject to an intermediate standard whereby they are presumed to be permissible
D affirmative action policies maybe broadly tailored to accomplish a compelling government interest
Question #45
A gays and lesbians
B American Indians
C Asian Americans
D disabled Americans
Question #46
A Railroad transportation involves interstate commerce, which is regulated by Congress; there is no provision in federal law that prohibits segregation.
B Former slaves are not entitled to full citizenship rights because they did not immigrate to the United States willingly.
C What was the basis for the Supreme Court’s decision in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) that upheld the constitutionality of a state law requiring segregated railroad facilities?
D The Constitution does not prohibit segregation; it only mandates equal protection under the law.
Question #47
A It was unconstitutional, but it was too late to do anything about it.
B It did not pass the strict scrutiny test, and the internment was promptly terminated.
C It was unconstitutional, and Japanese Americans must be duly compensated.
D It was legally permissible.
Question #48
A racial segregation
B lynchings by the Ku Klux Klan
C racial quotas
D voter discrimination
Question #49
A separate but equal
B eligible to vote
C citizens
D property or chattel
Question #50
A Jim Crow laws
B racial quotas in university admissions
C all forms of affirmative action
D grandfather clauses
Question #51
A nonvoters
B winning candidates
C losing candidates
D voters
Question #52
A Korematsu v. United States
B the 1965 Voting Rights Act
C the Nineteenth Amendment
D Reed v. Reed
Question #53
A involvement in insurrection
B race
C economic status
D property ownership
Question #54
A due process
B equal protection
C jurisdiction
D privileges and immunities
Question #55
A congressional inaction
B natural law
C national referendum
D judicial interpretation
Question #56
A by a majority of voting-age citizens
B by a two-thirds vote in each house of Congress
C by a two-thirds vote in a special election called for the purpose of voting on the amendment
D by a majority of state governors
Question #57
A stronger protections of individual liberties
B shorter terms of office
C stronger state governments
D a stronger national government
Question #58
A the right to revolt
B the divine right of kings
C government itself
D the consent of the governed
Question #59
A The Federalists
B The Anti-Federalists
C Whigs
D Anti-Masons
Question #60
A Democratic Plan
B Virginia Plan
C New Jersey Plan
D Republican Plan
Question #61
A The Constitution contained strong protections for individual rights; the Articles of Confederation contained strong protections for collective rights.
B The Constitution was based on democratic principles; the Articles of Confederation was based on tyrannical principles.
C The Constitution created a stronger national government than did the Articles of Confederation.
D The Constitution contained stronger safeguards for states’ rights than did the Articles of Confederation.
Question #62
A privileges and immunities
B oversight and influence
C weights and measures
D checks and balances
Question #63
A King Caucus
B direct popular election
C electoral college
D People’s Plebiscite
Question #64
A a single chamber whose members were appointed by the president
B a single chamber with each state receiving equal power
C a single chamber with membership based on a state’s population
D two chambers
Question #65
A taxation of private property
B free speech infringement
C unlawful detention
D infringement of religious freedom
Question #66
A John Locke
B Daniel Shays
C Gramm Rudman
D John Boehner
Question #67
A a commercial act
B a form of due process
C a private action
D free speech
Question #68
A legislative
B judicial
C bureaucratic
D executive
Question #69
A 10
B 36
C 27
D 15
Question #70
A the Committees of Correspondence
B the Continental Congress
C the Common Sense Committee
D the Constitutional Convention
Question #71
A the Articles of Confederation
B Declaration of the Rights of Man
C Magna Carta
D the Declaration of Independence
Question #72
A positive rights
B natural rights
C intrinsic laws
D Constitutional law
Question #73
A Political socialization is more important to governments than to individuals.
B The age of the demographic that consumes television news is much higher on average than those that consume alternative sources of news.
C Today’s generation of young adults is significantly more likely to read newspapers than their elders.
D Children who develop positive feelings toward political authorities grow into adults who are not easily disenchanted with politics.
Question #74
A Civil disobedience involves intentionally breaking a law; a protest involves getting attention from the media.
B Civil disobedience involves violence; a protest is peaceful.
C Civil disobedience is involuntary; a protest is voluntary.
D Civil disobedience involves unintentionally breaking a law; a protest involves intentionally breaking a law.
Question #75
A government programs to help individuals invest their Social Security income would likely be higher on the political agenda
B government-run services would likely be privatized
C government programs to alleviate economic inequality would likely be higher on the political agenda
D government workers would likely unionize
Question #76
A parents of children under age 18
B parents
C citizens in the school district
D women with children
Question #77
A gathering signatures for a proposed ballot measure
B staging a sit-in
C running for public office as a third party candidate
D signing a petition in a school parking lot
Question #78
A Prayer belongs in school.
B The United States should stop letting criminals hide behind the law.
C Government should regulate the economy in the public interest.
D Taxes and spending should be kept low.
Question #79
A candidate loyalty and authoritarianism
B political participation and strength of party attachment
C liberalism and political tolerance
D political participation and suspicion of out-groups
Question #80
A Each congressional district must be redrawn to reflect changes in the state’s population.
B The majority party in the House of Representatives is determined by each state’s proportion of party-affiliated voters.
C The Constitution requires that each state’s taxes be proportional to the size of its population.
D The number of seats each state has in the House is based on a state’s population, which changes over time.
Question #81
A Most new immigrants were being reunited with family in the United States.
B The flow of immigrant families with children decreased.
C The flow of low-income immigrant families from Mexico increased.
D Most new immigrants were from northwestern Europe.
Question #82
A overthrowing the government
B affecting public policy change
C informing the public about the candidates
D influencing voting behavior
Question #83
A the capacity of individuals (or groups) to exert their own political will
B all the activities used by citizens to influence the selection of political leaders or the policies they pursue
C all the activities used by citizens to socialize their children to the political process
D a measure of the minimum requirements needed to vote
Question #84
A Young citizens are overrepresented at the polls.
B Liberals are overrepresented at the polls.
C Democrats are overrepresented at the polls.
D Conservatives are overrepresented at the polls.
Question #85
A changes in the U.S. population affect membership in political parties
B information the census collects helps to determine how more than $400 billion in federal funding is spent each year
C participation indicates the legitimacy of government and of laws passed by Congress
D information from the census determines tax rates
Question #86
A Working-class people consume more political news than do wealthier people.
B Older people consume more political news than do younger people.
C West Coast residents consume more political news than do East Coast residents.
D Men consume considerably more political news than do women.
Question #87
A writing letters to the editor
B volunteering with a campaign
C protesting
D contacting government officials
Question #88
A the predominance of conservatives in the United States
B the predominance of liberals in the United States
C the absence of pluralist thinking in the United States
D the absence of moderates in the United States
Question #89
A ordinary citizens
B big business
C political parties
D Congress
Question #90
A Congress is stronger and more influential than the presidency.
B Too many influential groups cripple government’s ability to govern.
C Because most citizens fail to pay attention to serious issues, government has become an elite institution.
D Many groups vie for power with no one group dominating politics.
Question #91
A a congressional statute
B a regulation
C a presidential action
D a budgetary choice
Question #92
A pluralist
B laissez-faire
C populist
D egalitarian
Question #93
A public policy
B government
C politics
D political culture
Question #94
A pluralism
B majority rule
C hyperpluralism
D federalism
Question #95
A pluralism
B policy gridlock
C elitism
D balance of power
Question #96
A enlightened rule
B pluralism
C representation
D majority rule
Question #97
A freedom of speech and of the press
B inclusion
C one person, one vote
D universal citizenship
Question #98
A a system that selects policymakers and organizes government so that policy represents and responds to the public’s preferences
B a system that grants a status of privilege to the most active and informed voters
C a system that perpetuates the status quo and upholds the values of the party in power
D a system that ensures freedom, justice, and peace to all citizens
Question #99
A all of the issues that candidates talk about on the campaign trail
B the issues that attract the serious attention of public officials and other political actors
C the issues that concern single-issue interest groups
D the issues that are asked about on public opinion polls
Question #100
A government
B the courts
C political culture
D Congress