Navigation » List of Schools » Prince George Community College » Biology » Biology 2060 – Anatomy and Physiology II » Summer 2021 » Lymphatic Immunity Quiz
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A exocytosis.
B hydrostatic pressure.
C osmosis.
D endocytosis.
E diffusion of both water and solutes.
Question #2
A be higher than normal.
B be lower than normal.
Question #3
A It contains a central artery.
B Its cells include T-lymphocytes, B-lymphocytes, and macrophages.
C Its cells are arranged in clusters that are circular in shape.
D It serves as a blood reservoir.
Question #4
A more fluid is filtered than reabsorbed.
B more fluid is absorbed and reabsorbed than is filtered.
C the fluid reabsorbed into the capillary exactly matches the amount filtered by the capillary.
Question #5
A b, d, e, f
B a, b, d, e, f
C a, c, d, e, f
D a, b, d, f
E a, d, f
Question #6
A Whole blood
B Interstitial fluid
C Blood plasma
D Intracellular fluid
Question #7
A Natural killer cells
B Neutrophils
C Macrophages
D Basophils
E Eosinophils
Question #8
A The direction of filtration can be either into or out of the blood, but reabsorption always involves fluids entering the blood.
B Filtration happens at the venule end of a capillary bed and reabsorption happens in feeder arterioles.
C Filtration is driven by concentration gradients, whereas reabsorption depends on hydrostatic pressure.
D Filtration involves bulk flow of fluid out of the blood, whereas reabsorption is bulk flow back into the blood.
Question #9
A cause venous blood flow to go in only one direction.
B are formed of the tunica media.
C are the leading cause of high blood pressure.
D make the use of a skeletal muscle pump unnecessary for venous blood flow.
E are found only in the largest veins.
Question #10
A cells migrate along chemical gradients.
B CAMs on leukocytes adhere to CAMs on endothelial cells of capillaries within injured tissues.
C cells exit the blood by squeezing out between cells in the blood vessel wall.
D chemical messengers are secreted that stimulate the sensation of pain that accompanies inflammation.
Question #11
A the proteins in the blood, and it promotes reabsorption.
B the pressure generated by the heart, and it favors osmosis into the arteriole end of the capillary bed.
C the proteins in the blood, and it promotes filtration.
D the high amount of water in the blood, and it promotes filtration from arterioles.
E the high amount of water in the blood, and it promotes diffusion out of the capillaries.
Question #12
Question #13
A Sternum
B Long bones of digits
C Ribs
D Vertebrae
E Flat bones of the skull
Question #14
A It is impossible to remove the breast without physically damaging the lymph nodes.
B The nerves that supply the axillary lymph nodes are often cut during the breast surgery.
C With the removal of the breast, there is no further need for lymph drainage and filtering in that part of the body.
D The axillary lymph nodes receive lymph from the breast and may contain cancer cells.
E In removing the breast, the blood supply to the nodes is removed and they will inevitably cease to function.
Question #15
A T-lymphocytes.
B neutrophils.
C macrophages.
D monocytes.
E B-lymphocytes.
Question #16
A simple pathway, as its two capillary beds are separated by a portal vein.
B simple pathway, as one artery delivers blood and one vein drains the organ.
C anastomosis, as its two capillary beds are separated by a portal vein.
D anastomosis, as one artery delivers blood and one vein drains the organ.
Question #17
A nonspecific process that occurs in avascular tissue.
B antigen-specific process that occurs in avascular tissue.
C nonspecific process that occurs in vascularized tissue.
D antigen-specific process that occurs in vascularized tissue.
Question #18
A efferent lymphatic vessel.
B lacteal.
C trabeculum.
D cisterna chyli.
E afferent lymphatic vessel.
Question #19
A Its blood is supplied by the splenic artery and drained by the splenic vein.
B It is divided into sections by capsular extensions called trabeculae.
C It has an outer cortex and inner medulla.
D Its white pulp contains T-lymphocytes, B-lymphocytes, and macrophages.
Question #20
A perforin
B serotonin
C complement
D interferon
E histamine
Question #21
A is called the blood pressure.
B is greater in the inferior vena cava than in the common iliac vein.
C increases the further the vessel is from the heart.
D is greater during diastole.
E is called the pulse.
Question #22
A crypts, trabeculae, and Reed-Sternberg cells.
B central arteries and monocytes.
C lymphatic cells, extracellular matrix, and an incomplete connective tissue capsule.
D a hilum that is located intermediate to two lobules.
E afferent vessels, efferent vessels, a cortex, and medulla.
Question #23
A f, g
B b, c, e, f
C a, b, e
D b, c, d, g
E c, d
Question #24
A 2; anterior to the laryngeal prominence (Adam’s apple)
B 4; anterior to the laryngeal prominence (Adam’s apple)
C 2; in the mediastinum
D 4; in the mediastinum
Question #25
A will not affect
B decreases
C increases