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Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A fills the cusps of the semilunar valves, causing them to expand and block the backflow of blood
B pushes against the atrioventricular valves and opens them.
C pushes against the semilunar valves and opens them.
D fills the cusps of the atrioventricular valve causing opening of the bicuspid and closure of the tricuspid.
E pushes against the semilunar valves and closes them.
Question #2
A decrease the blood pressure in the arteries.
B increase the carbon dioxide carrying capacity of the blood.
C increase the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood.
D decrease the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood.
E increase the viscosity of the blood.
Question #3
A guide the aorta out of the heart.
B take blood from the coronary circulation to the right atrium.
C connect the top and bottom halves of the heart.
D shunt blood from the right atrium to the left atrium.
E guide the inferior vena cava into the right atrium.
Question #4
A fast voltage-gated sodium channels and slow voltage-gated calcium channels.
B slow voltage-gated sodium channels and slow voltage-gated calcium channels.
C slow voltage-gated sodium channels and fast voltage-gated calcium channels.
D fast voltage-gated sodium channels and fast voltage-gated calcium channels.
Question #5
A Aortic semilunar valve
B Left atrioventricular valve
C None of the choices is correct.
D Pulmonary semilunar valve
E Right atrioventricular valve
Question #6
A increase.
B decrease.
Question #7
A all filaments contract and relax with a high degree of synchrony.
B action potentials always occur at exactly the same frequency.
C action potentials are initiated by the autonomic nervous system.
D action potentials fire spontaneously.
E action potentials are stimulated by internal stores of acetylcholine.
Question #8
A calcium
B heme
C globin
D iron
Question #9
A age.
B All of the choices are correct.
C sex.
D altitude.
Question #10
A decreases, and there is fluid retention in the interstitial space.
B increases, and so blood volume is abnormally high.
C increases, and there is fluid retention in the interstitial space.
D decreases, and so blood volume is abnormally high.
Question #11
A Cardiac muscle cell
B Skeletal muscle cell
Question #12
A d
B c
C b
D a
E e
Question #13
A a, d, e
B a, b, c, e
C a, b, d
D a, e, f
E a, b, c
Question #14
A there were no agglutinins (antibodies) in the recipient blood.
B the recipient had type AB blood.
C the donor had type O blood.
D the wrong blood type was used.
Question #15
A Protection
B Prevention
C Regulation
D Transportation
Question #16
A spleen and lung.
B lung.
C liver.
D spleen.
E liver and spleen.
Question #17
A can form a rouleau when moving through a capillary.
B lack a nucleus and organelles.
C are not red.
D are actually dead.
E have lots of inclusion molecules.
Question #18
A indirectly, indirectly
B directly, indirectly
C indirectly, directly
D directly, directly
Question #19
A Neutrophils
B Lymphocytes and monocytes
C Basophils and eosinophils
D Neutrophils, basophils, eosinophils, and monocytes
E Lymphocytes
Question #20
A Presence of papillary muscles in the ventricles
B Absence of oxygenated blood in the atria
C Negative pressure inside the ventricles
D Arrangement of cardiac muscle in the heart wall
E Presence of skeletal muscle tissue in the heart skeleton
Question #21
Question #22
A platelet repellant.
B platelet attractant.
Question #23
A hemostasis, 9
B hematopoiesis, 120
C hematopoiesis, 9
D hemostasis, 120
Question #24
A myeloid stem cells.
B promegakaryocytes.
C late erythroblasts.
D reticulocytes.
E platelets.
Question #25
A direct the conduction impulse through the heart muscle.
B permit the passage of blood in one direction.
C separate the right and left sides of the heart.
D stabilize and hold the arteries leaving the heart.
E are only used in the fetal heart.
Question #26
A monocyte.
B basophil.
C neutrophil.
D eosinophil.
E lymphocyte.
Question #27
Question #28
A decrease.
B increase.
C not change.
Question #29
A calcium comes in through fast voltage-gated channels.
B calcium moves out through slow voltage-gated channels.
C sodium moves out through slow voltage-gated channels.
D potassium comes in through fast voltage-gated channels.
E potassium moves out through fast voltage-gated channels.
Question #30
A leukocytosis.
B leukopenia.
C erythroblastosis.
D agglutination.
E hemopoiesis.
Question #31
A Monocyte
B Basophil
C Eosinophil
D Lymphocyte
E Neutrophil
Question #32
A acidic, proteins
B acidic, glucose
C basic, glucose
D acidic, glycogen
E basic, proteins
Question #33
A c, b, a, d, e, f
B c, a, b, e, d, f
C a, b, c, e, d, f
D c, a, e, b, d, f
E c, a, b, e, d, f
F a, c, d, b, e, f
Question #34
A None of the choices is correct.
B Highly variable, depending on the heart beat rate
C 1
D 4
E 2
Question #35
A a highly variable number of
B three
C six
D two
E no
Question #36
A by a single ventricle in one minute.
B by the left ventricle into the aorta in one beat.
C by both ventricles in one minute.
D by a single ventricle in one hour.
E by both ventricles in one hour.
Question #37
A All of the choices are correct.
B lubricate membranes of the pericardium.
C slow the heart rate.
D eliminate blood pressure spikes.
E equalize the pressure in the great vessels.
Question #38
A dark blue
B light blue
C dark red
D bright red
Question #39
A tricuspid valve.
B pectinate muscles.
C tendinous cords.
D conus arteriosus.
E trabeculae carneae.
Question #40
A d, b, a, c, f, g, e
B c, d, a, f, b, g, e
C f, g, d, c, b, a, e
D b, a, d, c, f, g, e
E c, d, a, b, f, g, e
Question #41
A prostacyclin with the assistance of activated factor V.
B proconvertin with the assistance of factor IX.
C collagen with the assistance of von Willebrand factor.
D prostacyclin with the assistance of thromboxane A2.
E collagen with the assistance of prothrombin.
Question #42
A fibrinogens.
B endocrine hormones.
C prothrombins.
D albumins.
E globulins.
Question #43
A Superior vena cava
B Pulmonary trunk
C Inferior vena cava
D Pulmonary veins
E Pulmonary arteries
Question #44
A increasing of the heart rate above its inherent rhythm by parasympathetic stimulation.
B increasing of the heart rate above its inherent rhythm by sympathetic stimulation.
C decreasing of the heart rate below its inherent rhythm by parasympathetic stimulation.
D decreasing of the heart rate below its inherent rhythm by sympathetic stimulation.
Question #45
A largest, prominent nuclei
B smallest, prominent nuclei
C largest, no nucleus
D smallest, no nucleus
Question #46
A Potassium is entering atrial cells and sodium is leaving ventricular cells.
B Sodium is rapidly diffusing out of atrial muscle cells.
C Sodium channels are beginning to open in ventricular cells and calcium is entering through slow channels in atrial cells.
D Calcium is entering and potassium is leaving ventricular cells.
Question #47
A Systemic circuit
B Coronary circuit
C Pulmonary circuit
D Visceral circuit
Question #48
A pressure changes of alternating contraction and relaxation during the cardiac cycle.
B contraction of the smooth muscle in the walls of the great vessels leaving the heart.
C action potentials within the cusps of the valves.
D contraction and relaxation of papillary muscles that pull on heart strings.
Question #49
A myocardium.
B external layer of the fibrous pericardium.
C visceral layer of the serosal pericardium.
D mediastinum.
E parietal layer of the serosal pericardium.
Question #50
A b, d, e
B a, c, e
C a, c, d
D b, c, e
E a, b, e
Question #51
A a, c, d
B b, d
C e
D a, d
E a, b, c, d
Question #52
A iron ions, antibodies
B lipids, heavy metals
C oxygen, clotting proteins
D antibodies, lipids
E clotting factors, hormones
Question #53
A 35
B 55
C 75
D 45
E 25
Question #54
A a, b, c, e, f
B c, d, g
C c, e, g
D a, c, d, f
E a, b, c, g
Question #55
A common
B intrinsic
C extrinsic
Question #56
A depolarized as potassium exits and calcium enters.
B hyperpolarized as potassium enters and calcium exits.
C hyperpolarized as sodium and calcium exit.
D repolarized as sodium enters and calcium exits.
E depolarized as potassium enters and calcium exits.
Question #57
A Ventricular ejection
B Isovolumetric contraction
C Late ventricular diastole
D Atrial contraction and ventricular filling
E Isovolumetric relaxation
Question #58
A positive chronotropic agent.
B positive inotropic agent.
C negative chronotropic agent.
D negative inotropic agent.
Question #59
A anaerobic metabolism using myoglobin, creatin kinase, and ketone bodies.
B anaerobic metabolism using glycolytic enzymes to quickly generate ATP.
C aerobic metabolism using many mitochondria and a rich supply of myoglobin.
D aerobic metabolism using glycolysis of glycogen to meet most ATP demands.
Question #60
A Relaxation of the left atrium
B Contraction of the right ventricle
C Relaxation of the right ventricle
D Contraction of the right atrium
E Contraction of the left atrium