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Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A food into chyle.
B a bolus into chyme.
C proteins into lipids.
D foodstuffs into bile.
E chyle into pepsin.
Question #2
A e, b, d, c, a, f
B b, a, c, d, f, e
C b, d, c, a, f, e
D f, c, d, e, a, b
E e, b, a, c, d, f
Question #3
Question #4
A gastrin; liver to secrete an alkaline solution
B secretin; pancreas to release acidic pancreatic juice
C CCK; stomach to increase gastric secretion
D secretin; stomach to increase motility
E CCK; gallbladder to release bile
Question #5
A complex carbohydrates within the small intestine.
B starch within the stomach.
C amino acids within the stomach.
D peptides within the small intestine.
E disaccharides within the duodenum.
Question #6
A mechanoreceptors.
B osmodetectors.
C bilireceptors.
D omental neurons
E chemoreceptors.
Question #7
A Salivary glands
B Tongue
C Teeth
D Pancreas
E Pharynx
Question #8
A posterior to the parietal peritoneum.
B deep to the visceral peritoneum.
C in the peritoneal cavity.
D between the visceral and parietal layers of the peritoneum.
E between folds of the parietal peritoneum.
Question #9
A oral cavity.
B pharynx.
C esophagus.
D small intestine.
E stomach.
Question #10
A Intraperitoneal ligament
B Falciform ligament
C Hepatic ligament
D Coronary ligament
E Mesentery proper
Question #11
A dentin.
B enamel.
C calcium phosphate.
D cementum.
E pulp.
Question #12
A fossae
B glossus
C choana
D fauces
E conchae
Question #13
A adventitia.
B mucosa.
C muscularis interna.
D submucosa.
E serosa.
Question #14
A “Sweet” taste receptors are slower to respond than others
B Activity of bacteria in the mouth lowers the pH
C Esophageal reflux
D Salivary amylase activity
E Phagocytosis by the pharyngeal tonsils produces by-products that taste sweet
Question #15
A chemically digesting organ.
B alimentary canal organ.
C accessory digestive organ.
D diffuse ingestive structure.
E organ of mastication.
Question #16
A mucus secretion.
B passage of chyme into the duodenum.
C passage of bile and pancreatic juice into the duodenum.
D peristalsis.
E passage of a bolus into the stomach.
Question #17
A papillae.
B rugae.
C glossal spines.
D cilia.
E tonsils.
Question #18
A Hydrochloric acid
B Bile
C Gastrin
D Pancreatic amylase
Question #19
A Parietal peritoneum
B Muscularis mucosa
C Rectal peritoneum
D Omental layer
E Visceral peritoneum
Question #20
A low.
B high.
Question #21
A Intestinal glands
B Simple columnar epithelium
C Lymphatic nodules
D Goblet cells
E Villi
Question #22
A Hepatic duct
B Cystic duct
C Hepatopancreatic duct
D Common bile duct
E Pancreatic duct
Question #23
A basal nuclei of the brainstem activate sympathetic pathways to salivary glands.
B glossopharyngeal nuclei of the pons activate somatic and sympathetic pathways to the salivary glands.
C salivary nuclei of the brainstem activate parasympathetic pathways to salivary glands.
D salivary nuclei of the cerebrum activate sympathetic pathways to salivary glands.
E basal nuclei of the cerebrum activate somatic pathways to salivary glands.
Question #24
A are found throughout the gastrointestinal tract.
B generate movement of materials in the large intestine.
C contain both smooth and skeletal muscle fibers.
D increase surface area in the small intestine.
E are found throughout the gastrointestinal tract, generate movement of materials in the large intestine, increase surface area in the small intestine, and contain both smooth and skeletal muscle fibers.
Question #25
A active enzyme that is released in the small intestine and digests carbohydrates.
B active enzyme that digests proteins within the small intestine.
C inactive precursor to a nonspecific enzyme that is synthesized in the pancreas and released in the small intestine.
D inactive precursor to the enzyme pepsin that digests proteins in the stomach.
Question #26
A Bronchioles
B Esophagus
C Pharynx
D Trachea
E Alveolar ducts
Question #27
A its large surface area and minimal thickness.
B its thinness, high water content, and scarcity of capillaries.
C the high degree of moisture and the large ratio of volume to surface area.
D its hearty thickness and the presence of oxygen transport pumps.
Question #28
A flattens the floor of the thoracic cavity.
B increases the pressure in the thoracic cavity.
C stimulates the phrenic nerve.
D increases the volume of the thoracic cavity.
E expands the rib cage.
Question #29
Question #30
A It has an esophageal depression.
B It has a cardiac notch.
C It has a cardiac impression.
D It is slightly smaller than the right lung.
E It has 2 lobes and 1 fissure.
Question #31
A intrapleural pressure is greater than intrapulmonary pressure.
B intrapleural pressure is greater than atmospheric pressure.
C intrapulmonary pressure is greater than atmospheric pressure.
D atmospheric pressure is greater than intrapulmonary pressure.
Question #32
A Between the larynx and the pharynx
B Between the esophagus and the diaphragm
C Between the trachea and the diaphragm
D Between the esophagus and the trachea
E Superior to the larynx
Question #33
A central; cerebrospinal concentrations of CO2
B peripheral; cerebrospinal fluid concentrations of H+
C peripheral; concentrations of carbon, dust, and pollution in the lungs
D peripheral; blood concentrations of H+ and O2
E central; blood concentrations of H+, but not CO2 and O2
Question #34
Question #35
A flexibility; posterior
B rigidity; posterior
C flexibility; anterior
D rigidity; anterior
Question #36
A decreases elasticity, thereby increasing resistance and decreasing airflow.
B increases elasticity, thereby increasing resistance and decreasing airflow.
C increases elasticity, thereby decreasing resistance and increasing airflow.
D decreases elasticity, thereby decreasing both resistance and airflow.
Question #37
A is an indented area through which the bronchi, pulmonary vessels, lymphatic vessels, and nerves pass.
B is an elevated area through which the trachea, pulmonary vessels, and nerves pass.
C is the point of exit of exhaled air.
D is the point of entrance for inhaled air.
E serves to anchor all pulmonary structures to the mediastinum.
Question #38
A Phrenic nucleus
B Dorsal respiratory group
C Ventral respiratory group
D Pontine respiratory center
Question #39
A calcium and carbon dioxide.
B iron and albumin.
C carbon dioxide and hydrogen ions.
D carbonic acid and bicarbonate ions.
Question #40
A b, d, c, a
B a, c, d, b
C c, a, d, b
D d, c, b, a
E b, a, d, c
Question #41
A The blood circulating in systemic arteries
B The systemic cells
C The alveoli of the lungs
Question #42
A somatic
B enteric
C autonomic
Question #43
A Trachea
B Alveoli
C Bronchi
D Nasal cavity
E Larynx
Question #44
Question #45
A The left lung has two secondary bronchi and the right lung has three secondary bronchi.
B The right lung has two secondary bronchi and the left lung has three secondary bronchi.
C Each lung has two secondary bronchi.
D Each lung has four secondary bronchi.
E Each lung has three secondary bronchi.
Question #46
A Terminal bronchioles
B Respiratory bronchioles
C Alveolar sacs
D Pulmonary alveoli
E Alveolar ducts
Question #47
A directly; directly
B directly; inversely
C inversely; directly
D inversely; inversely
Question #48
A The internal air pressure within the trachea
B The C-shaped cartilaginous rings
C The internal epithelium
D The surrounding muscles
Question #49
A Oxygen diffuses from the alveolus to the blood because the alveolus has a lower partial pressure of oxygen.
B Oxygen diffuses from the blood to the alveolus because the alveolus has a higher partial pressure of oxygen.
C Oxygen diffuses from the alveolus to the blood because the alveolus has a higher partial pressure of oxygen.
D Oxygen diffuses from the blood to the alveolus because the alveolus has a lower partial pressure of oxygen.
Question #50
A intrapleural pressure is exactly equal to atmospheric pressure.
B intrapleural pressure is exactly equal to intrapulmonary pressure.
C intrapleural pressure is less than intrapulmonary pressure.
D intrapulmonary pressure is less than intrapleural pressure.