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Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A Kidney, urethra,bladder, ureter
B Kidney, ureter,bladder, urethra
C Urethra, bladder, kidney, ureter
D Bladder, urethra,kidney, ureter
E Kidney, bladder,ureter, urethra
Question #2
A within
B posterior to
C anterior to
Question #3
A Materials move in opposite directions: reabsorption moves materials into the blood, whereas secretion removes them from the blood.
B They both involve movement of material from the tubular fluid into the blood.
C Materials move in opposite directions: secretion moves materials into the blood, whereas reabsorption removes them from the blood.
D They both involve movement of material from the blood into the tubular fluid.
Question #4
A Major calyx, renal pelvis, minor calyx
B Major pelvis, minor calyx, renal pelvis
C Minor calyx, major calyx, renal pelvis
D Renal pelvis, major calyx, minor pelvis
E Major calyx, minor calyx, renal pelvis
Question #5
A have a little less than half of their tubular fluid concentration reabsorbed.
B have concentrations in the filtrate and urine that match their transport maximum.
C are completely secreted.
D have half of their plasma concentration secreted.
E are completely reabsorbed.
Question #6
A lobar arteries.
B peritubular arteries.
C segmental arteries.
D interlobular arteries.
E arcuate arteries.
Question #7
A a, e, b, d, c
B e, d, b, a, c
C a, c, b, e, d
D b, e, c, d, a
Question #8
A All of the urea that reaches the kidney is excreted in the urine.
B None of the urea that reaches the kidney is excreted in the urine.
C About half of the urea that is filtered is excreted in the urine.
Question #9
Question #10
A proximal convoluted tubule, where cells have many flagella.
B proximal convoluted tubule, where cells have many microvilli.
C distal convoluted tubule, where cells have many microvilli.
D distal convoluted tubule, where cells have many flagella.
Question #11
Question #12
Question #13
A Mucosa
B No exceptions; all layers are found in the wall of the urinary bladder
C Muscularis
D Submucosa
E Adventitia
Question #14
A glomerular capillary hydrostatic pressure by signaling for afferent arterioles to constrict and increase filtration rate.
B urine production by signaling for a decrease in urine production through the hormone ADH.
C systemic blood pressure by signaling for a decrease in heart rate through blood-borne hormones.
D NaCl concentration in tubular fluid by signaling for afferent arteriole constriction with local chemical messengers.
Question #15
Question #16
A vasoconstriction of afferent arterioles to keep GFR normal.
B vasoconstriction of efferent arterioles to raise GFR.
C vasodilation of afferent arterioles to keep GFR normal.
D vasodilation of efferent arterioles to lower GFR.
Question #17
A It can contract to produce peristalsis.
B It allows distension.
C It protects against trauma.
D Its cilia help propel the urine.
E It provides cushioning.
Question #18
A type B cells, which secrete HCO3- and reabsorb H+.
B type A cells, which reabsorb HCO3- and secrete H+.
C type A cells, which secrete HCO3- and reabsorb H+.
D type B cells, which reabsorb HCO3- and secrete H+.
Question #19
A Regulation of blood pressure
B Removal of wastes from the blood
C Regulation of erythrocyte production
D Regulation of lymphocyte production
E Regulation of acid-base balance
Question #20
A 12 cm long, 2.5 cmwide, and 8 cm thick.
B 12 cm long, 6.5 cmwide, and 2.5 cm thick.
C 8 cm long, 10.5 cm wide, and 2.5 cm thick.
D 8 cm long, 4 cmwide, and 1.5 cm thick.
E 15 cm long, 10.5 cm wide, and 4.5 cm thick.
Question #21
A Usual site of fertilization
B Muscle contraction for labor and delivery
C Protection and support of developing embryo
D Passageway for sperm
E Site of implantation
Question #22
Question #23
Question #24
A buffers to neutralize the acidity of the female reproductive tract.
B nutrients to sustain the sperm.
C enzymes to allow penetration into the oocyte.
D testosterone.
E mitochondria to provide energy for movement.
Question #25
A The gametes develop from the ovarian germinal epithelium.
B The tunica albuginea is deep to the germinal epithelium.
C Each ovary has anouter cortex and an inner medulla.
D The ovarian artery and vein join the ovary at its hilum.
E The ovaries are located lateral to the uterus.
Question #26
A metaphase II.
B metaphase I.
C prophase II.
D prophase I.
E anaphase II.
Question #27
A segmentation, and the external urethral sphincter becomes engorged with blood.
B peristalsis, and the internal urethral sphincter of the bladder contracts.
C segmentation, and the external urethral sphincter contracts.
D peristalsis, and the internal urethral sphincter of the bladder relaxes.
Question #28
A raphe.
B scrotal cord.
C perineum.
D septum.
E tunica albuginea.
Question #29
A Infundibulum – ampulla – isthmus – uterine part
B Infundibulum – isthmus – ampulla – uterine part
C Ampulla – infundibulum – uterine part – isthmus
D Uterine part – isthmus – ampulla – infundibulum
E Uterine part – infundibulum – ampulla – isthmus
Question #30
Question #31
A Spermatogenesis begins at birth and continues throughout a man’s life.
B Mature spermatozoa are haploid (n=23).
C The process includes two meiotic divisions.
D The process takes place in the walls of the seminiferous tubules.
E The final stage of the process is called spermiogenesis.
Question #32
A becomes thinner.
B becomes thicker.
Question #33
A menstrual
B follicular
C luteal
D ovulation
E proliferative
Question #34
A sympathetic, norepinephrine
B parasympathetic,norepinephrine
C parasympathetic ,nitric oxide
D sympathetic,nitric oxide
E somatic, acetylcholine
Question #35
A Follicular, ovulation, luteal
B Ovulation, follicular, luteal
C Follicular, luteal, ovulation
D Ovulation,luteal, follicular
E Luteal, follicular, ovulation
Question #36
A Basal layer of endometrium
B Myometrium
C Perimetrium
D Functional layer of endometrium
E Epimetrium
Question #37
Question #38
A skeletal muscle.
B mucous membrane.
C smooth muscle.
D loose connective tissue.
E fibrous connective tissue.
Question #39
A fluid retention that disrupts the osmotic balance of the body.
B reduced levels of estrogen and progesterone.
C depletion of oocyte supply.
D increased production of androgens by the adrenal gland.
E atrophy of the thermoregulatory center of the hypothalamus.
Question #40
A 5
B 2
C 3
D 4
E 1
Question #41
A Primordial follicle
B Polar follicle
C Secondary follicle
D Primary follicle
E Mature follicle
Question #42
Question #43
A haploid.
B diploid.
C polyploid.
D monoid.
Question #44
A ductus deferens and the ducts of the prostate gland.
B ampulla and the prostatic urethra.
C ampulla and the distal portions of the bulbourethral glands.
D ampulla and the proximal portion of the seminal vesicle.
E ductus deferens and the ducts of the prostate gland and bulbourethral glands.
Question #45
A Mitosis produces somatic cells that are genetically different fromthe parent cell, where as meiosis produces sex cells that are genetically identical to the parent cell.
B Mitosis produces sex cells that are genetically identical to the parent cell, whereas meiosis produces somatic cells that are genetically different from the parent cell.
C Mitosis produces sex cells that are genetically different from the parent cell, where as meiosis produces somatic cells that are genetically identical to the parent cell.
D Mitosis produces somatic cells that are genetically identical to the parent cell, where as meiosis produces sex cells that are genetically different from the parent cell.
Question #46
A Dartos muscle
B Raphe
C Inguinal muscle
D Cremaster
E Tunica vaginalis
Question #47
A bulbourethralgland.
B prostate gland.
C testis.
D penis.
E scrotum
Question #48
A the size of chromosomes is reduced from double-stranded to single-stranded.
B the daughter cells receive only half as many chromosomes as the parent cell had.
C one daughter cellis substantially reduced in size compared to the parent cell.
D the chemical reactions of oxidation and reduction take place.
Question #49
Question #50