Navigation » List of Schools » Los Angeles Mission College » History » History 011 – US History to 1877 » Spring 2022 » Quiz 12
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A feigned laziness.
B sabotage of plantation equipment.
C running away.
D stealing food and other goods.
E armed insurrection.
Question #2
A frequently supported abolitionism.
B commanded a sizable household staff of mostly female slaves.
C were almost universally loved by their slaves.
D primarily controlled male slaves.
E had little contact with slaves.
Question #3
A it created an aristocratic political elite.
B it repelled a large-scale European immigration.
C it stimulated racism among poor whites.
D its land continued to remain in the hands of the small farmers.
E it relied on a one-crop economy.
Question #4
A politically sympathetic but socially segregationist.
B disliking the individuals but liking the race.
C disliking the race but liking individual blacks.
D advocating black movement into the new territories.
E supporting their right to full citizenship.
Question #5
A their labor did not require literacy or math skills.
B masters believed that reading brought new ideas that might lead to their discontent.
C masters feared their slaves might become smarter than White owners.
D it would take time away from their work in the fields and households of white masters.
E the cost of education was far more than masters would want to spend on slaves.
Question #6
A in the decade before the Civil War.
B as a punishment for running away.
C in the Deep South.
D on small plantations and in the upper South.
E on the large plantations.
Question #7
A John Quincy Adams
B Andrew Jackson
C Nat Tumer
D Henry Clay
Question #8
A the South reaped all the profits from the cotton trade.
B the South produced more than half the entire world’s supply of cotton.
C cotton accounted for half the value of all American exports after 1840.
D quick profits from cotton drew planters to its economic enterprise.
E 75 percent of the British supply of cotton came from the South.
Question #9
A border states of Kentucky, Missouri, and Maryland
B new Southwest states of Texas, Arkansas, and Indian Territory.
C Deep South states of Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana.
D old South states of Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina.
E mountain regions of Tennessee, West Virginia, and Kentucky.
Question #10
A Slaveholders claimed that master-slave relationships resembled a family.
B they claimed that slaves were set free once they reached old age.
C slaveholders said slavery lifted Africans from the barbarism of the jungle and gave them Christian civilization.
D they claimed slavery was supported by the Bible.
E they said that slaves toiled under better working conditions than factory workers and hired hands in the North.